CHAPTER 38: Two SS-Class skills acquired. Base of operation.

Mila looked at the old man then at Leo who have vanished inside the temple with an unreadable expression.

Inside the temple.

A normal looking temple came to view, the floor was made with some golden alloy Leo haven't seen anywhere before. Leo looked around the temple walking in with caution. You won't know when a trap mechanism would get triggered and kill him without him knowing. Leo walked to the center of the temple without meeting any traps or difficulty.


He breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the dark crimson fire floating on a stone platform which look like an alter. Leo walked up to the red flame. At that moment potentate voice sounded in his sea of consciousness.

[Powerful energy discovered]

[Absorbing the powerful energy]

[The Powerful energy put no resistance]

[Absorbing.... 10%]

[Absorbing.... 50%]

Leo looked at the red flames which was floating towards him. If it's not potentate voice he would have thought the flame was going to attack him. The flame stopped in Front of him. Leo looked at the flame up close. He can feel the magnificent spiritual energy emanating from it.

[Absorbing..... 100%]

[Leo prepare for the pain]

"Wait... what?"


Before he could ask potentate what she meant. Intense pain flew into his head as the red flame enter his skull, between his eyebrows causing him extreme pain.

Outside the temple.

Hearing Leo painful scream. Mila started getting Anxious. Walking back and forth. "What if he's not the chosen one." She stopped and looked at the old man in red robe and master the courage to ask. "Is he going to be ok?"

"Young lady, is time to sleep."

The old man didn't answer her question but said with a wave of his hand. Mila fell down slowly. Falling asleep instantly. One of the powers of a super high realm being. Even Leo won't be able to resist if this old man want him asleep to talk of Mila.

The old man walked up to her, and a smile appeared on his face. "Young lady, you helped our chosen one to this stage. For all the primordial. I will reward you." The old man said and placed his right hand of Mila forehead. "I might not be as proficient as Mali the water primordial soul. So I won't be able to increase your realm to a higher one. But I can give you a powerful skill that you can cultivate to the mastery stage."

With that a white and red mist emanate from his hand. Entering Mila skull. "Don't worry I will make sure you know how to use this new skill I gave you. Now sleep well." The old man said redrawing his hand. Stood up and sat down with cross leg like monks, keeping a distance from Mila.

[Next day. 2nd of June]

Mila woke up with a slight headache. She sat up looking at her environment. Seeing she was in a hall she stood up instantly. 'I thought it was all a dream.' She thought looking around, seeing the old man who was sitting there Like a monk with both his eyes closed. She frowned and asked. "What do you do to me!"

"Don't ask questions child, just wait." The old man said without opening his eyes.

"Wait...?" That was when she remembered Leo went inside the temple. "He's not out yet?" Mila said surprised walking towards the temple.

"Don't try to enter child, you won't survive the energy radiation. Come and sit with me, He will be out soon." The old man said eyes till closed. Mila looked at the entrance of the temple and then the old man. She frowned and walked towards the old man and sit down. Making sure there is a 5 steps distance between them looking at the temple. No matter how she listen she can't hear anything from inside the temple. 'I hope his ok.' Mila thought remembering all there near death encounter. Well only one, but till it's a near death encounter.

One hour later.

The old man opened his eyes looking at the temple with overwhelming emotions. At that moment a pure fire spiritual energy burst out from the temple spreading to all directions around the hall. The old man wave his hand and a fire barrier appeared, protecting Mila in it. This pure fire energy can kill even a core formation realm enhancer to talk to Mila.

"I see.... He's truly the chosen one" the old man said with a smile.

Mila looked up at the temple hearing the sound of footsteps. The next moment Leo figure appeared from inside the temple. His aura remain the same, but his attribute is far stronger than anyone in the same realm as him. Having a fucking ten points added to the normal point of an enhancer.

[10 yang karma fire have been added to your skill.] 'Potentate what's the description of this skill?'

[1,000 Doom stones] 'take it.'

[10 yang karma fire, Grant the user with unparalleled strength and attack to anyone who have a disadvantage towards. It has the power to control the 10 red suns of karma. When activated the user will have an increase in attribute and realm. SS-Class skill, can be upgraded to the SSS-Class.]

'How many doom stones to upgrade the skill?'

[5,000,000 Doom stones]

'Forget it, that is half a billion doom stones. When I become rich then I can think of upgrading it.' Leo said walking toward the two and asked potentate, 'anything else?'

[Ask for the blessing of the fire primordial soul] Leo nodded.

The old man looked at Leo and said with a smile. "I see you are the chosen one. As the rules of the 7 primordial, ask me anything. And warning, you can only ask one thing and nothing else."

'Potentate what are the things to ask?'

[1,000 Doom stones] can't I ask you anything without paying doom stones.

[Enter your sea of consciousness and ask this small questions, it will be free.] 'How can I enter my sea of consciousness when someone is asking in Front of me.' Leo growled in frustration and added. 'Fine take it.'


[For 100% immunity towards any fire attacks.]

[Another S-Class fire skill]

[S-Class Fire levitation skill]

[About the silhouettes you saw in your previous life.]

[About the cause of DOOMSDAY]

[Fire skill devourer S-Class]

[Primordial Fire blessing]

'All these are tempting. I need all these things especially the information about the cause of DOOMSDAY and that mysterious silhouette with Dragon wings. Well... have made my choice.'

Leo looked at the old man and said." I ask for your blessing." This is the only thing the system can't do. But the other options he can get and learn them from the system. At most the system will tell him to be the strongest before he can know all this information. 'But it didn't matter. I will get stronger in the future, I can't lose this opportunity to get what even the system can't give.'

[You know I am hearing you] 'it's the truth.'

[You...] potentate was speechless.

"I see you have some knowledge about us. That's good. If you take my blessing you are marking yourself as the chosen one. To face the coming dangers ahead. Are you up for it?"

Leo nodded. "Am always ready."

"Good." The old man nodded with a smile. The next moment he turned into a red flame and flew into Leo body. Merging with him.

[Congratulation for having the blessing of the fire primordial soul, new skill unlock known as mastery of fire element. SS-Class skill.]

[Congratulation for becoming a dual enhancer]

[Congratulation for opening a new function in the system, known as Base of operation.]

'Wow am a dual enhancer now.' Leo was so happy that he was about to shout out loud but held himself back. And asked again. 'What is base of operation?'

[You Don't have to pay for this.]

[Base of operation is any base you have sighed with the system. The more people you have in your base and more reputation your base have the more doom stones you receive par week.]

'Ok, I choose CELESTIAL BASE.'

[You have to be in the base to be able to sigh it with the system.]

'It looked like I will be going back soon. