Cool Girl

~ Nariya Patel~

Once I had completed my preparations, I opted for a knee-length skirt paired with fleece stockings and a cozy jumper sweater, aiming for a look that struck a balance between casual and well-dressed for our lunch outing. Despite finding this particular friend—or, to be more precise, asset of Alexie's, whom I referred to as the Handler—somewhat irksome, it was important to remember that he was a guest in Alexie's home.

In light of my position under his care, I felt compelled to exude a sense of dignified elegance. This was not only a matter of preserving my own reputation but also contributing to the image of the one responsible for me—Alexie. The earlier mishap had left a less-than-ideal impression on the Handler, but it was equally true that his initial impression had not been stellar in my eyes either.

With a deep breath, I firmly grasped the door handle and opened it, stepping outside with a determination to present myself in a manner that spoke of both poise and respect.

Upon entering the kitchen, my attention was immediately drawn to the Handler, who seemed to be playfully attempting to poke Nyx. Much to his amusement, Nyx casually swatted his hand away before resuming her grooming session. 'Impressive, managing to annoy even the typically affable feline,' I mused, shaking my head in mild disbelief.

Turning my focus to Alexie, I observed him diligently arranging dishes on the dinner table. Deciding it wise to keep my distance from the intriguing yet somewhat vexing guest, I opted for a more diplomatic approach. 'I'd rather steer clear of making any sharp remarks; I wouldn't want to unintentionally offend him,' I thought to myself as I headed toward Alexie, aiming to engage in a more pleasant exchange.

Approaching the dining area, I couldn't help but sense an additional presence, their back turned towards me. The silhouette appeared oddly familiar, triggering a sense of déjà vu. Alexie and this mysterious figure were engrossed in a conversation, their voices too low for me to decipher. Not wanting to intrude, I instinctively raised my hand to cough discreetly, but even before that, both of them seemed to sense my arrival.

Suddenly, the unidentified individual turned around, and my eyes widened in astonishment as recognition set in.

"Oh my god," I exclaimed in amazement, a delighted smile forming on my face. "You're that cool girl from before!"

She responded with a light smile, appearing somewhat shy in the face of my compliment. Undeterred, I continued, seizing her hand in mine. "I never got the chance to thank you!"

She gently shook her head, her dark eyes gleaming with happiness. As I held her hand, a comforting realization washed over me. If she was the assistant to 'that guy,' then enduring this lunch might not be as challenging as I had initially anticipated. Her kindness and genuine demeanor contrasted starkly with her boss's somewhat 'psychotic' tendencies. 'Poor girl has to deal with him every day,' I thought sympathetically.

I hadn't noticed the Handler's swift movement until he glided past me, standing next to the girl and gently placing his hands on her shoulders. "This is my assistant, Shu Mao," he chimed in, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "And, well, I need to warn you before you go on blabbering that she's both mute and deaf."

An "oh" escaped my lips, and my smile faltered slightly at the unexpected information. However, Shu Mao's expression remained unchanged. She gracefully bowed in a sign of respect, her hand gestures simple and clear, making it evident that she communicated through this unique form. With an eloquent movement of her hands, she conveyed, "Nice to meet you, Nariya."

Having studied in pristine schools throughout my life, I had been exposed to a multitude of teachings, including the basics of hand gestures. Shu Mao's clear and deliberate movements made it easy for me to understand her silent communication. Truth be told, she didn't say much verbally.

Timidly, I reciprocated with my own hand gestures, my limited vocabulary restricting me to conveying individual words rather than complete sentences. Utilizing my modest knowledge, I formed the signs for "You. Cool. Girl." Evidently, she grasped the meaning behind my gestures and bestowed upon me a gracious smile in response.

We all settled down for lunch, and my mouth watered in hunger. The day's activities had left me physically drained, and I truly appreciated the diverse array of cuisines spread before me. There was no customary grace, a deviation from our usual practice. Though Alexie was known to be a religious man, I held different beliefs. As for our guest, I remained uncertain about his religious inclinations. Regardless, we began savoring the delicious offerings Alexie had prepared.

My focus remained steadfast on my plate, attempting to drown out the constant internal reprimands. 'Ignore him, Nari,' I reminded myself repeatedly. However, the unrelenting gaze directed at me became increasingly irksome. With a gulp, I lifted my eyes, meeting the Handler's gleeful expression as he spoke, "Mao told me about your heroism," his smile widened, but it lacked the warmth of admiration. "You continue to act stupid even in life-threatening situations."

