Do things to me that you might regret.

~Nariya Patel~

Scattered rays pass through the curtain of clouds, falling like shattered petals onto the frozen ground. A puff of cold air escapes my lips as I breathe in the pollutant-free air, misting the small window overlooking the patio outside.

"Here," Alexie's voice pulls me from my thoughts as he hands me a steaming cup of hot chocolate.

"Thanks," I reply, savoring the warmth of the drink.

"We should start getting ready," he informs me, pacing quickly towards his room. I catch a glimpse of his neatly organized space, a stark contrast to mine.

"Quite the clean freak," I murmur to myself.

Once alone, I contemplate my wardrobe options, determined to lure my ever-so-innocent professor and break his puny resolve. While I had packed some provocative outfits from home, I needed to strike the right balance between allure and warmth, avoiding another embarrassing mishap like yesterday. My gaze falls on the study table in the room. Deep in thought, I pick up a sturdy pair of scissors.

"Sorry about this," I whisper, my eyes fixed on the beige sweater I had bought from the elderly couple at the gas station. Taking a deep breath, I make the first cut. "Careful, careful," I mutter, flinching at the thought of ruining her hard work. But it's all for the sake of winning my love. Any grandma would understand, right?

When I'm done, I marvel at my creation. "Not bad," I mutter. "Now to work on the seams, or this thing will fall apart in no time."

Donning layers of body-warming shapewear, I fashioned the remnants of the sweater into a dress that plunged deeply in the front, highlighting my curves in the best way possible. Although the shapewear protected my skin, the overall effect would make any observer's mind go haywire. "This should do the trick," I laughed, imagining the future reactions of my man, and headed out.

Oh, how right I was. The instant I entered the room, he, busy sipping his coffee while reading a local newspaper, glanced at me, nearly fumbled with his mug, and had to set it down with a thud.

"This can't continue," he muttered, his voice audible despite his attempt to keep it under his breath. In all my feigned innocence, I just blinked my lashes at him.

"Nari," he said, looking at me sternly, "I know you want to play your games, but it's freezing cold out—"

Before he could finish his rant, I moved swiftly toward him, grasped his hand, and plunged those cold fingers right into my cleavage. He instantly flinched back, a red flush spreading across his face as he stumbled against the stool he sat on.

"Wha- wha—" he stammered.

"See? It's warm, isn't it?" I smiled at him, watching as he balanced himself against the kitchen island, trying to maintain as much distance from me as possible.

"I... yes... but," he began, only to be interrupted again by a knock resounding through the cabin.

Alexie coughed and straightened his jacket, adopting a professional facade in mere seconds as he walked toward the door. "Yes?" he called out in a stern tone, so different from the one he'd used moments before.

"Good morning, Mr. Kuznetsov," came a feeble, high-pitched voice from the other side of the wooden door. "If you and Miss Chodhry are decent, I've come to escort you both to the dining hall."

Alexie glanced at me, waiting for my approving nod, then swung the door open, casting an animated smile as he replied, "Thank you, Mr. Evernest. We'll be right with you in a moment. Let us grab our coats." With that, Alexie gave a gentle nod to the man and pushed the door to close just slightly.

I hurriedly jumped off the high stool I had occupied, eager to try the delicacies served here. While we were booking lodges, this one stood out due to the local cuisine they offered. However, I was stopped short in my tracks as Alexie stepped right in front of me.

"Now wait here, young lady," he prompted, grabbing my coat from the hanger and holding it open for me to slip on the extra layer. I rolled my eyes at his overprotective nature; I was sure the morning sun offered much-needed warmth, but he just ignored me. He turned me around, pushing my shoulders gently, and helped me zip up the long coat. In typical Alexie fashion, he didn't stop until the zipper was all the way up, practically choking my neck.

"Professor," I made a suffocated noise, but he just marveled at his work, satisfied only when assured that no part of my scandalous outfit could be seen by anyone else.

"Alright, let's go. I'm sure you must be starving for a proper meal," he said, opening the door and grabbing his own coat as he urged me to go on.

Outside, Mr. Evernest stood waiting patiently, a smile blooming on his lips as he saw us coming out. "Good morning," I replied to his inquiries as we walked along the path we had taken last night. While Alexie chatted delightedly with him about our stay, I marveled at the beauty the shallow paths had to offer. Illuminated by daylight, the area had much to admire, from the pine trees lining the sides to the tranquil mountains standing proud on the far horizon.

As we reached a larger path, the stone changed to concrete, and in the hollow middle, like a little cottage tucked into the valley, was what Mr. Evernest called the common hall. A delicious whiff of food tantalized my hungry insides, urging me to prompt the men to quit chit-chatting and get inside before all the food was gone. Both of them laughed merrily but followed me nonetheless, like parents patiently trailing their eager child.

