Cabin in the Woods

~Nariya Patel~

As winter held everything in its clasp, the diminishing light outside whispered a sleepy lullaby, its effect seeping into my senses. The warmth of the heater offered some solace, yet our destination loomed not far ahead, compelling my brain to soldier on amidst the unchanging scenery of white passing by.

Soon, the frost-kissed landscape of the mountains emerged, the last rays of the sun peeking from behind their peaks. A large sign for the ghost town whizzed past, marking the distance we had covered.

"Are you holding up, moonpie?" Alexie's voice shattered the drowsiness attempting to ensnare me, banishing it to the recesses of my mind.

I stretched, a tired groan escaping my lips. "Just feeling the kind of exhaustion that comes when there's nothing to do."

"Want to take the wheel?" he offered, sparking a surge of alertness within me, though I hesitated. "We still have some distance before we hit the mountains, and," he glanced at the deserted road, "doesn't seem like much traffic ahead."

I nibbled nervously on my lip, uncertain if I possessed the capability to handle this task. Driving had always been a dream, a symbol of the freedom I craved. Yet, without a mentor or the means to afford lessons during my teenage years, I had resigned myself to believing it was beyond my reach.

"May I?" I ventured in a timid voice, my lack of confidence evident.

He slowed the vehicle, pulling over to the side before turning to face me, his presence leaning in to support me both physically and emotionally. "It's alright, it's never too late to learn. Do you want to give it a shot?"

A small smile tugged at my lips; that was one of the things I admired most about Alexie—he had a way of encouraging you to step beyond your comfort zone without ever making you feel small. With eagerness, I nodded my agreement, watching as he opened his door slightly. The chill outside seeped in momentarily, causing me to shiver, until he reappeared on the other side, gesturing for me to slide into the driver's seat. Once settled, he entered through the passenger side, shaking off the cold.

"Alright, first, adjust the seat length and height to your liking using those buttons. You can also adjust the steering wheel under here," he explained patiently.

It took a few minutes, but once I had made the adjustments, the road and surroundings seemed clearer, more within my grasp.

"Now, start the car, shift into drive, gently release the brake, and accelerate," he coached.

I followed his instructions, gradually gaining confidence as I practiced driving, the initial reluctance transforming into pure enjoyment as I increased the speed little by little. True to his word, the drowsiness that had plagued me earlier dissipated as we approached the winding mountain road.

Upon reaching a gas station, Alexie exited the vehicle first to refuel, ensuring we were prepared for the remainder of the journey to the town. The sun, now casting long shadows against the mountain peaks, appeared even more subdued than before. The gas station was managed by an elderly couple, and while Alexie attended to the pump, I decided to stock up on snacks for the trip. Our brisk pace indicated that we might arrive around dinnertime, potentially finding few options for a proper meal. However, my scanty outfit—chosen to provoke the envy of my partner at the airport—proved wholly inadequate for the chilly mountain air.

Stepping out of the car into the biting cold, I immediately understood why Alexie had cranked the heater to high. Despite still being at ground level, I couldn't suppress shivers as I opened the door. Wrapping myself in the coat Alexie had provided, I realized with regret that I needed to change; my earlier fashion-forward choices were ill-suited for this sudden temperature drop. In my eagerness to captivate Alexie with my allure, I had packed winter clothes more for style than practicality. Dread settled over me as I contemplated the possibility of freezing before heeding Alexie's caution.

Slowly making my way to the trunk to retrieve additional layers, I glimpsed Alexie exiting the store and heading toward me.

"Al—" I began, catching myself mid-word and instead addressing him as "Professor?"

"Here," he handed me a large paper bag, and upon peering inside, I discovered it was filled with warm clothes. "I spoke with the owner; you can change in the back room," he stated matter-of-factly before turning away and leaving me slightly stunned.

I couldn't quite decipher his tone—was he being distant or perhaps teetering on the edge of anger? My thoughts raced as I entered the store, where I was met with the warm smile of an elderly lady.

"Welcome, young lady," she greeted kindly. "Your professor just fetched some clothes for you; you can change in the back there." With a gesture, she directed me to a small room.

Opening the bag, I found an assortment of hand-knitted and crocheted garments, likely crafted by the lady herself. Feeling the warmth radiating from the pieces, I sensed the love and care with which they were made. Once changed, I carefully repacked the remaining clothes, intending to somehow fit them into my already overstuffed bag.

