
"Let's take the Subaru…it's been armored." I told Jessie who nodded as I joined him in the vw and he started driving to the Toretto garage, the place had gone under a little remodel and was much nicer looking than before, there were also a small batch of tuners for sale in the parking lot all Toretto customs.

Getting into the Subaru waving to Dom, Vince and Leon who were in the shop working on a Toyota Celica, while Leon and Vince were working on the car…Dom was flirting with the owner, who's a blonde woman probably in her mid twenties early thirties, with short cropped hair and a sexy ass.

Something about the woman triggered my instincts that were honed from my predecessor's time in prison.

Lowering my hand between the seat and the door, summoning one of the two custom integrally silenced pistols, that I got from the Sign in System, that looked similar to the Maxim 9 but fired .45 ACP and made every round fired sound like a silenced pistol from the movies which sounded like a medium quiet sneeze.

Both pistols have a nice mag well and an extended magazine, while it also took standard Glock magazines and therefore third party manufacturers that make magazines that fit with Glocks.

"Th-thanks for helping me man…I know we haven't really hung out much, that's kinda my fault, I-I'm not so good with people ya know? It's why I do so good in the garage, ya know something about cars and engines just calms me down man, it makes it easier to think." Jessie stuttered a bit but managed to say more to me in these past fifteen minutes than he had over the past three-four months.

"No problem man…let's go get your money back." I told him while offering him a fist bump, which he nervously returned.

Pulling up on a block so black, I was starting to rethink helping Jessie out with his problem.

"Stay in the car Jessie, keep it running…and tell me the name of the girl that ripped you off." I told Jessie while storing my gun away.

"Shikisha, she keeps her hair dyed blonde and she's light skinned black." Jessie told me and I had to suppress an eye roll at the name Shikisha.

"Alright man, if things pop off and get violent I want you to get out of here and not look back." I told Jessie and saw that he was about to protest but I was already shutting the car door and walking up to the mustard yellow house that had a dozen Niners deep sitting on the porch.

"What's up white boy? Lookin to score?" One of the guys who was a bit better dressed in the fact that he was nearly dressed stood up from a chair and moved towards the steps.

"I'm looking for Shikisha, light skinned dyes her hair blonde…she took something that doesn't belong to her." I told him and he nodded while some of his guys reached for the guns they had laying around the porch or tucked into their waistlines.

One of the guys looked familiar and quickly moved to whisper something to the guy who seems to be in charge.

"A son here?" I heard his whispered reply back.

"Look man we didn't know that they was a part of the Son's, we don't want any bad blood or to fuck up Leroy's business…KISHA GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE AND BRING WHAT YOU TOOK FROM THAT CRACKER ! ! !" The man hollered after starting to sweat during his apology.

"As long as what was taken from us is returned in full and the thief is punished everything is aces…you can handle the punishment process since you seem to be familiar with this Kisha woman." I replied back to him and he nodded while getting a relieved look in his eyes.

"Yeah he knows me, I'm his sister." Said a moderately attractive woman that walked out of the front door in a string bikini and a purse filled up with rolls of cash.

"Here, take it." She snarled at me and threw the purse at me, before rounding on her brother, "Fucking Pussy…Leroy should have put me in charge." She spat at her brother, spitting in his face while throwing the purse at me.

I caught the purse out of the air easily, and then watched with slight amusement as her brother pimp slapped and knocked her on her ass and then started kicking her on the ground.

"You're nothing but a worthless whore!" Kisha, the man kept hurling derogatory insults at her while beating on her while she was on the ground, but the quick feeling of amusement quickly went away almost as soon as it came.

"Enough!" I found myself commanding while I reached behind my back and pulled out one of my pistols.

"You drawing a gat on us white boy after we were so accommodating?" One of the crew said as another shook their leader out of his beating his sister.

"Girl, can you walk?" I asked while shooting her a glance. I saw her nod but then she was unable to stand up.

"Yo, you said I could handle her punishment!" The leader said and I nodded before looking at her on the ground, blood leaking from the corner of her mouth and from her nose.

"If I wanted her dead or beaten to death I would have done it myself…I'll be taking her with me." I told them as I heard sirens coming from down the block.

"Fine, you want the worthless bitch take her!" He said as he waived to his small crew and made them file into his house.

I put my gun in my waistband, and walked up onto the porch and picked Kisha up making the woman whimper in pain but cling to me tightly.

"Don't ever show your face around here again white boy Son or not you won't walk away from us again." The brother shouted from the window and I just shook my head as I walked to the Subaru.

'At a moment like this I really wish the Sign in System gave me telekinesis so I could open the door with it.' I thought to myself as I had to finagle the purse, the woman and my hand to grab the door handle to open the door.

"T-thank y-you." Kisha whispered to me shyly as she clutched my shirt tightly in her hand.

'The fuck you thanking me for? I'm part of the reason why your brother was beating you.' I thought to myself as I was about to lay her down in the backseat of the Subaru.

But then I thought better of it and sat in the back with her keeping her head elevated using my thigh.

"Hey Clay, I had an unpleasant run in with some Niners…just wanted to give you some heads up in case there's a blow back…also I have a business proposition to bring to the table, I'll be coming home by the end of the week." I left a voicemail for Clay on his burner phone and was about to put mine back in my pocket when I called Mia.

"Hey hun, is something wrong?" Mia's reassuring and loving voice filled my ear.

"Haa, I stuck my nose where it doesn't belong and have a battered woman in desperate need of medical care…" I replied to Mia who let out a relieved sigh.

"Bring her here and I'll help smooth over the admittance process with Aunt Shelly." Mia replied to me while letting out a playful sigh.

"Thanks babe…I love you." I replied to Mia.

"I love you too, even if you are a pain in my ass." Mia replied playfully back to me.

"If you want something in your ass…that could be arranged." I joked and made Jessie, Kisha and Mia all groan at my joke.

"Whatever, hehe, see you when you get here." Mia replied to me, her voice filled with soft giggles.

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