Stone cold Monster

Warning: This chapter contains topics that might upset some people. Viewer discretion is advised.

~Alexie Ivanov~

Descending the stairs with a playful demeanor, I gestured to the pacing figure ahead of me, signaling that I was in a considerably brighter mood. A sly smile graced my lips as I approached him, and in an instant, his expression transformed, his face lighting up. He extended his arms for a hug, but I diplomatically sidestepped, opting to pat his arm instead. Clearing his throat, he responded, "It appears a charming pussy was all it took to lift your spirits. You should have informed me earlier; I could have arranged the finest whores for you!"

"Hmm," I murmured, retrieving a cigar from the slide box on the buffet. Turning to the man, I responded, "No, she simply caught my attention."

"Oh, my," he tried to coax me, "If I had known your preference, haha..." he joked, "Maybe I should give her a try later as well."

My smile transformed into a glare as I retorted, "Don't touch what's mine," my warning delivered in a low but forceful tone. Fear flickered in his eyes, and he glanced nervously at Mcdonald, seeking some semblance of help. Not only was I Madhuri's brother, but the intrusion of this man on her could jeopardize my plans. I needed Madhuri to be shielded from unwanted attention.

The uncomfortable tension lingered in the air, prompting me to ease it. I smoothly slid into the seat right beside the head of the dining table, offering a disarming smile to the bewildered man. "Come on, Pierre, I didn't come here to be bored. In fact, if you can entertain me, I might share a significant secret with you," I whispered the last part meaningfully. The suggestion not only unsettled Pierre but also caused Ronald to tense up at the implication.

The man lumbered his way toward the head and settled into the seat, his odor assaulting my nostrils, but sometimes a man must endure discomfort to achieve his objectives. Coughing, he began, "Of course, of course. How do we showcase our hospitality to our esteemed guest?"

"Well," I started, concentrating on placing the cigar into its cutter and chopping off the end as Albert approached with a lighter. After lighting it, I took a puff, exhaling slowly. "I've heard about the intriguing nightlife that people enjoy in Cannes."

At my statement, the man gulped, fully grasping my implications. I was referring to the yacht parties hosted by multimillionaires on their luxurious vessels. On the surface, these gatherings might appear to be ordinary parties with a mix of celebrities, politicians, and businesspeople. However, beneath the veneer of normalcy, a darker reality unfolded—a world of excess and debauchery that made one question the humanity of the attendees.

Behind the scenes of what seemed like a typical party were indulgences that stretched the limits of morality. From drugs and drinks to kids as young as they could get, every conceivable vice found a place in the playbook of debauchery. What made it worse was that these parties not only attracted the wealthy elite but also operated like pyramid schemes, luring in the desperate and those yearning for anything from connections to money to a means of survival.

The piggy, aware of the heightened scrutiny on such excesses from the public and the authorities, understood the potential risks involved. The Council, no doubt, frowned upon such attention. I could discern his hesitation. However, as history has repeatedly shown, the insatiable nature of the 'piggies,' their boundless greed, and unbridled dicks knew no limits. Predictably, the man's response gleamed with eagerness, "Sure, sure, why not! Albert, prepare everything. Call everyone."

"Great," I said, walking with him in tow toward the deck. "I'll be looking forward to tonight, Pierre." Narrowing my eyes, I added in a low tone, "Don't disappoint me." With that, I ascended to the upper deck with the clown trailing behind.

"Sire, sire," Ronald called out. "Sire, you can't—"

But I cut him off nonchalantly, "See, your order is to keep me on this yacht. Do you want me to go mad? I'll just have fun, that's it." I harshly patted his shoulder as he flinched, and I smirked, "Relax."

With that, I pushed my way into the room, noticing Madhuri perched on the balcony, absorbing the oceanic view. I had instructed Albert to provide her with decent clothing, and until the party, she was to stay here. I didn't mind her presence; she mostly kept to herself, emitting an air of naivety. Perhaps it was due to the conditions in which she was raised, but given what she had been through, I was surprised she had not been broken by now.

