Miners and Diners

~Nariya Patel~

Guided through the complex yet enchanting trails, Mr. Langher didn't hesitate for a second to share the historical significance of the houses. He not only told us which famous person or beautiful lady had once lived there but also recounted stories about their current inhabitants and how their ancestors had come during the Gold Rush. These fascinating tales, shared so passionately, captivated me completely. However, no matter how much his stories enthralled me, I couldn't shake off my current situation, whether caused by a gust of wind or a surge of my own emotions.

We had narrowly escaped being caught by Mr. Langher earlier when he came to fetch us from the library. Thanks to the cover provided by the shelves and books, we had barely managed to compose ourselves and hide our flushed faces. How scandalous that would have been!

The danger only heightened the thrill. Despite the cool breeze from the hole in my stockings brushing against my legs, I dared to think of even bolder tricks to play.

I let my eyes drift toward Alexie, only to find his gaze fixed on me. His face appeared blank, but I sensed a darkness in his eyes, a hidden intensity within them. Another cold rush of air passed over us, and I moaned slightly, feeling the air tease the flesh of my exposed skin. I sighed, and when I looked back at him, I saw his mind wandering elsewhere. He gulped, his Adam's apple throbbing, and still deep in thought, he looked away, sucking in his cheeks. That moment filled me with pride in my direct approach; he wasn't reproaching me, but something inside him was stirring as his resolve weakened.

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind: 'What if he takes this further?' As someone with limited experience beyond kissing, I felt intimidated by the prospect of what might unfold. Playing with his "thing" on the airplane now seemed like a distant memory, and I felt a surge of nervousness thinking about it. I was aware of his considerable length, but the idea of actually seeing it, feeling it, and... I shook my head, unconsciously playing with my hair as if to dispel the thought. It felt like a blasphemous notion, even though I knew it was a natural and age-old act.

Another thought of consulting my friends crossed my mind, but I was currently incognito, and asking such a personal question seemed out of the question. 'It should be fine. After all, I went to buy that with Rosella,' I reminded myself. However, now that Alexie was responding to my advances, the reality hit me: the possibility of some form of intercourse was no longer off the table.

"—Dhry...," someone called out. "Miss Chodhry, we are here."

I suddenly realized how far we had walked while I was lost in my daydreams. Mr. Langher was calling me to stop, as I had been walking in a daze.

Alexie raised his eyebrows. "Are you all right?" he asked, his concern evident.

"Ye...yes!" I stammered. "Just a bit enchanted,"I gestured to my surroundings. "With everything."

Mr. Langher gave a proud, old man's laugh. "Of course, our town is that magical!"

I hurriedly followed Mr. Langher into a local diner, where we were scheduled to have lunch according to our itinerary. Pushing open the creaky wooden door of Ruby's Diner, a small brass bell jingled overhead, signaling our arrival. The warm air inside was filled with the tantalizing aromas of frying bacon, freshly brewed coffee, and sweet pies cooling on the counter. The place exuded a cozy and welcoming vibe, and Mr. Langher proudly informed us that the diner was as old as the town itself, with the current owners being descendants of the original proprietors.

At a glance, it was clear that the diner held a wealth of memories, not just of the family who had owned it through the generations but also of the entire community. The walls were adorned with old photographs and memorabilia from the town's mining days, showcasing a collective history that ran deeper than family ties. I understood why Mr. Langher had insisted on dining here instead of having a homely meal back at the lodge.

Beside me, Alexie took in the scene with a quiet appreciation. With our travel-worn clothes and windswept hair, we must have appeared like a pair of weary adventurers seeking refuge in this inviting sanctuary.

We stepped in and immediately felt the comforting embrace of the diner's homely atmosphere. The patrons, a mix of locals in flannel shirts and work boots, gave us curious but friendly glances. However, deep within, I felt a cold uneasiness creep over me, as if someone were watching us intently with hidden intentions. The feeling lasted only a few seconds, but it was enough to make me flinch and turn toward the source. I saw nothing but uninterested faces, and once more, the general atmosphere reverted to the cozy demeanor we had come to expect. We made our way to a corner booth by the window, where we could watch the world outside while soaking in the warmth.

