CHAPTER 31: Is He A Monster?

After everyone got to the shooting field, they all turned to Leo and Mila. The two same death squad members move forward with different sniper rifles for them to make there choice.

Mila picked her best sniper rifle "AMW". Leo looked at her and picked the same sniper rifle, seeing Leo action Mila snuff and walked towards the shooting point. 'This guy is a retard, thinking that because he chooses the same sniper rifle as me, he can win.' If she knew that Leo could hit any target even with a wooded sniper rifle with his passive skill "Master marksmanship" she will be stunned in place.

Mila lied down on the artificial grass, put her right eye on the scope and closed her left. Each sniper was loaded with one bullet in its magazine, if you lose a shot you lose the round.


After about 5 seconds she released a shot, the bullet flew with deadly precision hitting the target in the red dot, a clear bullseye.

"Five seconds" the timer announced with admiration and awe.

Leo nodded secretly, the reasons he is going through all these trouble to recruit her is, in his previous life, Mila was one of the legendary figures with a deadly skill, and also she was one of the powerhouse of the first strongest base, her grandfather's. So he is planning to snatch this treasure from him before doomsday. Back then he was just a normal figure with no strength or reputation to get close to these legendary figures, but now he is going to recruit them as his subordinates. This was one of Mila special skill, she is a pure sharpshooter, if not for his passive skill his success rate to win against her will be None. He was brought out from his memories by her cold voice.

"Your turn"

Leo nodded, lied down and copied Mila posture which reward him a disdainfully glare from her. In about 3 seconds he pressed the trigger, flames burst out from the barrel of the sniper, the bullet shot out with an incredible speed like superman shooting into the sky. The bullet hit the red dot in the center of the target putting a clear hole in it. Mila and everyone present was dumbfounded, the shooting target is made of special alloy which can not be penetrated with a bullet unless the person shoots at the precise point over and over again, but this unknown guy just creates a hole on it with just one shot, why wouldn't them be stunned.

"Did he just...?" A death squad member asked totally confused.

"...." Mila was speechless.

Leo stood up and looked at the timer. The guy looked down and announced "3 seconds, he broke Miss Mila highest record."

"Impossible!!" Mila finally found her voice and said looking at Leo in shock. "Nothing is impossible, the final round" Leo said dusting off his clothes.

"You already won two rounds, I will follow you" Mila said with her head down. Leo looked at her and said calmly "We will complete the three rounds you mentioned." Mila looked up at Leo with a confused daze.

Leo needed to show her that he's not a retard, weak or feed on other people hard work. He wants to show her that he's not only taking her as his bodyguard but also as his subordinate. Seeing the determination in his eyes she nodded.

Steven was about to say something but sunny his right-hand man stopped him, with that everyone followed the two to the training section. This area was filled with all types of training equipments, at the center of the training section stood a makeshift wrestling ring. The two got in the ring and Leo spoke first.

"Don't worry I will take it easy on you. Come at me"

"How dare you look down on me" Mila face turned cold hearing Leo words, and she moved sending a powerful punch straight at his face. 'Wow she is really something, she wants to disfigure my handsome face.' Watching Mila fist coming toward he, Leo simply raise his hand grabbing her fist in midair.

"WHAT!!" Mila pupil diluted to a shape of a needle in astonishment, the next moment her shock was replaced with endless fighting spirit, she redrew her hand and sent a swift kick with her right leg, Leo leaped back with a smirk on his face. Missing her target she charged at Leo releasing series of kicks and punches, no matter how fast she moved she can't even touch his clothes.

"Huff, Huff, Huff."

After attacking with no results her strength was depleted, she looked at Leo breathing heavily and saw him smirking at her.

'Is he making fun of me?' Her face turned colder and attacked with the last ounce of her strength sending a kick at Leo, Leo easily dodge by sidestepping. Because of the Hugh momentum and depleted strength she lost her balance and fell. She closed her eyes preparing for the impact.

Seconds passed, the next moment she opened her eyes, turned her head looking at Leo in disbelief. It turned out that Leo caught her before she hit the ground. The next moment she stood up straight and said.

"I lost"

"Does that mean you agreed to go with me?" Leo asked with a smile looking at Mila. Mila nodded and was about to say something when a majestic voice sounded.

"I Disagree!!"

"Grandfather, I have given him my words and am not going back on it" Mila said with a resolute tone.

"And I haven't given you my concept yet And I Disagree." Mr Steven said with an unquestionable expression. "What can I do to change your mind?" Leo asked looking at Steven with a smile. Mr Steven looked at Leo with a frown after a while he said. "Ok Mr Leo, if you can win against the death squad, I will let her go with you. 'Why does this kid want my granddaughter so much?'

"I accept" Leo answered without hesitation.

"Good, I like your courage kid" Steven said and raised his right hand. With that action 50 death squad members from the west platoon got on the ring surrounding Leo.

Leo looked at the 50 death squad members and asked calmly "Are you sure these guys are enough?"

"Don't be Arrogant here kid, we'll see if you can face us the west platoon and till standing!" A death squad member said arrogantly.

Leo nodded calmly and said, "them come at me" hearing Leo the first death squad member who spoke arrogantly move leaping 3 meter high attacking Leo with a flying kick aiming at his head, planning to knock him down with one strike. Leo looked at the coming kick and send out a simple punch.


Leo's punch and the death squad member kick collide. The death squad member felt it he had kicked an iron steel plate. Leo Smile and shook his hand, unknown amount of spiritual energy burst out from his fist colliding with the death squad member foot making his face change dramatically.

"Pu chi…!"

The death squad member spurt blood and flow out like a kite with broken strings smashing outside the ring.

"What the?"


Mr Steven was dumbfounded

Mila was speechless

Sunny was stunned.

All the death squad members were dumbfounded seeing these. A glint flash in their eyes, they are all war veteran who have fought and survived countless battles, seeing Leo strength only fueled there fighting spirit. They all charged at Leo. Leo looked at the 49 people charging towards him, his expression remains calm as water, and he moved swiftly, he struck out a punch and three death squad members flew out. He sent out a whip kick and 5 members flew out crashing into the others causing large casualties. In about a minute all the 50 death squad members were on the ground groaning in pain.

Seeing these Mila was speechless ' He is so good? Then why did he need me as a bodyguard or is he even looking for a bodyguard?' She asked herself looking at Leo, at this moment he looked like he was shrouded in mystery, and she wants to uncover this mystery.

Mr Steven was not surprised by these results because he already expected it, he looked at the three captains. They all nodded and raised there hands and the remaining 150 death squad members entered the ring, surrounding Leo with ease. Leo looked at them took off his T-shirt and said calmly his face remained indifferent "come together, so we will end these quicker."

Hearing his words the 150 death squad members face turned cold.

"Kid don't think because you defeated 50 of our members you can defeat us too, let me tell you a secret, the first 50 members you defected are from the west platoon, which is considered the weakest among us, so don't get your hopes high" A death squad member said unkindly not even putting the captain of the west platoon in his eyes acting arrogantly and continue "And also...."

"Stop right there, am not here to listen to all these nonsense, just attack me together" Leo cut him off and said impatiently.

"Good, very Good, brothers and sisters let teach these guy a lesson" the death squad member said with a cold tone.

"Yes" they all nodded and charged toward Leo.