[Next morning] 19th of May.

Leo beauty sleep was disturbed by the ringing of his phone.

"Who is calling by these time?" Leo asked himself and lazily picked up his phone, not even checking the caller he answered, he heard maxim voice next.

"Good morning mister Leo" maxim said.

"Isn't it too early?" Leo asked looking at his time seeing 6 am.

"Mr Leo, I have sent everyone to you, they are About 850 workers, the rest refused, oh and the 300 hospitals staffs are coming too." Maxim didn't answer but said.

"Really..." Leo sat up in mild surprise and asked "How did you get the 300 doctors in these short hours?"

"I have 10 hospitals which have 200 doctors and nurses each." Maxim said proudly and added "They will be there tomorrow, oh they are coming by road."

"Ok, let me get ready to welcome them tomorrow" Leo said hanging up the phone,

After taking care of his hygiene, he went downstairs.

"Grandma, grandpa what are you two doing here?" Leo asked surprised walking towards them.

"Aww.... my sweet pie, come give Grandma a hug."

"Morning grandma" Leo said hugging his grandma. Both grandma and grandpa were already in their late 80th, 'in my past life I don't even know what happened to them, but in these life I will try to take care of them till their time comes.' Leo thought.

Let see if everything will go his way.


A scream sounded at the moment, drawing all their attention. Nora ran downstairs with a bright smile jumping into grandma arms.

"How is my little cupcake?" Grandma asked with a loving smile. "Grandma I'm not little anymore" Nora said with a pout holding grandma hand, acting like a spoiled child.

"You will always be my little cupcake. And I love you for that" grandma said with a smile.

Leo looked at them rolling his eyes.

"So it's only your grandma you welcomed? What about me?" Grandpa asked staring at the two with a smile.

"I love you grandpa, but not as much as I love grandma" Nora said while still holding on to her grandma.

Seeing these everyone laughed.

"Ok, let your grandma rest for now" Carol said. "Yes you guys should sit down" John said.

The whole family sat down and catch up on their lives and works.

After an hour, Leo tapped Nora hand and gave her a signal with his eyes. Nora nodded then said, "Grandma, grandpa, we have things to do so we'll be going out for a while, take care"

"Oh don't worry about us dear, you dad and mom are here to keep us company, we will be fine" grandma said with a happy laugh.

"Yes, you guys should go and enjoy yourselves, we will be here" grandpa said at the moment.

"Bye grandma, grandpa" both Leo and Nora said and exit the hotel.

"Kids will always find time to play, just like you John"

"Mom, what are you saying, am a well-behaved young man back then, I don't have time to play around" John quickly defended himself, making everyone laugh.

The two met the rest of the team outside and head straight to the site.

Gotten there the six were stunned because of the size of the land, even Leo was surprised, because about a hundred buildings for survivors to live in and 2 fully finished hospitals are completed.

Seeing Leo surprised expression, goodluck said proudly, "Mr Leo, I make sure they worked diligently and with the amount you gave us and the continuous flow of equipment, we can build everything. Thanks to the way you showed us in your blueprint, the process became faster"

"Good" Leo said, then turned his attention to the fences around the base and asked "what about the fences?"

"Mr Leo the fences are just to mark the land, when we are done we will focus on it"

"Down half of the construction, and focus your attention on the wall, make sure it's sturdy, and 5 meter high. Make it wider so some of my fighters can stand on the wall."

Goodluck looked at Leo speechless, but till nodded, after some thinking he said, "Mr Leo, the wall might be ready, but it won't be that sturdy in just two months, it will need time"

"Just build the wall, I will take care of that" Leo said walking inside the base. Seeing Leo, guoping walked up to him.

"Mr guoping, I need your help with something" Leo said to guoping

"What's it Mr Leo" guoping asked.

"Have sent some money to my sister, go with her and buy everything needed in a hospital, if the money is not enough she will call me" Leo said.

