Have a safe trip

~Alexie Ivanov~

A soft groan escaped my lips as I stretched my limbs, tousling my hair. Today, or rather tonight, marked the beginning of my journey to Paris, where I would be anchored on a yacht in Cannes. Does it sound like a fantastic vacation? Not quite. I wasn't just a mere guest at a yacht party; I was also the captive under constant surveillance. Shedding my sweats, I opted for an early morning – or, rather, a late-night – shower, embracing the cold and calming water, just as I preferred.

A persistent buzz echoed in my mind, imploring me to reconsider, to stay by her side. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to do so. The last thing I wanted was for her dependency on me to overshadow her own will, rendering her a mere shadow of herself. I was determined not to turn her into a liability, not just for me but for her own well-being.

I was acutely aware that what she craved most was independence – the freedom to be her own person, unaffected by the influence of her parents or even myself. Each time I witnessed her enchanting smile or heard the soft cadence of her voice calling my name, I reminded myself that my role was that of a temporary guardian. I was placed beside her for a mere year, tasked with the sole purpose of shielding her from the dark forces pursuing Mr. Patel.

Following the car chase, a surprising calm settled, and no other incidents transpired. Despite my strong desire to unravel every detail concerning Lie Mein Zhang, the imposed restrictions made it challenging for me to pursue a Council member actively. It seemed highly improbable that she acted alone; the money-hungry woman wasn't the type to target a teenager without a motive.

"Still, it doesn't add up. It's like something's missing," I muttered under my breath while preparing to leave. Slipping into a puffer jacket over a cozy tee, I slid my leather Timberland boots under a pair of sturdy cargo pants.

Descending, I ensured the security system for the upper floor was properly activated before proceeding down. The stairs in this house were intentionally designed to creak, serving as a simple self-alarm that would provide ample time for me to prepare for any potential intruders. Glancing up once more and checking the monitor on my watch, I confirmed, "Yup, it's on."

The security system was primarily in place for Nari rather than to ward off intruders. I had a particular concern about her venturing upstairs alone. Although one day I intended to teach her about it, now seemed too soon for such lessons.

Silently, I traversed the halls, attempting to check on the girl in her room. It was still 1:25 in the night, and I was hesitant to disturb her sleep, especially since we had bid our goodbyes the night before. Yet, a part of me yearned to catch a glimpse of her one last time before my week-long departure. Although she had assured me of a video call, the constant monitoring situation I was in left me uncertain about our communication.

My steps came to a halt in the foyer when I spotted her petite figure, peacefully dozing on the sofa with Nyx curled up next to her lap. It appeared she had been waiting for me, and though it was a small gesture, it resonated profoundly with me. In all my travels, I had never experienced anyone seeing me off or offering well wishes for the past fifteen years. The last farewell I received was from my father, who tearfully bid me farewell as I departed from Russia to America. Since then, I had become my own caretaker.

"Nari," I softly called out, still hesitant to disturb her slumber. In an instant, she startled awake, a bit groggy, but her eyes sparkled as soon as she saw me. It was a small gesture, yet it felt like a throb in my chest. I didn't quite understand this newfound feeling, but involuntarily, my facial muscles twitched, and a small smile formed on my face.

"Alexie!" she exclaimed in excitement, almost skipping her way towards me. Without hesitation, her head was buried in my chest. The warmth emanating from her, coupled with the sweet scent of vanilla and mango, enveloped my body in a state of relaxation. I didn't want to move; I didn't want to leave the comfort of her warmth. In fact, I wished I could stay enveloped in it forever. However, I couldn't allow myself that luxury, as I was merely a protector. Swallowing hard, I gently pushed the girl away, her hazel eyes piercing into mine as a sheepish, drugged laughter escaped her lips.

"Oh, I was waiting. I, um... yeah. You told me your flight was at 3:45 am, so I wanted to see you off. I mean..." She blushed slightly at her own words. "I mean, Nyx and I. Nyx, Nyx, come here," she called to the feline, who happily rejected her invitation.