A waitress named Betty, a stout woman with a kind smile and an apron smeared with flour, approached us. "Well, hey there, sugar. What can I get for ya?" she asked in a warm, Southern drawl.

I returned her smile, feeling at ease. "What's the local specialty?" I inquired, eager to immerse myself in the town's culinary delights.

Betty's eyes twinkled. "You've gotta try our chicken-fried steak with gravy. It's a favorite 'round these parts. And for dessert, how 'bout a slice of our homemade pecan pie? Best you'll ever have."

Alexie nodded in agreement. "That sounds perfect," he said, his voice carrying that familiar, calming assurance.

As we waited, I looked around, taking in the details. A jukebox in the corner played soft country tunes, and the hum of conversation filled the air. A couple of old-timers were engaged in a lively game of checkers by the fireplace, their laughter adding to the diner's cheerful ambiance. Alexie and I exchanged glances, sharing a silent appreciation for the simple, heartwarming scene.

Soon, Betty returned, balancing two large plates laden with golden, crispy chicken-fried steaks smothered in creamy white gravy, accompanied by fluffy mashed potatoes and green beans sautéed with bits of bacon. The smell alone was enough to make our stomachs growl in anticipation.

We dug in, and the flavors exploded in my mouth - the perfect blend of crispy coating and tender meat, the gravy rich and savory. Alexie looked equally pleased, his eyes closing briefly as he savored the taste.

Betty checked on us with a motherly concern. "How's everything, hon?"

"Delicious," I replied with a contented sigh. "This is exactly what we needed."

Alexie nodded in agreement, a satisfied smile on his face. "Couldn't have asked for a better meal."

After finishing the hearty meal, Betty brought out the promised slices of pecan pie. The crust was flaky and buttery, the filling sweet and gooey with a satisfying crunch from the toasted pecans. We savored each bite, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction and belonging.

As we left the diner, the bell jingling overhead signaling our departure, I felt a surge of renewed energy and warmth, ready to tackle our next destination with rejuvenated vigor. So what if we hadn't found any clues in the library? Perhaps it wasn't meant to be that easy. Maybe the mausoleum would offer some answers.

We cycled through the short streets and soon arrived at the museum. Like the library, it lacked grandeur or opulence, but Mr. Langher's enthusiasm made it clear how much it meant to him and the town folks to have their history rediscovered and appreciated by others. I felt a twinge of guilt for lying and presenting a fake front, as their eagerness to share their town's rich history with the world was evident.

I sighed, and while Mr. Langher was away calling on the caretaker to bring the keys for the museum doors, I shared my thoughts with Alexie in a hushed tone.

"I feel bad... they're so energetic," I whispered to Alexie, expressing my conflicted emotions. He squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Maybe you can do them justice, not as Radhika Chodhry, but as yourself, offering an economic and financial perspective on this small, tucked-away town," he suggested. I nodded slightly in agreement. After all, I would need to present a thesis at the end of my degree, and this place could be the perfect subject.

The museum tour wasn't a long one; it was more like a concise collection of stories and adventures we had already felt and heard throughout the day. The town's history was simple in essence, marked by a boom-and-bust cycle typical of many mining towns in America. Despite our efforts to read between the lines and uncover more than the basic history lesson, we found nothing in the museum itself to further our search.

Deep inside, a feeling that had been lingering but drowned by optimism resurfaced as my hopes were dashed. It became clear that what we were looking for was not as simple as a town tour. Whoever this Eve was, she could not have left her message in such an obvious manner.

As my optimism began to wane, I realized that finding what Eve wanted to communicate would require more than just a casual exploration. It would demand deeper investigation, sharper intuition, and perhaps even a bit of luck. The simplicity of the museum and the town's history only reinforced the complexity of the mystery we were trying to solve.

Once the museum tour ended, Mr. Langher accompanied us back to the town square where he had met us that morning. "Well, that's it for today. You can explore the library more if you wish and have your dinner at the diner, but I bet Mrs. Evernst would be quite unhappy to let her guests miss her delicious food." He laughed lightly, waiting for our reply.