Suppressing a sharp retort, I shot a glare at the nonchalant man seated diagonally across from me. He rested his chin on his hand, legs dangling in apparent amusement as he observed my reactions. 'Ignore him, ignore him, ignore him,' I mentally coached myself.

However, he seemed impervious to subtlety. With unwavering determination, he continued his teasing with utter diligence, drawling, "Stoooopid~~~"

Choking on my food, I shot him a soft "Annoying" glare. Surprisingly, instead of upsetting him, my response only seemed to enhance his pleasure. Shifting in his seat, his playful demeanor transformed in an instant. "However, helping me was a stupid choice. I mean, think about it. This is a prestigious society with wealth all around. There's no way you would find a dirty, dying person here."

The blood drained from my face, replaced by a rising tide of anger that I could no longer contain. While I could endure many things, thirst was not one of them. Gritting my teeth, my knuckles turned white as I clenched onto the fork in my hand. "You don't know a lot about being thirsty, do you?" I spewed each word with intense anger, my skin covered in goosebumps as I lightly shook. Was I not scared of this man? Absolutely, I was terrified. Yet, in a moment of defiance, I snapped at him. In a low, seething voice, I continued, "The feeling of crude dryness when even your saliva is evaporated out. The itching in the depth of your throat that you wish to scratch but can't, and the only way to end your suffering is through ending…"

I couldn't bring myself to say the last words, the raw feelings that had surged within me surfacing. "Anyway," I continued, the bitterness evident in my tone, "it was because it's a gated society that I easily trusted you. It is because we are surrounded by wealthy people that I thought you might be a poor servant unjustly kicked out with no means. Me helping you wasn't an act of heroism; it was pity stemming from the reality of what real people go through. So, get over your head, asshole."

My breathing shook, and the room fell silent as the man's demeanor turned serious. Even Alexie and Mao now stared at me with wide eyes. A flicker of hurt crossed Alexie's eyes, but I couldn't afford to let my focus waver from the man in front of me. The rawness of my feelings was evident on my face. I was acutely aware that, in mere seconds, he could turn the chopstick in front of him into a weapon, burying it in my neck. However, I clung to an overconfident belief that Alexie wouldn't allow him to harm even a hair on my head.

Tension hung thick in the air as the Handler stared at me deep in thought, the room silent. The stillness shattered when Shu Mao smacked the back of his head.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed, his playfulness returning. "That hurts!" he fake-cried.

Mao slowly pushed his head down into a deep bow, mimicking the gesture herself and conveying an apology on his behalf with clear gestures.

A small laugh escaped me as I released the breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I relaxed further when Alexie's palm gently coaxed mine to release the fork, and I complied. "It's okay," I said, offering a small smile to lighten the mood.

In a bid to change the atmosphere, Alexie suggested, "Moonpie, why don't you show Shu Mao your room?" It was more than a request; he wanted me to leave the men to talk, and I happily complied. Sighing at the chance to be away from the guest, I signaled to Mao, urging her as we made our way toward my room, Nyx trailing behind us.

~Alexie Ivanov~

As I watched Nari leave, my annoyance resurfaced. I had made a promise to this man and kept my patience for the sake of that commitment, but the audacious act he had just pulled was way beyond the line. Gritting my teeth in anger, I barked, "What was that? I didn't agree to this bullshit, Handler!"

Casually, the man leaned back in his chair, chewing on a piece of bread as he responded, "Relax, Al-chan. You gave me free liberty to test her capabilities when you agreed to accept my assistance. Now, it was in my realm to decide how I tested her."

Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair. When I agreed to let Nari chaperon herself, I had made the decision to teach her self-defense. Not the classical kind, though; that wouldn't be effective if she found herself up against trained, armed killers. So, I had asked the Handler for someone to provide her with physical training—a girl, preferably, as I thought Nari might be more comfortable around her than me.

Of course, I planned to train her as well, but that kind of preparation required more than just physical conditioning. It demanded mental fortitude as well. Without it, she could either falter in a life-threatening situation or end up broken from the inside. Neither outcome was something I could afford.

He had suggested letting Shu Mao train her. Despite being deaf and mute, the girl was a capable assassin, trained by the Handler himself. Given the Handler's reputation, I couldn't doubt the effectiveness of his training methods. Shu Mao was the same girl I had encountered in the bathhouse earlier this month. The only condition he placed was that he needed to test whether Nari was even ready to receive any form of training.

