
Ducking out of the way of a labatts blue bottle that was fly towards my head feeling the knife blade ripping out of my side as I spun off of the stool, kicked the guy holding the remains of the broken beer bottle in his stomach.

Before stabbing the guy who held the bloody knife that had previously been in my side through his throat, hitting his Adam's apple mid bob cutting off his scream of terror.

The one guy I'd stabbed in the gut earlier was laying on the ground panickingly praying to god in a quiet voice.

"You'll die for this monster!" The guy I'd kicked away from me shouted in Spanish, which was accompanied by the rapport of an Uzi.

(Bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt, the sounds of shattering glass and the pained whimper of the female bartender were mixed in with the sound of the gat firing again and again.)

I slowly walked towards the wetback only a fraction of his shots actually hitting, and he of course seemed to have an endless amount of mags available to him.

Just as he finished putting locking in a fresh mag I was on top of him ripping the submachine gun from his hands before he could pull the slide back.

"Aghhh!" He screamed in shock and fear, the smell of his fear combined with the terror, pain and blood lingering in the bar was intoxicating.

Pulling back the slide grabbing the wetback by the back of his neck holding him in place while pressing the hot barrel of the Uzi to the underside of his chin.

"See you in hell." I growled softly while pulling the trigger, the result of this was a shower of brain matter, blood, bone and bullets.

Continuing to fire until the magazine ran out before dropping the near headless corpse of the Mexican banger that was squirting blood out of the remains of his head like a water sprinkler.

The pained whimpering of the bartender drawing me behind the bar, the Uzi slipping from my hand as I made my trek to her.

Kneeling down in front of the girl who couldn't be more than twenty seeing her white top stained with blood around her midriff, her complexion pale, sweaty, tepid as I rested my hand against her forehead.

"You're a monster, you killed them…Hector will kill you." The girl told me while blood leaked from the corners of her lips.

"He can't…I'm unkillable…by human means…" I replied to her as I lifted her up into a hug resting her back against my inner thigh so she wouldn't die alone.

"Sorry…about getting you killed." I muttered as fire burned in the latina's eyes before she spit a lob of blood and saliva into my face.

I almost put her back down onto the floor but the fire quickly turned to fear and the hand that I had threaded with her fingers weakly held mine.

"It hurts." She told me her voice sounded hollow to my ears. I could smell from the wound that she wouldn't make it…her stomach had ruptured.

"Want me to make it stop?" I asked her softly and I moved her head and neck into a better position.

"Please." She whispered to me and coughed up some blood.

"No problem senorita." I replied back softly while quickly twisting and snapping her neck, before slowly lowering her to the floor.

Standing up looking around at the carnage I'd wrought, while holding my hands up in front of my face admiring the claws that slowly started retracting back in between my knuckles.

"Haa, I wonder what kinda a little monster my kid's gonna be…and what kinda retaliation this will bring if someone actually manages to track me down." I wondered to myself as I started stripping out of my bloodstained clothes making sure my possessions were laid out on a clean stretch of bar.

Before grabbing a few intact bottles of liquor and using them to wash off the blood from my skin.

Once I felt that I was clean enough I reached into my inventory pulled out a package of alcohol wipes and wiped away whatever was remaining.

Feeling fully clean I pulled out a set of clothes that the system had given me and got dressed before taking out an incineration grenade.

'Not sure why it's called an incineration grenade when technically it doesn't incinerate anything, it creates a vacuum and kinda consumes everything in its radius.' I thought to myself as I turned the egg shaped grenade counter clockwise twice to give me thirty seconds to vacate the building before it went off.

Grabbing my wallet, keys, and burner I exited the bar got in my truck and drove away, and out of L.A. where I switched my truck for a 67 Chevelle SS that was silver with black racing stripes.

"Haa, I sure love this system." I sighed softly as I reluctantly stored my f-100 away in my inventory.