Alexie ventured, "About the mines—"

However, Mr. Langher cut him off in a frenzy. "Yes, that will be tomorrow. Well then, goodnight." He briskly ended the conversation and left us. His hurried departure and nervous gestures seemed more like reassurance to an unseen observer than to us. As Mr. Langher's figure diminished in the distance, Alexie narrowed his eyes pensively. It appeared he, too, had realized what I had: forces were hindering us from accessing the mines, which likely meant that whatever we were meant to find was there.

"Let's go," he called out suddenly, moving not towards the library but the stone-paved road that led to the lodge.

"But what about our bicycles?" I called after his rushing figure, but he didn't reply.

Hurriedly, I rushed after him, noticing that even though we took the same stone-embedded path, at one point Alexie stopped and turned around abruptly. "I think I'll go check out these mines they're so afraid of showing us," he almost muttered.

In the thick of the forest-covered ground, where we were supposed to be alone, that eerie feeling of being watched returned. "But, sir," I maintained the facade, in case my intuitions were not pure delirium, "it can be dangerous without a local..."

I looked around, and Alexie was able to decipher what I felt. He nodded once, seemingly acknowledging not only my dialogue but also affirming the presence I sensed. He felt it too. From his creased brows, it seemed he had noticed it long before, perhaps since we entered the town square. I understood instantly that he wanted to lure out whoever was watching us, whether it was a mere local afraid of sharing his delusional gold or someone more sinister hiding in sheep's clothing.

"You go back to the lodge, stay with the Evernests," he instructed.

But I shook my head resolutely at his suggestion. Even if we were armed, separating at this point would be almost fatal. A man alone in the woods he's not allowed in is a suspicious snooper, but with his beautiful student, he could pass off as just a pervert. Instantly, that idea seized me, and I pounced on Alexie's arms.

"Sir," I cried meekly, "I will be scared alone."

A bit taken aback, he coughed, glancing at the horizon. He decided that this might be the best course of action right now. His arms slid around my waist as he pulled me tight to him, his whispers loud enough to echo for our stalkers, "Rashimi," he called me intimately, "how many times must I tell you this... this can't go on…"

I tugged on his jacket, pushing him with my steps to the edge of the stone path, our fingers tangled as playful laughter rang from my throat. "Wanna do something naughty in the woods, Mr. Kuznetsov?"

The shade in his eyes shifted, like a light bulb of sanity flickering off. He licked his lips lustfully. I gulped, my smile faltering in seduction for just a second, until he pushed himself on me, closer and closer. His head dropped down in a swoop to the crook of my neck. Lightly, he kissed my bared skin, tugging on the soft flesh. He lifted his long lashes, holding my neck under his dominance. "Shall we?" he whispered, before his arm tugged me along with him through the organic path.

My heart hammered, bewildered, pumping blood so fast my entire body felt like it might burst into pieces. 'This man...' my internal organs screamed, 'is a seducer, a charmer, a...' I looked up. His amused gaze pierced me in ways he knew all too well, his lips tugging higher at my reactions. 'Asshole!' I muttered under my breath.

A crunching of leaves snapped both our heads in that direction, but maybe it was the flattening of the sunlight that was already fading away; I saw nothing. Alexie kept on track, tugging my arm to continue our walk. It was already dim when we entered the forest, but the shade of the leaves made the illumination on the ground even poorer. I tried to keep track of where we walked, but amidst the repetitive patterns of the pine trees, I soon lost my sense of direction. Light snow had touched the area, but other than that, the earth was untouched, in its purest form.

Soon the shade of the trees faltered, a single beam of light penetrating an area and highlighting the main attraction of that place: a stone held high like a pedestal. I took in the complex structure of that stone, kept upright at such an impossible angle, yet somehow I knew that even if thousands of men walked on it, it would not falter, never budge.

My astonishment wasn't long-lived when, once more, Alexie playfully tugged at me in a hurry. He pulled me in a frenzy, pushing my body against the hardness of that structure I had been admiring. I gasped in surprise as I watched him slip off his upper coat with a slight movement. 'How used to this is this man.' Somehow, the thought of his earlier experiences vexed me. However, my mind didn't have much time to process what happened next, for in a single minute he was pushing deep into my mouth, his tongue exploring the crevices of my mouth.

