
~Third Person POV~

The girl surveyed her surroundings, her eyes gliding over the passing scenery. It had been months since she last set foot on this land, and the familiarity brought a sense of tranquility. As she approached an old community with vintage villas dotting the landscape, each structure uniquely captivating, she couldn't help but feel drawn to the architectural beauty around her. However, she couldn't afford to let her guard down. Despite agreeing to carry out the bidding of the man who approached her, his gentleness and kindness couldn't erase the scars of betrayal from the past. She was no longer the naive girl who left India with dreams and hope, shattered by the very man meant to protect her.

Regardless, she understood the limited choices before her. It was either comply with the man's requests or face the ominous prospect of being confined on a yacht, treated as a commodity by the rich, only to be discarded into an even darker fate once her utility was exhausted.

Sighing, she lifted her gaze to the sky, where small petals of sunlight kissed the edge of the ocean. This daily spectacle became her solace, a gentle reminder that she was alive, and perhaps, one day, she could emerge from the shadows like the rising sun. She stole a moment to look at herself, finding comfort in her t-shirt and jeans. It was a far cry from the nakedness she had endured in the past few months. However, she remembered a time in her life when even this modest outfit might have been considered shameful in her life.

As she reflected on the horrors of the previous day, the contrast between her current state and the darkness she had experienced was stark. Despite being new to this world and receiving warnings from the other girls about the depraved parties the rich indulged in, she had managed to avoid being part of them—until yesterday. She couldn't deny the truth, and throughout the night, she remained on edge, haunted by the words of her soul brother echoing in her mind.

Gratitude welled up within her for the man who treated her with kindness. It had been an extended period since any man had shown her such consideration. However, years of living in the shadows, being a mere reflection of someone else, had honed her judgment skills. This ability to read people had become a crucial survival tool for her. When Alexie approached her with his kindness, she couldn't ignore the underlying caution that accompanied her appreciation. Despite the warmth in his eyes when he spoke to her, she sensed an air of crudeness and cunning that enveloped him in dealings with others. She understood all too well that one misstep could sever the fragile connection she had with him.

The taxi, ushered by the butler, came to a stop in front of a grand iron gate adorned with intricate and beautiful embroidery. Beyond the gate lay a breathtaking view, a mahogany villa with patterns that traced back to the 18th century. It stood as a true marvel before the girl's eyes. Opening her purse, she carefully examined its contents: a letter meant for the villa's owner, a card provided by Alexie, and a stack of bills. Following the butler's instructions, she gulped and counted the money before handing it to the cab driver. As the taxi disappeared down the lane, she slid out and took in the mesmerizing sight of the villa.

Gulping once more, she absorbed the luxurious ambiance surrounding her. Despite having witnessed many extravagant indulgences, this villa exuded a unique combination of class and warmth that surpassed the opulence of the yacht where she had spent the last few months.

She glanced around the empty streets, searching for any sign of someone's presence. Finding none, she weighed her options. The decision was before her: she could enter the villa, taking the risk laid out for her, or she could use the bills and make a run for it, starting anew. Counting the bills in her purse, she knew the latter was a viable option. A sense of dilemma settled within her, for it had been a very long time since she had taken control of her own decisions.

Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath, allowing a flood of memories to surge through her mind. An image emerged—her time with her brother. She vividly recalled the afternoon yesterday when she curiously asked him what he was looking at. The genuine smile that adorned his lips as he showed her on his "glasses" a girl just like her, but much more beautiful. He called her his angel. With that memory etched in her mind, she opened her eyes and strode towards the door, pressing the button firmly to announce her arrival.

She waited anxiously, hoping the household hadn't succumbed to sleep, as it was still early hours. However, her worry didn't last long. Soon, a woman in her 50s approached the gate. The girl began to speak in the manner her brother had taught her, but before she could finish, the woman kindly smiled and invited her in. A bit hesitant at first, the girl followed her lead, entering the foyer of the house. She instantly appreciated the warmth indoors, casting her eyes around to find the same grace evident in the furnishings.

The woman poured her a cup of freshly brewed tea, smiling kindly as she asked, "How can I help you, dear?"

Gulping nervously, the girl started, "I'm here..." Despite the afternoon's worth of practice, she still stammered a bit, struggling with her command over English. "I'm here to see the masters of the mansion."

A bit taken aback, the woman gently smiled at her. "Darling, the masters is busy. How about you meet them tomorrow during office hours? How about I show you a room for you to rest?"

The girl had a hard time deciphering the sentence, but she had learned to pick up a few words and shook her head. The woman frowned at her defiance, unsure of how to handle the situation. She wondered if she should inform her masters but instead opted to consult with the head butler about the matter. As she rose to leave the room, the girl panicked. She knew that the task her brother had entrusted her with was urgent, and any failure on her part might lead her back to where she came from.

Getting up, she almost screamed, "I'm here to see Master Imperia Reign!"

Instantly, the woman stopped in her tracks, the mention of her master's council name from a girl like her catching her attention. The woman quickly grasped the significance of the situation and, adopting her professional visage, looked at the girl, bowing respectfully. "I understand, my lady. I will fetch them," she said before making her way up the stairs where her masters were having a late-night drink.

Knocking, she announced herself before entering and bowing. "Masters, there is a guest in the foyer. She insists on meeting you, and she knows your council name."

A smirk formed on the master's lips as they murmured, "So Alexie's plan worked." They laughed a bit before taking a sip of the drink in their hand. "Very well, I will see her."