Sighing, I held her firmly as she swayed lightly, still drowsy. "You shouldn't have, Moonpie," I scolded her, my tone filled with affection. It seemed even my capacity to scold her was slipping now.

"Yeah, I know, I know, but..." she trailed off, pouting.

"Hmm," I caved in. "Fine, but go back to sleep now."

"Yes!" she chirped. "Have a safe trip, and don't take anything from strangers," she added. The line, often used by mothers to caution their kids against strangers while traveling, brought a smile to my stoic face.

"Finally, you smiled," she murmured as I looked into her deep, glassy eyes. "Oh yeah, another thing," she continued, and I raised my brows in question. "Close your eyes."

I obliged her request, thinking she might give me a safety charm or a bracelet—what a childish yet thoughtful gesture. But that notion abruptly ended when I felt the softness of her plum lips against my cheek. My breathing stopped as I froze on the spot. The sound of a bell on the door broke my stance, and I heard the slapping of her feet running away. My gaze followed her wide-eyed as her figure retreated into her room, and she screamed, "Bye, Alexie! Have a safe trip!"

I continued to stare, my breathing caught in my lungs, as another bell rang through the halls. I snapped my attention to the door and mechanically made my way there. A driver awaited me, and without a word, I handed him my luggage, nodding in acknowledgment. One more glance back, and I clicked the monitor and security system in the house. Once all the checks were complete, I stepped out into the chilling cold of the night, the door clicking behind me.

The commercial flight from here to Paris was scheduled for 3:45 am, and my itinerary included reaching the city by evening. From there, I would be transferred to Cannes after a night's rest.

Yet, it wasn't these minute details that occupied my mind, for only one thought raced through my head: 'Maybe I should cut off the skin of my cheeks and preserve it...'

As much as I yearned to relish her touch, I knew that harboring such thoughts would serve me no good. Indulging in them privately was one thing, but in an environment where I would be observed from the moment I boarded until my return home, any sign of weakness could be exploited against me. Despite Shu Mao's protection of Nari, coupled with the additional secret security measures I had implemented, worry still clouded my thoughts. However, at this hour, as I approached the airport, that kind of concern would do me no good. It all boiled down to my preparation, faith, and Nari herself.

Pulling my luggage from the backseat, I confidently navigated my way into the airport, my steps crisp and purposeful. I relished traveling at odd hours for the reduced crowd. Approaching the security check, I flashed a smile before presenting my passport and flight details. Another perk of these hours was the laxity in people's jobs at this time. The combination of a less crowded environment and relaxed employees made it much easier for me to don my fake skin and smoothly maneuver my way out of the country.

Handing my documents to the flight crew, I flashed her my most winning smile, knowing from the flush on her face and the trajectory of her gaze that she was smitten with me – perfect. Humans tended to focus on more captivating details than the factual ones when infatuated.

She returned the smile as she glanced through the display on her screen. "Nicolus Todd? Thanks for flying with Airline France. I'll assign your seat now," she said, coyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yes, thanks," I responded with a smile, injecting a hint of tiredness into my voice. I had to maintain an inconspicuous demeanor. A passenger boarding an early flight is typically one of three things: tired and annoyed, rushing and cursing, or diplomatic yet weary. Opting for the third was the most efficient way to navigate security checkups without attracting negative attention.

"Here you go," she handed me the boarding pass, her fingers deliberately brushing against mine.

Thanking her, I politely ignored her advances. Entertaining any attraction here would bring unnecessary attention that I wished to avoid. Moreover, for some reason, attention from females other than my ward seemed to irk me. This was an unusual sensation, as I typically reveled in attention for personal gains.

Sighing, I settled in front of my gate, noticing the glances from my "stalkers." In this empty space, their scrutiny was even more obvious. Massaging my head, I got up and approached a kiosk, grabbing a flat white to ease my throbbing headache.

"This is going to be a long week," I murmured under my breath.