As I emerged from the back room, I caught a glimmer of pride in the lady's eyes as she remarked, "It suits you so well, dear. I apologize if it may not be quite up to your usual fashion standards."

I vigorously shook my head in response, replying, "Not at all. I can feel the love that went into making these."

Her tender smile warmed my heart as I bid her farewell. Stepping outside, I spotted Alexie leaning against the car, patiently waiting for me. A sudden wave of shame washed over me as I approached him; my intention had been to fluster him, not cause inconvenience. "And yet," I thought, "this incident has instead inconvenienced him."

Just as I was about to close the door and join him, I caught his gaze, and in that moment, I sensed a longing blush, the kind a lover has when looking at their beloved. It dawned on me then that no matter what I wore, Alexie didn't care about that; he was simply falling for me, for who I was.

A smile bloomed on my lips, perplexing him momentarily before he gestured for me to take the passenger seat. It seemed his expert driving skills were required to carry us the rest of the way. However, just as I was about to close my door, Alexie called out in a low tone, audible only to us, "Nari."

Startled, I looked at him, surprised by the departure from the character he had assumed. My immediate instinct was to glance back at the small gas station, wondering if the elderly couple had overheard us. I couldn't help but envision the warm, smiling lady with her tender hands, the one who had knitted the sweater I now wore, hastily reporting our suspicious behavior to the authorities.

"What?" I whispered in a fearful tone, afraid that even the slightest of our voices would carry through the valleys.

Once more, his eyes conveyed a sadness, perhaps even self-blame, before he dropped to one knee in front of me.

"Alexie!" I hissed, my gaze darting nervously between him and the tiny window through which we could be seen. "What are you doing?"

Ignoring my protests, he gently removed the heels I was wearing, causing me to flinch slightly. It was only then that I realized wearing them all day had caused blisters on my feet. As the shoes came off, a sudden chill of pain shot through me. Alexie tenderly attended to my foot, applying ointment followed by bandages. Slowly, he lifted my left foot, bringing it near his face. Flushing, I averted my gaze from his tender yet seductive eyes, focusing instead on the tiny chimney from which smoke mingled into the darkening sky. Another shiver ran down my spine as the softness and warmth of his lips touched my burning skin. Waves of ecstasy washed over me as a sense of déjà vu enveloped my mind. Forcing myself to look at the man before me, I noticed how he slipped comfortable Uggs onto my feet, bringing a sense of relief to my skin.

He rose, urging me to fully retreat into the car. Just as I thought he would close the door behind him, he surprised me by bending down, his body partially leaning over mine. A smirk danced on his lips as he glanced at my flushed face and whispered close to my hair, "Oh yes, last time I forgot about that leg, you little minx." With that, he helped fasten my seatbelt before sliding out and shutting the door, leaving me alone with my racing heart.

"The audacity of that man!" I seethed inwardly, my heart pulsing with indignation. "I had considered letting him off easy after the incident on the plane, but it seems he wants to play with fire," I muttered to myself, watching as he casually made his way to the driver's seat.

The remainder of the journey passed in serene silence, both of us choosing to immerse ourselves in the tranquility that nature offered rather than engage in conversation. While Alexie's mind undoubtedly raced with thoughts of the days ahead and what awaited us, mine concocted various scenarios inspired by years of reading erotica novels—ways to fluster my man and excite myself with the possibilities. As I imagined these scenarios playing out, I couldn't help but giggle from time to time, feeling a thrill of anticipation.

Each time I chuckled like a mischievous imp, I noticed Alexie giving me an odd look through the reflection in my window. I could practically see the gears turning in his mind, debating whether to question my intentions or not, until he ultimately shook his head and chose the latter. Finally, after an hour of companionable silence occasionally interrupted by my bouts of silliness, he spoke up.

"What's got you giggling there, moonpie?" he asked, breaking the peaceful silence.

"You," I replied absentmindedly, still lost in one of my schemes, failing to notice his curious glance.

"What?" he pressed, clearly taken aback.

"Oh," snapping back to reality, I quickly wiped the grin off my face and replaced it with a smile of pure angelic innocence. "Oh, sorry, what did you ask?"

Clearly sensing my evasion, Alexie turned his gaze back to the road, his voice tinged with a hint of unease as he chose not to pry further. "No, nothing," he muttered, swallowing nervously.

