CHAPTER 24: Going back to the city 1

"Oh and what is that?" Ricky asked.

"We bought all the equipment for the hospital and also sleeping beds, it was a lot cheaper on the island than the ones in the cities, so we brought 1,000 pieces."

"Sleeping beds?" Leo said a little surprised.

'I really didn't think of it, I'm building a base for survivors with no way to sleep. Sigh..., thank God Nora thought of it' Leo thought.

Nora looked at them and continue "these sleeping beds are a little different from normal camping beds, each bed can fit at least 3 people and also very comfortable. The beds also comes with its own blanket and pillows." Nora paused and observed everyone expression and continue:

"If you don't want to use it, you can also fold it, when I heard of all these descriptions from Mr guoping, I was a little skeptical, but after seeing it I was stunned. These two trucks have the 1,000 beds." She finished and pointed at the other two trucks.

Leo looked at the two trucks calmly "You brought 1,000?"

"Yes" Nora answered.

"What's the price?" Leo asked again.

"One of the sleeping bed cost 200 dollars, that means the total amount is 200,000 dollars."

"Guoping" Leo nodded and called the mayor.

"Yes Mr Leo" Guoping answered respectfully.

"Do you know the company that build these beds?" Leo asked.

"Yes Mr Leo"

"Good, ask them to supply us with half a million beds before the end of June, if they can add more to it is also accepted, use the money I gave you to pay for the beds, that is a total of one hundred million dollars."

Hearing Leo words everyone around was stunned, speechless and dumbfounded. Even the drivers were dumbfounded, staring at Leo as if he had gone crazy. Leo looked indifferent and added. "Pay an extra 50 million to make them start right away"

After regaining his senses, guoping nodded and said, "Ok Mr Leo" as he was about to carry on his new task, he heard Leo voice.

"Wait, What about the numbers of population on the island I asked for?"

"Mr Leo, tomorrow you will know the total amount. My subordinates have counted 386,145 individuals on the island.

"Ok, I want to know the total amount by tomorrow"

"Yes" guoping nodded and left.

Leo turned to his 4 subordinates and said, Mike and Ricky use some of the money I sent to Sam to buy training equipment for our soldiers, and Sam start looking for anyone who will sell us guns. Nora, select some people to arrange the beds and also the hospital equipment, the doctors will be here tomorrow.

"Ok" everyone nodded and move to accomplish their new tasks. While Leo walked around the base, checking the development process, a total of 300 buildings have been completed which can occupy at least a total of 45,000 people. Leo nodded in satisfaction his mind wandered to his past life, with endless suffering, pain, destruction and dead. 'The doomsday hit everyone unexpectedly killing numerous humans, even the tribulations' day.' Leo shook his head and think about the good memories, 'In that dystopia and deadly world with only one word in everyone's head "survival" he till found love, the only girl who made him happy, take care of him when ever he was injured or sad.' Leo took a deep breath and said with a resolute tone. "Don't worry gaya I will find you no Matter where you are."

[New mission added, Find Gaya]

"Potentate time for us to have fun in the city"

[I thought you are going tomorrow]

"Yeah, I still have a lot of things to do here." Leo said.

After staying in the base for a whole day helping the workers with the materials, Leo got back to the hotel completely exhausted.

"I wonder while am so weak, I'm already a sky realm enhancer, I shouldn't be this tired" Leo said falling on his bed."

[You are something else you know, you help the workers the whole day without resting, and now you are asking why you are so exhausted, if that you are in here with me, I would have given you a slap, do you think because you are an enhancer you can't get tired!]

Leo heard potentate irritated voice in his mind and said lazily. "Come on, I'm just helping to make the base construction process faster, why are you so mad?"

[Huff] potentate huff in annoyance and said [even if you want to help build your base faster, you don't need to over use your body, and I till need you, because if you die I will wonder endlessly in space and voids]

Leo sat up with a frown and asked, "So you need me as much as I need you?"

[Yes, But you can only help me when you get stronger and don't die!]

"Ok, Ok, from now on I will take care of myself"

[Good to hear]

Leo shook his head and lied down, "Good night" he said.

[Good night Leo.]


[Next day] 20 of May.

Leo woke up early in the morning, after taking care of his hygiene he went straight to the base.

Seeing the workers working, a smile appeared on his face, anywhere he walked the workers greeted him with smiles. Joining them to work yesterday increased the opinion the workers had on him, making these poor workers see him in a new light, not as a young man who just like spending money. Leo Smile at them and walked into the private area of the base, this is where his house and all his trustworthy people will live. At this moment only one building was fully built which was his house, a Semi bungalow.

Leo entered the house exploring every inch of it, after a while he nodded in satisfaction, because Nora had furniture the rooms already with each room having a bed and all the equipment in a house, not the sleeping beds but a simple looking bed.

After that he sat down in the sitting room, brought out a book and a pen and started writing down all the rules in the base. Because without rules to follow the people will misbehave without knowing what is right or wrong in the base. After that he also wrote down the punishment for disobeying each rule.

After finishing the rules, he walked out of the house, entered his car and drove straight to the bridge to escort the thousands of people coming. 850 workers and their families, maxim said the total amount are About 1800, not everyone have families.

Leo parked his car on the bridge and called the driver, whose number was given to him by maxim.

The call was answered after ringing for a second.

"Where are you guys now?" Leo asked.

The driver looked ahead and said respectfully, "we will arrive at the bridge in half an hour"

"Ok when you get there call me" Leo said.

"Yes sir"

With that Leo hang up, close his eyes and said to potentate "wake me after 30 minutes"


In a blink of an eye 30 minutes have passed and Leo opened his eyes. He picked up his phone seeing 2 missed calls, he called the driver again.

"Yes Mr Leo, just entered the bridge" the driver said.

"I am waiting at the end of the bridge" Leo said.

After reaching the end of the bridge, the driver saw Leo leaning on his car, he slowly stopped the long bus and got out to meet him.

"Mr Leo" he called out respectfully.

Leo nodded and looked at the countless long buses, he frowned and asked, "is these everyone?"

"No Mr Leo, these are just the doctors and nurses, the workers are traveling by sea. They'll arrive at noon highest." The driver answered.

"Ok follow me" Leo said and got inside his car and drove straight to the base closely followed by the dozens of buses.

After an hour drive they arrived at the base. All the doctors and nurses got down from the buses with their suitcase and bags, seeing the base they were all stunned with mouth agape.

Leo looked at them and asked using his spiritual energy to enhance his voice.

"Who is chi-feng?"

A middle-aged man in suit came out of the crowd and answered. "That's me Mr Leo"

Leo looked at the man, nodded and said "You will be the head of all the hospitals in these base, don't fail me"

Chi-feng was stunned hearing Leo, after a while he said with an unbelievable daze, "M-Mr Leo, I'm just a small hospital doctor, how can I have this honor" as he said these he was looking around the base seeing around three buildings with a health logo on it, and it looked like more are getting built.

Leo stared at him with a smile, he already looked at these man profile in the system and also asked Sam to investigate him. This guy is honest and trustworthy that why he picked him for this important position.

At this moment Leo subordinates arrived with Jasmine, Leo said to the doctors and nurses "these are my subordinates, if you Need anything ask them." He said and left them. Nora took the stage, after introducing herself she brought out a book and started registering their names one after the other.

Leo walked up to guoping and said, "the workers will be arriving by noon, get ready to welcome them and show them what to do in the base."

"Ok Mr Leo, these are the total population in celestial island, including the infant and unborn babies."

Leo nodded and took the list, seeing the numbers he was stunned.