CHAPTER 32: In Face Of True Strength Everything Is Useless

"Grandfather, isn't these dangerous?, you are going to the extreme. What If he got hurt?" Mila asked a little worried.

"Then he's not worthy for you to go with him" Steven said flatly.


Mila was about to say something when one of the death squad member landed on her feet groaning in pain. She looked up at the ring and was stunned by the sight. Leo was like a demon, moving from one place to another, anywhere he pass, a death squad member will drop. In about 3 minutes all the death squad members were all on the ground some moaning in pain while some already fainted. While Leo stood in the center of the chaos like a peerless god who descended on the mortal world.

"Is this guy even human?" That was the question in everyone mind at the moment. But Steven was not yet satisfy and he said.

"Good... kid you are strong, but I said you have to defeat all the death squad members including there captains" with that said the four captains got on the ring.

Death Squad have a total of 200 soldiers, which are divided into 4 platoons in which four captains command. These platoons are.

"North war platoon"

"South war platoon"

"East war platoon"

"West war platoon"

Each captains of these platoon have the strength to kill a normal zombie easily, because they are masters of special fighting techniques.

The four captains got on the ring and looked at Leo. The first captain stepped forward and got in his fighting stance, they have all seen Leo strength so they have to get serious when facing him.

"From your stance I can tell you are practicing the unique and oldest fighting technique known as kung fu, right?" Leo asked with a smile.

"You have a good eyesight there kid, you are right am a black belt in kung fu, don't take these personal ok." Iron fist said.

Leo Smile. "Let me tell you something that someone once told me"

"Oh and what's that?" The east captain asked with a Smile.

"In face of true strength, all plans and techniques are useless" with that Leo move.

Iron fist was already prepared and meet Leo head on. Gotten to Leo he sends out a swift and powerful punch. These punch broke the sound barrier making a whistle sound at his wake heading toward Leo face.

"Kung iron fist!!!"

Iron fist also known as yuner roar sending his signature punch at Leo. "Kid see if you can stop my punch!." Iron fist also the current captain of the death squad north war platoon is well known as iron fist because of these punch, because anyone he used this punch on either end up dead or severely injured.

Leo looked at the punch his face remained expressionless and he punched out.

Seeing Leo action everyone shook there heads even Steven shook his head, because no one can stop iron fist signature punch with another punch.

"This kid is either going to loss his hand or he will be disabled for life." The captain of the west war platoon whisper the only female captain in the four and added with a sad smile. "Let prepare to send this kid to the hospital" the others nodded with her words.

But the expected scene didn't happen but the opposite which make them all dumbfounded standing there like sculptures.

The two fist collide. Under the horror of iron fist his right hand dislocated and twisted after colliding with Leo punch, and Leo punch till carrying his momentum smashed on his chest.



Iron fist sprayed out a mouthful of blood and flew out of the ring and with a "THUD" sound he hit the ground, groaning in pain with a closer look all the bone in his right hand looked broken.

"How's these possible?" The death squad south platoon captain exclaimed in shock.

"This guy is a monster" the female captain said and added "Let attack him together, our chance of success will increase greatly" the other two nodded hearing her words.

Leo looked at the three captains who are surrounding him and said "it's time to get serious" after saying that he activate the skill known as "Pentagon fighting technique" boasting all his attribute by 40%. Of course, he also suppressed his strength.

The three captains nod at each other and attack together blocking Leo escape route. Gotten close to him the south captain send a straight kick to his chest, while the east and west captains attacked from the right and left. The death squad captains are known as the four devils because of their coordinate attacks, there teamwork attacks are flawless and perfect, locking there target in a barrage of attack with nowhere to escape even with the absence of iron fist, there cooperation is till intact. But, they target is Leo, and they will regret it soon.

