
Texting Mia letting her know we were pulling up outside, smiling when I saw her wheel out a wheelchair underneath the drop off pick up entrance.

Opening the door as Jessie parked the car in front of her, gently pulling the woman with me and setting her down into the wheelchair.

While planting a kiss on Mia's cheek as she scowled at the woman whose head had been resting on my lap.

'How come she's giving her that look?' I wondered to myself while realizing sleeping on the couch using my thigh as a head rest was one of the things Mia enjoyed a lot.

"Thank you for helping Jessie. Now I gotta get her checked in, see you at home." Mia said to me before spinning the wheelchair around and heading inside.

"So Mia's the one who told you to come to me for help?" I asked Jessie who nodded his head up and down rapidly while rubbing this beanie into his skull.

"Uh-huh yeah…Mia thought we should hang out and you would be the best person to ask for help." Jessie replied a bit nervously making me pay his shoulder reassuringly.

"It's all good Jessie…I hope we can hang out more and become friends" I replied to Jessie as it was obvious Mia wanted me to open up more to this little crew/family.

"Alright let's head back to the house I need to go check someplace out and head to Charming for a meeting." I told Jessie who nodded and got back into the driver's seat while I got into the front passenger seat and set the purse with the money in it in the cup holders.

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Jessie stopped at the end of the driveway and I got out while he took off to return the Subaru to the garage while I went and got into my truck.

Driving to the warehouse listening to You shoulda knew we were coming by Dax, driving around it a few times seeing security cameras at all the entrances which were a total of three, one large bay door, and two normal sized entrances.

Parking my truck in front of one of the doors, grabbing the key, Letty had set inside one of my truck's cupholders, while I was away helping Jessie.

Entering the warehouse, finding shelving units and an area large enough to fit a big rig accompanied with a 53" foot trailer.

Walking over to a batch of shelving units in the back while selecting the crates I have of the versatile Heckler & Koch XM-8 rifle, and all of its variants, which totaled 2,000 usable arms a shit ton of accessories and then the standard ammo cartridges on another shelving unit.

Taking out my own MX-8 rifle kit which included one of each variant along with a metal work table where I laid the guns out and made it look nice.

"Well…everything looks pretty set here." I muttered to myself as I walked around and made sure all of the doors were locked while going into the security office located up on some scaffolding, finding that the cameras actually worked, and put in a new VHS tape for them to record onto.

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'Time to head home and bring this proposal to the club…but now that I'm a nomad I could technically get away without bringing it to the club.' I thought to myself as I closed and locked the door behind me and started driving to Charming.

Pulling up into the club/garage's parking lot noticing everyone looking rather down and sad as they went about their day.

Chibs walked over to see me as I parked my truck.

"Hey Lad…Opie got arrested last night for bombing a truck depo after that git took off on him." Chibs informed me and I nodded while feeling my shoulders slump slightly.

'Don't worry Opie…I'll take good care of Donna while you're away.' I thought to myself.

Chibs walked over to see me as I parked my truck.

"Hey Lad…Opie got arrested last night for bombing a truck depo after that git took off on him." Chibs informed me and I nodded while feeling my shoulders slump slightly.

'Don't worry Opie…I'll take good care of Donna while you're away.' I thought to myself.

"Damn! How is Donna taking it? And is everyone here? I've got a business proposition to bring to the table." I expressed as I banged my fist on the steering wheel putting just enough emotion behind to make Chibs think I sympathized with Opie and the club before bringing up why I was here.

"Aye, everyone's here I'll round them up for you." Chibs replied to me, patting the window cill of my truck before walking off to gather up all the guys while I made my way into the clubhouse and to the redwood table.

'Right…I'm not supposed to sit in here anymore, fuck it I don't really care.' I thought to myself as Clay and Jax walked in followed by the other sanse Opie and that blonde asshole who's name I can't remember.

"So what's up? Kid." Clay asked me as he sat down at the table.

"So y'all know I've shacked up with Mia Torreto, well…we got engaged yesterday, and this morning her adopted sister brought a proposal to me from the Mayans, they want to buy guns through me…now I have my own pipeline at the moment, and I'm pretty much a free agent, but I wanted to clear this with the club first before acting on it." I replied to Clay while looking around at the members of the club getting a nod from Happy.

"If the Niners found out it could make things tense but like you said you're a nomad now, so we have some wiggle room to negotiate with the Niners." Bobby interjected while Clay looked me over, before nodding.

"As long as the Club gets ten percent and the Mayans stay away from Charming and don't take aggressive actions towards SAMCRO, I'm fine with selling them guns." Clay said to me and the others before calling for a vote.

It passed and then I got a room of hugs and congratulations for getting engaged.

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