After all, Micah and Loya were lovers in all the past lives. Amriel and Ethern were soulmates too. Meeting a lover again even without their memories will always trigger them. Ethern was the quickest one to get closer to Amriel. Like being in a hypnotic state, he stared into Amriel's eyes longingly.
"Would you two like to have tea within the garden?"
The siblings were with Euros and Alicia for awhile so their memories also were slowly returning. They have had some dreams about Ethern and Loya already, before they even met them in this life. Ethern and Loya were quick to fall back into love with their soulmates as they talk about each other's experiences.
********Ethern's POV**********
The moment I laid my eyes on her, I knew she was meant for me. That night we helped the two settle down to their rooms. I believe Loya fell in love with Micah too. We placed their rooms next to ours. The sisters wanted to share rooms and we didn't deny their request. That night I had a sensational dream.
I met Alicia and then master Euros, Loya and I intertwined our souls with hers. After a deep sleep, we woke up without memories and in another life. When Alicia first recognized us, she was kind enough to befriend us. It took us a year to have our memories slowly returned to us. In that world, we met Alicia's maids. They were siblings and also very close friends with Alicia. The two of us fell in love with Amriel and Micah over time.
After dating for years, I finally confessed my will to bind my soul with her's. She willingly accepted and we did a ceremony. Loya and micah also did a individual ceremony and binded their souls. It's a lot different than how Master Euros did our soul bind to Alicia. The 2nd world was most likely the peacefullest. When Alicia said she needed to go, we all prepared to go into deep sleep and fade to follow after Alicia's soul. The 3rd world was the most tragic, Alicia sacrificed herself and pushed all of us through the entrance. Even though we didn't have all our memories, we knew what to do and how to follow her.
Finally we all gathered up, but not after experiencing many hardships. I woke up in the middle of the night and felt there was something emotionally wrong with my soulmate. I could tell my powers were slowly surging within me. I walked towards Amriel's room and didn't know if I should knock or just wait there. But soon, Amriel opened the door and we stared at each other. There were so many emotions flowing through her eyes as I knew that she had remembered all the lives.
I embraced her and took us to the rooftop. It was our favorite thing to do, to stargaze at the silent night sky. She was silent for awhile and soon she told me her experience of this life. How she was captured and tortured.
"I'm sorry, they'd defiled me. Harrassed me. You shouldn't be near me."
"No. I love you, my dear. I will get revenge on those despicable people."
"Oh Ethern, I missed you so much. Even without my memories, I could sense our souls reaching out to each other. I'm so glad to be able to meet you in this life."
"So am I, I felt the connection too. May I see you scars, Love?"
Amriel thought for awhile and then nodded her head. She turned to have her back facing me and lifted her top down her shoulders. My breath hitched as I saw how scarred her skin was, the anger rose within my heart and swore that I will get my revenge. I will trap their souls and give them a torture they wish they would regret. I bent down to peck each of the scars as I embraced her.
We made love under the watchful eyes of the stars and moon. Lovingly embraced and connected to each other. After our climax, I cleaned the both of us with the water element I had summon. After our little activity, Amriel's skin was smooth and perfect again. Gone were the pain and trauma of the uneven scars and came the pure, milky white skin. I used my powers to make a spring, earthly soft bed under us. Same with the blanket cover, letting us sleep in each other's embrace. When it was soon to be sunrise, I teleported us to my bedroom.
I sensed Micah going to Loya's room. I guess their memories had also returned. I went back to Amriel and slept again.
********Micah's POV*******
I woke up right after regaining my memories. I needed to have skin contact with my lover. I go out of bed after seeing that Amriel had already met up with Ethern. I walked to the door across from mine and knocked. Loya opened the door with puffy eyes as silent tears slid down her eyes. I pulled her into my embraced as we went closer to her bed. I kissed her deeply as I gently caressed her skin.
She snapped her eyes open when she felt the scars I had had. My expression softened as I saw her cry more heavily.
"My love, who could have done this to you?!"
"Shhh, it's fine Darling."
Even though Amriel had similar experience I had with the evil captures. I had it harshers as I ruthlessly murdered all those that had touched me. I may have been weak to do anything, but after what they have done, I would always stab them in the back. A horrendous death with poison that even they don't realise what had happened. I had double the amount of scars as my sister but it was worth it.
I always seem to be the man within our relationship as Loya was easy to cry. It's understandable since she was very sweet, kind, and compassionate. I comforted her as she cried for my pain that I didn't shed. As she fell asleep, I wiped her tears and pecked her forehead. I spooned her as we both slept. The sun was slowly rising but I knew Euros would give the four of us some individual time.