
Taking the bolt cutters from Letty, cutting the padlock that kept the door handle in the locked position and helped prevent theft of merchandise.

Handing the bolt cutters back to Letty, who walked back to her civic and put them in the back seat, as Dom took the useless lock off the door and was about to throw it into the desert but I stopped him by grabbing his forearm.

"You're not wearing gloves Dom, and if this truck does turn out to be something…I'd rather your prints not be sitting out here for an agency to find." I told Dom seriously who looked at me consideringly before nodding.

"Your right, good looking out Keller, Letty put this in the trunk please." Dom replied to me before extending his hand to Letty who grabbed the lock with a shop rag and wiped it down, while shooting both of us with a look that said I'm smarter than both of you combined.

I didn't bother justifying her look with an answer as I used my gloved hands to open one side of the trailer's rear doors and climbed in seeing, Panasonic, Pioneer and a few other popular brands of the late 90's and early two thousands along with some Nintendo Gameboys.

Walking through the trailer counting my steps while hearing Dom mutter something along the lines of "looks like the manifest was right"…but then I spotted the problem as I hit the back wall of the trailer at 38' feet when this is a 53' trailer.

"Hey Dom, how long is this trailer?" I hollered to Dom who was about to jump outside of it.

"Fifty three feet!" Dom hollered back to me.

"Why what's up?" Dom asked as he walked through the narrow walkway between pallets like I did.

"There's a false wall, only thirty eight feet of this trailer has retail merchandise." I told Dom as he stopped a couple feet behind me.

"You counted your footsteps?" I heard Letty ask me in surprise as she quickly approached us.

"Yeah." I shot back as I started knocking on the wall with a closed fist while running my other hand over it trying to find a seam.

Just as I was about to give up on subtlety, I by chance applied the pressure in the right spot making the door swing open, revealing a cache of weapons and ammunition crates/cans, looking around I also saw a couple of stainless steel cases.

"Dom, you're not going to believe this, but there were a total of three trackers on the right Rig itself, one in the dash, another in the engine bay and one underneath the seat!" Leon hollered from the entrance of the trailer.

"Shit! I knew something wasn't right about this!" I muttered to myself while turning to look at Dom who was looking at everything with his mouth slightly agape.

"Will you guys want to take this stuff off our hands?" Dom asked me and I nodded to him before he developed a smirk on his face at this haul.

"Dom, where was this truck heading?" I asked Dom but it was Letty that replied.

"Mexico city." Letty said as her eyes were as big as saucers.

"Shit, this truck is probably meant for a cartel." I muttered to myself while taking my club burner out of my pocket and hitting the speed dial for Clay.

"Hey kid, want to come back already?" Clay asked me with a smirk in his voice.

"I need you to call the L.A. charter and get me a large panel hauler asap, Letty what's our location right now?"

"We're on route 307 south, near mile marker 279." Letty told me immediately.

"There's a junkyard that a cousin of mine owns about twenty minutes from here. There's nothing near him but some brush woods." Letty informed me and I sent her a thankful look.

"I know it, I'll send Leroy and Jenkins to you now they'll meet you near the junkyard." Clay replied to me and I nodded.

"Thanks Clay, you're gonna want to come up here to see this is shit." I told him while closing the flip phone and hanging up the call.

"They had the truck low jacked. Will the trailer and this stuff be low jacked too?" Letty asked me while I noticed Dom was a bit lost with a greedy expression on his face making me mentally shake my head.

"I wouldn't think so, the cartels would take over protection of the haul once it passed over the border." I replied to Letty put started undoing the cargo restraints and taking down heavy cases opening them up finding over four dozen M4A1's which are the automatic and semi automatic variant of the rifle, along with RPG's a few SAWs a couple cases of Glock 17's the M4's even had the under barrel grenade launchers.

"No trackers on the weapons or ammo, those briefcases worry me though." As I pointed to the shelving unit that has the stainless steel briefcases stored on it.

"Here I'll take them to a place I can work on cracking them open." Letty informed me while holding out her hands I looked at her seriously for a second before nodding.

"Dom, you know where we're going?" I asked Dom as Letty took the two briefcases to her Civic and took off.

"Yeah brother, it's where we ditch our hot cars." Dom replied to me and I nodded before following him out of the trailer.

"Leon, Jessie!" I called their names as they held the tracking devices in their hands.

"What's up homie?" Leon asked me.

"I need you guys to serve as a distraction, wire those GPS's into one of your cars and keep driving it south while the other follows when you're a few hours away torch the trackers and ditch the cars somewhere safe!" I took over and commanded the two members of Dom's crew.

Jessie nodded rapidly and tried stuttering something out while Leon gently grabbed his shoulder and maneuvered him to the civic he got out of earlier.

Soon the two took off down the highway in separate Civics. I looked at Dom who was looking at me seriously, with his arms crossed over his chest before cracking a smile at me and pulling me into a hug.

"Damn, it's good to have you around brother." Dom said to me as I patted his back a bit awkwardly.

"It's good to be around, now let's get out of here before that guy wakes up and radios in." I replied to Dom making him release me from the hug as he went to get in his civic and I closed up the trailer, walking around to climb back up into the cab hearing some chatter on the cb making me rip the wires out of the unit and start the truck again turning around and following Dom onto the highway and off an exit ramp.

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