Typically, girls like her, left without any support in a foreign country, were sold to brothels. Depending on their perceived purity, they fetched higher prices in auctions. Before being handed over to their new masters, these girls underwent a brutal process of breaking their will, turning them into mere empty vessels for their owners' pleasure. Yet, Madhuri endured all of that and still maintained the courage to strive for a better life. It was remarkable, and for that resilience, I respected her and her choice to consider me her soul brother. I was determined to honor and protect that bond.

When she noticed me, she smiled, acknowledging my presence, and I nodded in return. She returned to her sightseeing. Sinking into the plush seat, I activated my glasses, delving into the data I had hacked from the 'piggys' system. Breaking through the firewall wasn't a formidable task, considering he had willingly granted me full access. Smirking, I perused the guest list for tonight, murmuring, "Just need to make some tweaks here and there."

As dusk approached and the guests began to pour in, I changed into more party-appropriate attire—white linen clothes and powder-blue shorts. Finishing my outfit, I heard the bathroom door unlock, revealing a freshly dressed Madhuri in a skimpy bikini. I nodded in approval.

Handing her a neck choker with a heart in the middle, I assured her in Hindi, "Don't be nervous, Madhuri. Don't worry, this choker will ensure no creep will approach you. You know what you need to do, right?"

Nodding, Madhuri replied, "Yes, just walk around, making sure the camera in this," she lightly touched the heart in the middle of the choker, "will capture everything, and everything."

"Hmm," I murmured and asked, "And what else?"

She looked down and spoke in a low tone, "No matter what I see, don't flatter, don't drink or consume anything, don't breathe in the air for too long..."

Affirming her capabilities, I informed Madhuri where to find me for the rest of the night and stepped outside. The music echoed loudly, signaling that most of the guests had arrived. The yacht, stationed in the middle of the sea, made motor boats the sole means of transport for the attendees. Guests arrived not in cars but in boats, a seemingly extravagant waste of fuel.

Stepping onto the deck, I nodded at Albert, and along with him and the clown, I made my way to the bow of the yacht. Placing Ronald at the entry point, I ordered him not to let anyone in. Albert presented me with a vintage bottle of Château Cheval Blanc. Midnight approached, and by that time, I was almost finished with the bottle. I couldn't deny the longing to have Nari pressed against my skin, her fresh mango fragrance bringing me comfort and ease. The desire to go home to her was palpable, and I sighed at my thoughts. The urge to see her was intense, yet I restrained myself, knowing I couldn't reveal my technology to the clown.

At precisely 3:48 am, the girl I had sent on an errand returned, her features clearly shaken as she approached me with shaky legs. There was a faint scent of vomit about her, a clear indication that whatever she had witnessed was too much, even for someone accustomed to such environments. These parties, with alcohol and drugs flowing freely, were wild, showing no regard for boundaries—true orgies of excess.

Sighing, I glanced at Ronald, who looked at the girl with confusion. "Hand me your coat, idiot," I barked. Startled, he peeled off his coat and handed it to me. Coaxing the girl, I draped the coat around her as I softly spoke, "Well done, Madhuri. Now go, freedom awaits."

Sniffling with tears, her shivering hands handed me the choker, and she nodded. I commanded Albert, "Do what I asked for."

Bowing slightly, the butler urged the girl forward and replied, "Yes, Sire."

Clenching the choker in my hand, I smirked as I observed the confused clown glancing between me and the retreating figures. Before he could react, I draped my arm on his shoulder, nonchalently squeezing it hard enough for him to wince. "Let's go back, Wifey," I cooed to him, thrusting him along with me.

It was well into the night, perhaps around 5 or 6, and the aftermath of the disaster was worse than I had anticipated. "Meh, it's not really my concern, is it?" I shrugged. Bodies lay everywhere, trash spilled across the floor, bottles cluttered the once-beautiful Moroccan carpets, enticing tapestries were torn, and ancient frames lay broken. Gritting my teeth in annoyance, I considered that maybe I should have sealed off the entire floor. I knew Pierre was excited beyond reason, his entire concept of "hospitality for the host" lost the moment he had his first sniff.

Groaning, I finally made it to my room, only to be met with utter horror when I found the door unlocked. My eyes widened as anger rushed through my veins. I was pretty sure I had locked it when I left, and even though my luggage held nothing worth stealing, I was more annoyed at something else. I prayed to the saints that my fear wouldn't come true as I approached the door, but to my horror, I was wrong. Moaning and grunting filled the halls as I opened the door to peek inside. My eyes scanned the area – a couple on the balcony, a man on another with foam forming at his mouth. Slowly, my gaze took into account the naked bodies tangled in a mess on my bed, on my sheets!