Once we reached the landing for the common hall, we were greeted by a tall woman with a broad set of eyes. "Welcome, Mr. Kuznetsov, Miss Chodhry. I am Mrs. Nora Evernest, the cook and caretaker of this establishment," she said with a confident smile. "Please follow me; you both must be hungry after your trip."

We thanked her as we took a seat in the upper floor seating area, noticing that we were probably the only patrons. However, that thought soon left my mind as the couple came serving us plate after plate of local delicacies.

As they were busy serving us, Alexie, whose mind always stayed alert to current matters, asked, "Are there no other guests besides us?"

Mr. Evernest smiled sadly and replied, "Yes, business here is, well, dying." He sighed before continuing, "Mostly guests come in the summer or during the peak of skiing season, but right now, we only have you two. There are, of course, other lodgings in the area for more, well," he looked a bit abashed, "local guests, and of course, you will be meeting them en route."

From the look deep within Alexie's eyes, I knew he could tell, as I could, that Mr. Evernest was not telling the whole truth. To help the couple lower their guard, I prompted with my ever-innocent, ever-inviting smile, looking first at Mrs. Evernest and then at her husband, "Ma'am, Sir, if you don't mind, would it be possible for you both to join us for breakfast?"

Mrs. Evernest was taken aback, her hospitable smile faltering for a mere second before she started, "But Miss, you are our guests; it would be improper…"

However, I was an Indian through and through, and hospitality ran in my blood. I continued urging, "We are guests in your beautiful home," I said, looking around as if impressed by all I saw. "And it would feel so lonely if it's just the two of us." I pouted a bit, the sort that gets little girls like me to easily slip into anyone's heart.

Alexie, understanding where I was leading, added, "Yes, Miss Chodhry is right. Also, we could really use some local insight for our research."

That sealed the deal. The couple, reluctant at first, brought out their plates and joined us. The conversation slowly built up, moving from the scenic nature to the town itself. The proud couple eased in, sharing details about their town, the attractions, what to buy, and what to avoid.

Finally, once they were comfortable enough, Alexie asked, "Mr. Evernest, earlier you mentioned local guests. Are they someone we should be wary of? I can handle myself, but I worry for my little student here." He frowned, adding a bit of dramatic flair to his words. While we both knew we could handle any trouble, it was crucial to be prepared for the future.

The man adjusted his glasses, starting, "It's nothing to worry about if you stay away..." but I made a lopsided frown that seemed to worry the lady next to him. Understanding our concern, she nudged her husband to disclose the entire truth.

He coughed, then sighed in a defeated manner. "There are some local boys who roam around the mines, thinking there must be some gold or something left in them. It's a restricted area, but the local sheriff doesn't care much unless it involves the wealthy visitors."

"These boys can get a bit rowdy," Mrs. Evernest continued. "So we suggest you stay away from the deeper parts of the mines. Just stay with Mr. Langher, who will be your guide, and you should be fine."

Alexie and I exchanged glances, aware that this might be a situation we'd need to consider. We weren't sure where the next clue left by Eve might be, no matter how much we scrutinized the letter. If worst comes to worst, we might even need to go into the mines, though my claustrophobia already hates the idea.

"You mentioned wealthy visitors?" Alexie prompted another question.

"Ah, yes," Mr. Evernest replied. "On the other side of the small pond, there are summer houses of some of the rich landowners of St. Elmo. But we urge you to stay away from them."

"Hmm?" I looked at him quizzically.

"Yes, dear," his wife added. "There are vague boundaries among the lodging houses. Due to the recent rise in hooligans, the caretakers have adopted a rather violent attitude toward trespassers."

The couple sighed, contemplating an eternal shared memory of the good times from their past. An understanding silence hung in the air. We grasped why such delicate information might be deemed unnecessary for tourists staying in their quaint town for just a few days. Information that scares away people will certainly scare away tourists, and for small, dying economies like this town's, their best marketing tool is word of mouth. "Oh, I went to St. Elmo. It's such a beautiful place with much more than just abandoned mines. You should totally visit on your next vacation." This narrative was something they couldn't afford to have turned against them.

Alexie's serious voice cut through the silence like a sharp knife. "By violent tendencies, do you mean shoot on sight?" He narrowed his eyes at the couple, and the kindly man they had been chatting with for the past hour transformed into someone whose mere look could have a mental chokehold on any person.