'These young men have already used more than 5 billions now to build this base, even the money he gave me, I till have 4 billions even with all the materials I'm buying, the money it's still much.' Guoping thought.

Leo looked at him with a frown and asked "Are you hearing me?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Mr Leo" guoping nodded vigorously.

"Good, Nora please come here" Leo said calling Nora.

"Hiss...." goodluck took a deep breath seeing Nora beautiful face and stunning figure.

Leo looked at him with narrow eyes and said, "if you have any stupid thought about my sister, you won't know how you die"

Hearing Leo the two flinched and nodded coming back to their senses. Goodluck lowered his head, but till stole a glance at Nora.

"No need for too much introduction, this is goodluck, the construction manager, the one in charge of all the construction happening here." Leo introduced as soon as Nora reached them.

"Hello" Nora greeted with a smile.

If not for Leo, goodluck would have started drooling all over, this silver hair girl was just too beautiful.

You know, when you become an enhancer, all the impurity in your body will be watched away, the higher your realm the more beautiful you get, Nora was already beautiful and becoming an enhancer only increased her beauty to a whole new level, but till far from potentate.

"Hello miss Nora" goodluck found his voice and greeted back while guoping nodded.

"Guoping, is the farm area ready?" Leo asked. "Yes Mr Leo, we built a fence around the land" guoping answered.

"Now you and Nora should go and buy everything that will be needed in a hospital" Leo said.

"Yes" guoping nodded and followed Nora into The car and drove away under the envious eyes of goodluck.

"Hey, don't have any bad thought about my sister, even though she is beautiful, she can still kill you with a single finger, now come and show me the farm, I have someone who want to see it" Leo said staring at Jasmine then at goodluck.

Goodluck was confused about Leo words, but till nodded and lead the group towards the newly cleared land, Leo nodded in satisfaction seeing the size of the land and turned to Jasmine.

"Jasmine can you do with this?"

Jasmine nodded moving her daze around the vast land with a rare smile on her face, she can't wait to start planting on it. Leo looked at her and asked the most important question, "you need a lot of farmers, how are you going to get them?"

Jasmine turned to Leo, "I and my brother always helped the people on the island with farming or other hard labor for money, so we know a lot of farmers, and most importantly we are natives of the island, so we can get people. Right Jack?" She finished and threw a question at her brother.

"Right" Jack nodded with a smile.

"When did you think you can contact all these people and what crop is the fastest to be harvested?. Leo asked again.

"I and Jack can start asking today, and the fastest growing crop...?" She stopped for a moment to think, after a while she nodded and said, "potatoes, with the help of fertilizers and good land, it will take at least 3 months."

Leo nodded, 'three months, ok that's till acceptable, with the money in hand, I can buy provisions that can last us for a whole six months.' Leo thought with a smile.

After everything, both Jasmine and Jack left to accomplish their tasks.

Nodding in satisfaction, Leo walked back with Ricky, Mike and Sam.

"Leo, what's next?" Sam asked.

"You guys will supervise everything here, I will be going back to the city and I will send you guys 500 million to use to buy foods, such as rations, maize, beans, you know the rest." Leo said.

"What are you going back to do?" Sam asked again.

"I till have a lot of tasks to complete in the city, you all will know soon enough" Leo said with determination, he needs to complete all his plans, so he could focus on building the strongest and safes base the world have ever seen.

As they walked around the base, some of the workers will occasionally glance at them, while some will whisper some words.

"Do you know that young man in Front is the owner of this base and also the island" a worker whispered to his fellow workers.

"Really... that's him?" Another worker asked in surprise and added, "I thought he will be older, like 35 or 40 years."

"Let focus on our jobs, these young wealthy generation these days have different mindset than we old folks. Another worker said at the moment.

"Yes, You are right" they all agreed.

After 5 hours, Nora and guoping returned followed by 3 big trucks.

"What the hell are in these trucks?" Mike asked, looking at the 3 big trucks.

"Things that will make our base and survivors more happy" Nora said with a smile.