
"I wasn't jealous…just pissed, I thought I traded up from Dom but you're just as much of a hoe." Letty replied to me even as she tried to fuse us together with how tightly she was clinging to me.

"Yes, I'm a hoe…but an honest hoe, I won't try to hide it or lie about it like Dom does." I replied back to Letty while pushing my face into the crook of her neck smelling something spicy mixed in with the smell of high performance petroleum grease, along with high octane fuel.

"Hmm, been getting ready for the races and eating spicy tacos…I see." I joked while giving Letty's neck a little lick that made the spicy Latina shiver.

'Haa, I love how her neck is one of her greatest weaknesses.' I thought to myself while planting a chaste kiss against her neck.

"So when does your cousin want to buy those guns?" I finally asked Letty while continuing to knead her ass cheeks, as she rested her cheek against my shoulder.

"Haa, soon-haa." Letty let out a breathy "soon" accompanied by a needy sigh.

"You know I'm starting to feel a little jealous." Mia complained in a mock whiny voice.

"Don't be, I love you both to an immeasurable degree." I replied to Mia with a bit of an exasperated tease in my voice as Letty loosened up her hold on me enough to slide slowly down my front in a very un-sensual way.

"Jeez sis, that was so not sexy." Mia teased Letty making the Latina charge over and start tickling Mia's side getting engine grease on Mia's top making her cry out in mock anguish.

"Okay you two children knock it off!" I stated firmly in my best rendition of an irritated father figure, which made both Letty and Mia jerk their heads to look at me standing there with my arms crossed over my chest.

I noticed Mia gulp, and Letty fluttered her eyelashes quickly.

"That…was super hot…all of our daughters friends are gonna want to fuck her daddy once they hit puberty." Mia whispered in a husky voice while Letty nodded.

"He certainly makes a hot Papi…" Letty agreed while trailing off.

"Guess you both have some hidden fetishes for daddy/daughter play." I snickered playfully while rolling my eyes feeling a little exasperated at their reactions.

"Only for you." Mia replied to me with a saucy wink and an assurance in her voice.

"And it should have been obvious where Letty is concerned. She's only a couple years older than me but ran after Dom like a bitch in heat and he's eight years older than us…" Mia switched over to an airheaded tone as she tried to roast and throw Letty under the bus.

"Hey sis, Keller is older than you too." Letty replied with a bit of spicy sass in her voice that surprised me.

(Cough cough)

"That doesn't count…" Mia replied while playfully sticking her nose up in the air.

Rolling my eyes at their sisterly antics.

"Well, this has been fun but I think…I should get going. I want to check on the business and check the for sale ads for an old Chevelle or mustang." I told both Mia and Letty quickly approaching Mia sitting back on my haunches to miss her inflated belly and rest my ear against it hearing the sound of my daughter's heart beat, before standing up giving her a long passionate tongue wrestling kiss and repeating the same with Letty who seemed a little nervous and shy all of a sudden.

"Will you be home tonight? I really want some cuddles." Mia shouted to me as I was getting into my truck.

"Sure thing babe." I hollered back as I started my truck and put on my seat belt squealing the tires a bit as I backed out of the drive.

'Probably shouldn't have lied to her…them about what I was doing." I thought to myself as I pulled up to an overhanging cliff that gave me a perfect view of the mansion my father was staying in with the Nazi scum.

Pulling out a special surveillance tool I got from the system that could see through walls at this range, I started counting how many hostiles were inside, along with movement patterns, pieces of the security system were highlighted in shades of purple.

'So far everything matches up with what that being gave me.' I thought to myself as I continued to observe when suddenly an armored Mercedes SUV pulled into the driveway and I saw my father exit it, which caused a white hot rage to burn through me and before I knew it, I was looking down the scope of a railgun sniper rifle.

Taking in a breath holding it, adjusting the rifle so my shot would land, resting the pad of my index finger against the trigger hearing a whir of electricity signifying that the railgun was ready to fire, when suddenly he reached back into the suv and pulled out an infant car seat.

The baby inside of it wore a little pink hat and was wrapped in a pink blanket.

"FUCK!!!" I snarled as I removed my finger from the trigger and heard the electric motors slowly winding down, before inhaling a deep breath of fresh air.

'Fuck fuck fuck, the information failed to mention a little sister.' I cussed in my head while continuing to look through the scope, the urge to turn the old man into a Jackson Pollock painting nearly overwhelming my desire not to put a baby in danger.

Getting into my truck driving around till I found a dive bar, parking out front and walking in seeing some el diablos cut wearing mofos as I sat down at the bar.

"What do you want, gringo?" Asked the sexy Latina girl behind the bar.

""Jameson's and a mug of beer." I told her she nodded and poured my drinks, and slammed them down in front of me while I took the tall shot of Jameson's and poured it into my beer.

Chugging my drink down hearing and smelling a group of Mexicans approaching me from behind.

"You're not welcome here Gringo!" Said one of the men as he grabbed hold of my shoulder.

And I snapped spinning on the bar stool punching him in the gut as I started expressing the anger I felt at having my chance to snipe that bastard ruined because of a kid.

When suddenly I felt a pain in-between my knuckles like something cutting through flesh while feeling the sensation of a blade being stabbed into my side.

Looking at my hand that was firmly pressed into the one guy's stomach blood staining his baby blue shirt and running down my hand.

Pulling my hand back seeing claws attached to my hand at my knuckles. 'What the fuck!?!' I thought to myself seeing the dull metallic sheen of the claws.