The couple gulped, their skin prickling with a primal fear they couldn't quite describe, as they slowly nodded in affirmation. The tense atmosphere shifted in an instant as Alexie donned his charming smile, and we turned to softer topics. Once the plates were cleared away, we bid goodbye to the couple and made our way to the center of town, where the museum and library were located and where we were to meet our guide, Mr. Langher.

Taking in the scenic view, we decided to borrow bicycles from the lodge rather than relying on a car, mutually agreeing that an environment like this was perfect for getting some exercise. Hopping on a cycle, I winked at Alexie and said, "Let's see who reaches first," then hurried along the path without waiting for his response.

"Wait, don't rush!" I could hear his voice ringing behind me. Yet, throughout the short journey, he never tried to overtake me, maintaining a safe distance and staying alert for any miscreants.

Once we reached the town square, we parked our cycles at the common spot Mr. Evernest had mentioned. I huffed out of breath, noting how easily the calm man next to me could have won the race. I huffed in irritation at his smug demeanor when we were called out.

"Mr. Kuznetsov?" a voice, barely audible in the solitary environment around us.

"Mr. Langher?" Alexie moved toward the man with resolute steps. "Hello, nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine," he smiled delicately at Alexie.

As Mr. Langher briefed us on the plan for the day, he gave us the option to choose between the library or the historic museum for our first activity, saving the other for after lunch. We chose the library as our first destination, unsure of where to find the Cypher left by Eve. My decision was based on my vague knowledge that my mother enjoyed reading. I still remember the rows and rows of books in our previous house. For now, it felt like shooting in the dark, but it was the best lead we had.

"Well, I'll leave you folks to do your thing," said Mr. Langher, leaving us in front of the library doors. As we entered, our first order of business was to ensure the area was clean. Other than an old lady who seemed least interested in us, the place was deserted.

Even though it wasn't a vast place, we were still searching for a needle in a haystack, except we didn't even know what the needle was. Unsure where to start and what to look for, we decided to split up and each take a section. Hours passed as our search continued, but no matter where we looked, it seemed futile.

As boredom enveloped me, I paced through the aisles, noticing Alexie engrossed in a book with a high stack next to him. An idea sparked in my mind as I lounged on a chair a few seats away. Unzipping my coat, I tossed it onto the seat and adjusted my outfit for maximum effect. With deliberate slowness, I pretended to scan through the titles while my brain schemed.

Glancing to my side, I spotted an innocent-looking ladder leading to the high shelves. My shoes clicked on the ladder steps as I ensured the man at the desk noticed me. I continued my act, feeling his eyes on me, and stopped at a height, pivoting my body to one side and stretching out my arm as if reaching for something.

"Ughh," I moaned in frustration, pretending to struggle with a book I found interesting. I wiggled my outstretched body, giving the man below an eyeful. Curiosity piqued in Alexie, his chair creaking as he shifted closer. I could sense his silent observation as I stood below the ladder.

It was time to fully utilize the outfit I had donned. Stretching a bit more, I made the material slide and wiggle on my back, eliciting a quick cough of embarrassment that reverberated through the room. I took deep breaths as I dared to move further, gradually exposing the shapely structure of my ass.

As I stretched too far, the ladder gave way beneath me. I grasped as it slid to the side, nearly falling. Suddenly, Alexie sprang into action, grabbing the falling ladder and me along with it, restoring its balance. But I couldn't regain my own balance, and I screamed as my foot slipped. Instinctively, I shut my eyes, bracing for impact, but it never came. In mere seconds, Alexie not only fixed the ladder but also held me, supporting my weight with the ladder's help. Once the initial chaos subsided, we sighed in relief as I sat on the ladder steps and Alexie supported himself on either side of me.

"That was dangerous—" Alexie started, his tone high with anger, but I cut him off by pulling his body closer to mine and covering his lips with mine.

He gasped in surprise, his eyes wide as he muttered, "Wha- what—"

"Alexie," I spoke in a low tone suitable for the silent environment around us, "Do things to me that you might regret."

"You little minx," he growled into my ear, tugging at my leg and pulling it toward his hardened erection, "You have no intention of working, do you?" He nudged me to lean back as warmth pooled between my legs. In one swift motion, he clasped my exposed buttocks, tearing through the stocking with one rip. I gasped at his primal approach, but any protests were silenced when his hot tongue slid into my parted lips. Meekly, I held onto his shoulders for support as he pushed deeper, engaging in a tug-of-war with my tongue, fighting for dominance. I moaned, my voice echoing in the empty space as his fingers delved into the exposed gap, enlarging it as if it were mine.

I was on the brink of screaming his name, forgetting all the facades we had built, when we both jerked away from each other with a resolute push as we heard, "Mr. Kuznetsov? Miss Chodhry?"