"Either way, she can't be so docile when entering our world, or she'll be eaten alive," he chirped.

I glared at him. "She's not entering our world! She's just training to not get dragged into it!" I slammed my fist in frustration.

"Alright, alright~~" he sang. "You know, the good thing is my assessment is done!"

Raising a brow, I questioned, "And what is your conclusion?"

Slowly, he leaned forward, his eyes level with mine. The playful demeanor had vanished. "Daring lioness cub," he whispered, for my ears only.

Understanding dawned on me. He had accepted her; his earlier reluctance probably flipped due to the sheer daring Nari had showcased. Sighing in relief, I didn't let those words of hers linger in my head. I wanted to comfort her, to envelop her in my arms and make all her worries go away. However, something from her past couldn't be erased by sweet words; it would remain until she addressed it herself. Yet, I couldn't let those thoughts show on my face. I would talk to her, comfort her, but in my own private time.

Calling out to Nari and Shu Mao, I urged the girls to join us in the foyer for a serious talk.

"Nari," I addressed the girl, her beaming smile turning serious as she intently listened to me. "Remember we talked about learning self-defense?" She eagerly nodded her head in response. "Well, it won't be what you see on media. I want you to take Shu Mao as your bodyguard." She was about to complain when I shook my head, signaling against any defiance. This was not a matter she could say no to. "And she will be teaching you self-defense in the form of Muay Thai."

She grasped the information slowly, nodding in agreement. "I understand," she replied.

"And furthermore," I continued, with anticipation gleaming in her eyes, "I shall be embarking on a business trip." I cleared my throat; deceiving her always felt disconcerting for some inexplicable reason, yet revealing the truth was equally elusive.

"A business trip?" Her gaze turned quizzical.

"Yes, to Paris. During my absence, Shu Mao shall be your companion," I elaborated.

A palpable sense of relief graced her features upon hearing this. It was evident that, in certain aspects, the prospect of solitude in this house had invoked apprehension in her. Cheerfully, she responded, "Very well, that sounds splendid!" Her laughter bubbled forth as she glanced at the girl beside her.

As dusk settled in, it was time for the Handler and Shu Mao to leave. I could sense Nari's hesitation to part ways with Shu Mao, but it was necessary. In this short duration, the girls had already developed a deep, genuine friendship, and I felt content looking at Nari's beaming face.

Thanking Shu Mao, Nari gestured, "Thank you again," and continued in her broken hand signals, "Dangerous. If you. Not on time."

Shu Mao responded with her own gestures, smiling as she waved at us while leaving with the Handler, who chirped, "Bye, young lady and Al-chan~. Have us again." He had picked a new nickname for Nari.

Both of us waved back in mock disgust, saying in unison, "You don't come again~."

As I closed the door, Nari inquired, "Alex, do you know what Shu Mao said to me at the end? I couldn't comprehend all of it."

"Well," I said, thinking back, I decided to be truthful with the girl. If she was going to trust this new friend of hers, she needed to know her true nature. "She said that she had to be there."

Nari tilted her head in confusion, so I clarified, "You see, she was following you to analyze you."

Her eyes widened as she understood what I implied. "Wait…" she slowly spoke, "you knew?"

"Of course, I knew," I admitted. Everything was a set up, other than the bag snatching. Since Nari left the gates, Shu Mao was to tail her to the cafe, analyzing her physique and habits. It was necessary that Nari was in the dark for this. The bag snatching was a random event, and if I thought that Shu Mao couldn't protect Nari, the deal would have been off. However, she passed this random event flawlessly.

A flush rose in her ears as the flustered girl slapped my arm over and over again. "Then why didn't you tell me?" she meowed.

Her light slaps, weak against my skin, I caught hold of her arm gently and pulled her against my chest. It was a feeling I had wanted to experience since the entirety of the lunch. I slowly cooed to the girl, kissing her head gently as I said, "I'm sorry, moonpie... I'm so sorry..." over and over into her hair until I felt her relax and look up from my chest.

"It's for my own good, I realize, but please tell me things..." she pleaded lightly.

Her arms locked around my torso, I promised, "I will... just... there are things... scary things and people I want to protect you from... maybe forever..." I sighed as I thought, 'Maybe even myself.'

"Alexie..." she called me out. "You can't take all the burden alone... so please..."

Closing my eyes, I felt her fingers caress my face lovingly as I sighed in defeat. "I'll try... but it'll take time."