
"Master Euros, she's waking up!"

"Hey there, how are you? We found you outside our palace door, can you tell us what happened?"

Alicia woke up from her concussion when she was attacked by a monster. She looked around and saw a girl and boy. Walking towards her was the most beautiful person she has ever seen.

"Girl, are you okay?"

The man asked, there was a pure and dignified aura flowing out from him.

"Thank you for helping me. I wouldn't want to intrude any longer."

Alicia said ask she tried to get up and leave. She tripped and the man caught her.

"From what I see, you are still ill. Come now and stay here for awhile."


This was the first world Alicia fell into. She had no experience or soul power and only had Zen's missions. She stayed with the man, found out that he was the lord of the Unicorn garden. His two followers became her important friends, Ethern and Loya. His name was Euros…


Looking at the stars above, she had calmed down and started to walk back to the room. Entering the room, the girls rushed to her.

"Alicia, are you alright?"

"I am fine, it's late. We should sleep since we will be landing tomorrow."

They went to bed and the next more, no matter how much the girls called out. Alicia didn't walk up so they went to check on her. She had a high fever, mainly from the gun wound. The two girls panicked, having no idea what to do. Micah finally thought of asking for help from the stranger they had met yesterday.

Madam Royal had another memory of the girl. Yesterday's slight contact with Alicia made her heart pulse. That night she dreamed of another experience. The man that looked like her had met the sweetest and purest girl. There was a palace and his two followers. They would always play in the garden and he would love to watch the girl smile and laugh. It was like a clear spring and twinkling sound to his ears.

One day, when she was well again. She had come to us and said that she needed to go. Ethern and Loya were sad and wanted her to stay. She smiled and gave them a hug. I gifted her unicorn crystal tears earrings. She thanked me and hugged me as well. I watched her walk down the path outside the palace. She disappeared upon the horizon. A few weeks later she came into my room, waiting for me at the table. She gave me a smile as she saw me.

"Alicia… what's wrong?"

"I wanted to say goodbye one last time. We might not see each other anymore."

"What do you mean? As long as you can see the stars, we are able to meet again. Remember what I said."


She stood up and gave me a hug, she whispered in to my ears.

"...I love you dearly…"


I went to grab her back as she walked away but was shocked as she slowly faded. As she was completely gone, I just stood in place dumbfounded. Finally, I used my powers to sense her. I spent day and night, many years to trace her. One day I had a rope of her presence. I binded our souls together. Ethern and Loya wanted to follow me and go to Alicia. I also binded their souls to Alicia.

I wrapped up my palace and garden together and placed them into my soul realm. The three of us soon faded and went into deep sleep.

There was a knock on the door. I had my memories returned as I felt my powers gather and was restored within me. I transformed into my male form and went to open the door.

"Madam royal...sir?"

The two siblings were confused to see a man that looked exactly like madam royal.

"What happened to Alicia? Lead me to her."

Euros saw the siblings panic and ignored their confusion. He recognized the two but saw that their memories were still locked.

"Please follow us, quickly."

When Euros came into the room and saw Alicia, lying unconscious on the bed. He rushed to her side and embraced her. The siblings were dumbfound and got embarrassed, so they quietly left the two alone. Euros saw her injury and healed it. Alicia's frown and fever faded away as she continued to rest.


Euros heard her murmur his name and saw her tears. He released a sigh and tighten his embrace on Alicia. He kissed her forehead and spooned her.


That night, Euros moved Alicia to his room and let the siblings move into the room next to theirs. The next morning, they had finally landed and Euros took them all to his carriage that led to his home. His house was 1/4th the size of his palace, but it was still big for one mortal. Euros had Micah and Amriel meet Ethern and Loya. After all, Micah was Loya were lovers in all the past lives. Amriel and Ethern were soulmates too.

Meeting a lover again even without their memories will always trigger them. Ethern was the quickest one to get closer to Amriel. The four went to the garden to have tea. Euros went to settle Alicia down into his room to rest. Soon, she opened her eyes and stared into Euros own eyes. They stared at each other for a few minutes, even though it seemed forever.

"Alicia, why did you sacrifice yourself last time? Don't ever do that again."


"No, it's my fault. My memories didn't unseal until it was too late. I'm a failure as your lover."

"Stop, no matter if you remember or not. I will always love you dearly."

They stared longingly at each other and slowly got closer for a kiss.