I clenched my teeth, frustration boiling within me. "Leave," I muttered under my breath, my voice barely audible. However, they paid no attention to my plea, too engrossed in their own chaotic world. These dogs seemed to exist in a dimension of their own, completely oblivious to my presence.

Suddenly, a girl emerged from the bathroom, her bare torso exposed. Clearly intoxicated, she approached me with a sickening sweetness in her voice. "Oh, Daddy, don't be such a killjoy," she purred, pressing her sticky skin against my chest, causing a wave of repulsion to wash over me. Seductively, she traced her fingers along my abs, licking her lips suggestively. "How about I take care of you, hmm, Daddy?" Her touch inched closer to my cheek which Nari had kissed , but before she could reach it, I snapped.

With a surge of adrenaline, I slapped her across the face, my own frenzy taking over. She let out a pained groan, collapsing to the ground, clutching her bloodied and broken nose.

I spat at her, my thick accent returning, "Не трогай меня своими грязными руками, сука." (Don't touch me with your dirty hands, bitch.)

The dogs were immediately captivated by this, but my patience had reached its limit. Rage surged through my veins, and without hesitation, I swiftly snatched the gun from Ronald's holster. In a burst of anger, I fired three shots into the ceiling, bellowing, "Get the hell out of my room, you mutts!" Startled and terrified, most of them scurried out of the room like startled cockroaches, fleeing from every possible exit. "And don't forget to take your pathetic whores with you," I commanded, gesturing towards the unconscious ones as well.

However, there is always that one individual who perceives themselves as an Alpha, despite the fact that being an Alpha simply refers to being the first test of an experiment, and they usually end up failing. I let out a sigh as he begins to speak boldly to a man holding a loaded gun, "Hey, do you kn-"

In a rather polite manner, I inform him that I couldn't care less, swiftly striking his jaw with the back of my gun, causing it to break. As he groans in pain on the floor, I lower myself to his level, inserting three of my fingers into his gaping mouth, firmly gripping his jaw and piercing my fingers into his flesh. "Listen, you imbecile. I don't care who you think you are, but within a few hours, everyone will know." I glance at the whimpering boy before tossing him aside, waiting for him to scurry away. With a frustrated groan, I glare at the stunned clown standing frozen behind me, tossing the gun towards him to catch. Once my composure is restored, I head to my closet and retrieve the luggage, adding it to the gun, and command, "Follow me."

On the deck, we navigated through the litter of the human mass, and I approached Albert, who stood tall amidst the chaos of falling bodies. Raising a brow at him, he bowed and replied, "I have done as you have commanded, sire. My masters have given you permission to further your plan."

With a smirk, I made my way towards the ladder to lower myself into the motorboat that would take me off this god-forsaken trash mass. But before I could, Ronald blocked my way, a bit on edge. "Sorry, Sire, but my orders—I can't let you leave," he pleaded.

Nodding to Albert, the man produced a brooch from his chest pocket and handed it to Ronald. He spoke in an authoritative tone, "Under the command of Master Imperia Reign, this man is to be placed under our protection until further notice." Ronald, the McDonald clown, stared at the brooch shaped like a platformed high heel in horror. Instantly, he bowed to Albert, handing the pin back with respect.

Strutting past him, we boarded the motorboat as I glanced at the climbing sun. It was almost sunrise, a perfect time for my plan to be executed. Once we landed, I asked Albert, "Are all the preparations done?"

"Yes sire" he replied and handed me the detonator.

With glee in my eyes, I settled comfortably in a beach chair and pushed the button, watching fireworks burst in front of my eyes. I had commanded Albert to place milder bombs on the hull of the yacht, creating a perfect show of horror for its onboarders. "Well, this is a nice wake-up alarm," I laughed as Albert maintained his stoic expression, and the clown gulped, watching the horror unfold before his eyes. As the dawn broke and the sun rose, the Soleil Levant sank.

"You are indeed a stone cold monster, as they say, aren't you, Cipher Noir?" a deep voice resonated through the air as I smirked at my new care taker.