Leo remained calm, standing till not planning to dodge or attack. When they got one meter from him, he moved, first grabbing the south captain kick throwing him straight towards the east captain, the two were not expecting these and collide into each other falling backward. With him being distracted the west captain attack got to him at the moment, Leo face turned cold, and he turned around swiftly sending a whip kick hitting her accurately on her two melons.


She spurted blood and flew out smashing outside the ring. "Cough… Cough" coughing up another mouthful of blood.

"What the hell?" Even sunny frown at this moment. 'That is the west captain, a woman. He didn't even care about her and gave her such a powerful kick.'

"You..." Steven was speechless.

Leo looked at the west captain and said with an indifferent attitude "to me anymore who pick a weapon to fight is equal, either men or women they will be treated as equal to me.

Looking at the death squad west platoon captain everyone knows she won't be able to continue the fight, they all turned to the other two captains who have stood up.

"I give up" the south captain said. 'Are you kidding me, these kid just grab my kick and throw me out as if am a paper, I can't win him.'

The east captain looked at Leo with a frown. 'Iron fist can't even last a round against this kid, he didn't even care about the west captain who was a woman and severely injured her, if he focuses on me, no way I till want to live.' After thinking for a moment he said. "I lost too"

Hearing and seeing what is happening in Front of them everyone was speechless. "These are the four Devils, admitting defeat to a young man who is not even 27 years.

"Wow, he's so cool" Mila said a little stunned, her usual cold face was nowhere to be seen only fascination and how to uncover the mystery around this guy. Leo picked up his T-shirt and walked towards them.

"Is that all Mr Steven?"

Steven looked at Leo and nodded in approval. "Good, I will let her go with you, and for the punishment of the death squad for losing miserable they will follow you to your island.

"No need for them to follow me, they can come to celestial island anytime, but it shouldn't past this month. Leo said.

"Ok Mr Leo, some of them are injured, so they will be heading to the island a week from now, with all there equipments, ten battleships, 300 rifles and also the captains are going too."

"Thank you mister Steven" Leo said a little stunned, he was planning to take at least Mila, but now he can keep the death squad and also ten battleships, he knew Steven was doing all these to protect Mila, but for him, all these are to protect his base while he protects Mila.

Leo turned around and walked towards the two captains who are heavily wounded. 'I think I got carried away, potentate what is my total amount of doom stones?'

[Doom stones: 9,000]

'Ok how much is the simple health potion?'

[Simple health potion: heal the taker 25% of health. 250 Doom stones. Own 1 in storage]

'Hmm, I have only one left, ok potentate buy two simple health potions.'

[Successful, added to storage]

Leo putted his hand in his pocket and brought out two simple health potions, if he makes it materialize from tin air, this guys will think something else, even if he chose to tell all of them about doomsday they will not believe, at least only Steven and sunny will believe now. 'I need to find how to be alone with Mila, she needs to know about doomsday and also make her my subordinate.'

He walked up to iron fist who have passed out from pain and pour the two potions in his mouth. He can just buy the middle health potion, but that cost 3000 Doom stones for a bottle so for now they have to do with these. He gave his last bottle to Luna, the death squad west captain. After the two drank the potions, some color returned to their faces. They looked at each other in amazement and looked at Leo gratefully.

Leo nodded with a smile, stood up and turned to Mila saying "we are going on a mission tomorrow, so get ready"

Mila nodded.

"Mr Leo, this way" sunny said respectfully.

Leo nodded and followed the two back to the mansion. Luna walked up to Mila and asked teasing. "Girl, how do you know that guy, he beat us all just to have you. I think he likes you or something" she whispered the last part.

"What are you saying Luna?" Mila asked with a frown.

"Come on girl I know what you are thinking, the way you are looking at him. Oh.... our ice queen is in love" she moaned the words slowing.

"Shut up!" Mila said with an annoyed tone walking towards the mansion.

Luna sigh helplessly. 'Mila don't fall for that guy, he's not as simple as we think.' Luna thought with a sigh holding her right and left melons and whimpered with a smile. "Thank God my two babies are ok."