"Ale-," I moaned, bewildered and grasping for air.

Suddenly, he had his arms inside my coat, tugging the fabric loose and grasping the soft flesh of my inner thighs between his fingers.

"Al—" I protested between gasps, still overwhelmed by his intense kisses. Was this even a kiss? It felt like he was licking me like an ice cream served to a heated traveler, sucking and licking, melting my insides, and gulping me down.

He suddenly pinched the inside skin of my thighs, making a loud moan reverberate through my throat. His lips parted from mine, allowing me to heave in as much air as possible for my lungs.

With his lips finding that earlier spot on the crook of my neck, he muttered something my brain had a hard time comprehending. It seemed like gibberish, less important than what was currently going on—whatever that was. But he clasped my jaw with his palms, looking deep into my hazed eyes. What I saw in his eyes wasn't the same urge as mine. It wasn't lust but rather an urgency. Even in a state of complete high, the brain has a tendency to snap into action when adrenaline is pumped into the bloodstream. And so I snapped, realizing through the corner of my eye that someone—or rather, multiple people—were moving like predators through the innocent shade of the forest.

Alexie's voice instantly sharpened. "Moonpie," he called between his kisses, "get a hold of the gun in my back." He urged, "Keep it concealed through the fabric of my dangling coat."

I did as instructed, feeling my fingers through the fabric of his rigid muscles, moving across his tensing back, and down to his fitted pants. I quickly found the cold metal pressing into my fingers. I held it firmly, pointing the nozzle toward the edge of the forest from where several voices could be heard.

The atmosphere around us thickened with tension. Alexie's kisses became a cover for our movements, masking our true intentions from the approaching threat. My heart raced, not just from the physical contact but from the imminent danger. I kept the gun concealed, ready to act if necessary, as we awaited the emergence of our unseen pursuers.

"Ye, now here," someone called out in a dull voice.

Both of us looked at each other, a mutual unspoken agreement flashing through our eyes, as we resumed our act, pretending to be startled as we looked in the direction where the voice came from. Soon enough, four men emerged. One, with a ragged face and smoking a pipe, spoke again, "My my, don't get frisky here now!"

An animated smile appeared on Alexie's face as he pushed me deeper into the folds of his coat, making it seem like he was saving my dignity but in reality giving me a better range to shoot at least two out of four if they decided to attack.

"We are sorry, sir, we were just having fun... didn't think anybody would come here," said Alexie.

"Woohoo," another lanky guy next to the first whistled.

"Ughh, just go back. Don't roam around here in the dark," the third guy almost sounded ashamed as he turned slightly away from us.

"Yes, yes, we will go," Alexie continued to smile.

As the men looked at each other, preparing to leave us off with a warning, the fourth, still covered in the shade of leaves, spoke from behind them, "Ain't that your student though... disgusting" he grumbled.

Alexie flinched, his patience edging on anger. I knew that even though we were pretending, he took this comment to the core of our relationship. The bond we had formed through emotional hardships and acceptance was sacred to us both, and an insult to that was unacceptable. But now wasn't the time for violence. We were here for information, not to provoke the whole town against us. Before his calm demeanor could turn into a deadly glare, I pinched his back with one hand, urging him to keep cool.

Peeking lightly from under his protection, I batted my lashes. "I wanna have some fun with my hot professor. We're both mature consenting adults, what's it to you, mister? You sad perhaps that you couldn't land a girl like me."

The man flinched, the tables turned now as I felt his simmering anger. His buddies finally intervened with crackling laughter. "Okay okay, stop now. You both wrap up, and remember," his laughter died down, "Don't go near the mines."

With that, they turned and retreated, pushing the fourth man along with them, their voices dispersing in the air. Once I felt their presence far off from us, I realized I had stopped breathing, and my knees buckled under me. Alexie held me tight, whispering into my hair, "Well done, Moonpie. I'll take you back now."