Suddenly, the clicking of heels echoed in the room. Slowly, the door opened, revealing a stunning vision of glamour and confidence. A drag queen stood there, exuding beauty and confidence, with a tall and statuesque presence that captivated the entire foyer. Their skin, reminiscent of smooth caramel, glowed under the soft lights, casting an air of sophistication around them. Dressed in an understated yet chic ensemble, they wore a well-fitted blazer paired with tailored trousers that showcased a perfect blend of androgyny and style. Their eyes met the nervous gaze of the girl. A warm, reassuring smile played on their lips, instantly melting away the tension in the room. As they entered with a graceful stride, the atmosphere shifted, and the girl found herself entranced by their magnetic charm.

"Hello," they greeted, extending their palm for a handshake. The girl responded with a murmured "hello" and handed them the card Alexie had given her.

Sighing, they took the card, their eyes lighting up as they read the braille on the simplistic card, revealing the fake name that concealed the council name of the well-known and notorious individual: "Cipher Noir."

A smirk formed on their lips as they glanced once more at the trembling girl before them. Shakingly, she held out the envelope that the butler had handed to her before boarding the cab.

Raising their brows, they took hold of the letter, its signature very clear, and the writing, though simple, hinted at the potentially significant contents within.

They knew that Alexie Ivanov was due at the council for judgment regarding Handler's actions, but the man just couldn't stay put without causing mischief. Either way, it was something beneficial for them, as they had been trying to tackle down Pierre Michel Laurent, a man extremely problematic to their luxury yacht business due to his notorious partying habits that had even led to fatalities.

Glancing through the contents of the letter, they looked at the lady behind them and asked gently, "Michel, go fetch that child who was originally from Bangladesh. What was her name?" They clicked their fingers a few times to revive their memory and said, "Ah, yes, Ayesha."

Bowing, the woman took her exit, leaving them alone with the girl. The girl sat before them, arms covered in goosebumps, her expression blank, possibly filled with worry about her future. Gently, they sat across from her on a plush seat, taking note of how the girl hadn't touched her tea at all. An endearing smile bloomed on their lips as they spoke slowly, allowing the girl to easily understand, "Hello again. My name is Comte Lucien de Montfort."

The girl raised her brows a bit before calming down and replying, "Madhuri Shr—" She shook her head, realizing she no longer needed to use her husband's last name, and continued, taking a deep breath, "Madhuri Chauhan." For this, she earned an encouraging smile that made her blush. The girl didn't understand much, but she knew one thing for sure—the master in front of her was enchanting, like no other she had met before. Not only did they exude an aura of poise, but they also carried themselves with kindness.

Soon, the woman who had left returned, trailing a girl who looked much older than Madhuri, but she could tell from her features that she was also South Asian. The master of the house smiled at the girl and said, "This girl doesn't know English. I want you to be her friend, guide, and sometimes help with translation between us."

The new girl, Ayesha, was delighted at the offer and instantly agreed. With that, they got up, giving out instructions to the older lady, whose name Madhuri caught as Michel, to prepare the cars. Before they strode out of the room, they picked up the tea and gulped it down in an instant, startling Madhuri. They said, "Don't worry, darling, we will never hurt you here." With that, they left Madhuri with Ayesha, who, when translating what the master had just said, made Madhuri flush furiously.

~Alexie Ivanov~

"You are indeed a stone cold monster, as they say, aren't you, Cipher Noir?" a deep voice resonated through the air as I smirked at my new care taker.

I tilted my head with nonchalance as I spoke, "My, oh my, must we be so formal, Lucien? Or should I address you as Count?"

The person, or rather, I should say, the woman at the moment, gritted their teeth in annoyance. "Alexie, you need to be reminded once again that your role as the guarantor of the Handler requires you to cause no harm until he's in custody." The title of Count had been passed down through generations to this individual, who seemed to take pleasure in cross-dressing as a woman—a behavior beyond my comprehension.

Casually waving my hand, I relaxed in my chair to witness the scene unfolding before me. The ambulance had arrived, evacuating numerous individuals from the sinking yacht. Their precarious condition wasn't solely due to the blast but also the substances they had exposed themselves to.

Notably, a separate ambulance was designated for a specific individual – the Piggy. Raising my brow at Lucien with an air of arrogance, I remarked, "Don't I deserve a thank you?"

However, their expression remained stoic as they responded, "It wasn't a favor that you carried out. I agree, Pierre has been nothing but a nuisance for me and my business since his cousin inaugurated him into this line. But that doesn't mean I couldn't have achieved what you have here." They produced an envelope and handed it to me.

Continuing, they added, "That girl you've sent my way—I'll ensure if she's worth it, she gets the chance. Trust me, I'm not doing it for you but because of my goodwill."

As I read through the documents detailing potential connections to the attack on Nari and the reasons behind their pursuit of Mr. Patel, I replied nonchalantly, "Yeah, yeah, I knew you're a charitable person. Madhuri will be in good hands with you."

A particular word caught my attention, and I raised my brow, murmuring, "Enigma."

Sighing, they responded, "Yup, apparently, we don't know anything about this Enigma, but the secrecy surrounding it and its potential capabilities have captured the attention of many. That girl you are taking care of," they looked at me with empathy in their eyes, "I hope she doesn't fall into the wrong hands, only to end up as a common whore."

Grunting, I rose, placing the letter on the flame of the lighter that Albert held. Meeting the man eye to eye, I glared at them, stating, "It is up to the me to decide whether she turns into a common whore or Joan D'Arc."

With that, I moved past them, striding towards the awaiting car. Over my shoulder, I added, "Also, take care of Ronald McDonald for me."