The sky was already blanketed in darkness, as endless as Nyx herself, with the tiny, glimmering skaters of stars reminding me of the eyes of my feline friend. As we reached the entrance to the town, Alexie made a call using his high-range phone, useful in less serviced areas like this, to the owner of the lodge. The man greeted us near the main entrance, ready to welcome us to our destination.

"Welcome," he greeted us, his teeth stark against the darkness dimly illuminated by scattered lamps. "Welcome to St. Elmo, Mr. Kuznetsov and Miss Chodhry."

Guiding us up a slight incline and to the left on his scooter, we followed him past one wooden cabin after another, each barely visible in the night. The view was breathtaking, and I couldn't help but imagine the beauty this place would hold in the light of day. Upon reaching our destination, Paul handed Alexie the keys to our cabin.

"Excuse me, dinner, especially prepared for your late arrival, is already served inside. I wasn't sure when you'd arrive, so it's more of a cold spread and instant ramen. I hope you'll forgive our lack of hospitality," the lanky man, Mr. Evernest, explained with a downward lip.

"It's okay, Mr. Evernest. We understand. We'll take advantage of your hospitality tomorrow," Alexie responded warmly, and both men shared a hearty laugh.

I made my way toward the cabin allocated to us, situated like all the others, offering a sense of privacy while still providing a personal view of nature. Though it was hard to discern in the darkness, I couldn't help but notice the considerable distance between each cabin, sparking my curiosity about the total size of the property.

Once inside, the first thing that enveloped me was the welcoming warmth radiating from the fireplace positioned in the center of the cabin. As night descended upon our cozy retreat, that warmth became even more inviting, casting a soft, golden glow throughout the space. The rustic charm of the cabin lent it a homely feel, furnished with two separate rooms, likely arranged upon Alexie's request to maintain our facade.

The crackling fire became the focal point of the room, its flames dancing in mesmerizing patterns and casting flickering shadows on the wooden walls. Within the cabin's confines, we found sanctuary—a refuge from the darkness outside. Cozy blankets draped over the furniture beckoned us to unwind and relax, while the soft glow of candlelight added to the intimate atmosphere, creating a sense of tranquility and peace.

Amidst the warmth and comfort of our surroundings, one thing drew my attention—and my growling stomach's—more than anything else: the spread promised by Mr. Evernest, laid out enticingly on the table. It was no simple spread, as he had led us to believe, but rather an entire charcuterie board accompanied by sides and even a small electric stove for making our choice of ramen.

Alexie, after closing the door behind him, stood beside me, clearly sensing my growing desires. "Hungry?" he asked with a slight chuckle, amused by my dazed state as I made my way toward the food.

In a trance-like state, I approached the spread, my mind not entirely present as a thought occurred to me. Methodically, with the same sense of intoxication, I began to remove each item of clothing until I was left in nothing but my undergarments. The warmth emanating from the fire and the well-insulated cabin shielded me from the harsh winds outside, allowing me to settle comfortably as I sat down, casting a glance back at Alexie.

He appeared frozen in place, as if the winds that didn't exist within the close quarters had immobilized him. Once again, his brain seemed to be running through a mental flowchart of questions, contemplating his future decisions.

"Come here," I urged, taking a cherry tomato and delicately pushing it into my mouth, allowing it to dangle invitingly from my lips. He watched, his focus now on the innocent tomato, his gaze seemingly conveying, 'How lucky that tomato is.'

With a slight pressure, I burst the innocent tomato, releasing its juices to flow freely. They cascaded down my lips, tracing a path from my chin to my throat, igniting a hunger in Alexie that was palpable. His desire grew as he swallowed, his eyes fixed on me with longing.

Oh, how I relished teasing him, reveling in the power I held over his desires. I watched as he slowly made his way to the table, but once there, he devoured his food hastily, as if in a rush to satisfy a hunger that extended beyond mere sustenance. Abruptly, he rose with a jerk, casting a quick glance around the room before muttering a hurried "Goodnight" and retreating to his room, the sound of the door locking firmly behind him.

I couldn't help but laugh aloud at his sudden departure, amused by his evident turmoil.

"Oh, poor boy," I muttered to myself, still chuckling as I indulged in the rest of the spread. "You still have days to go."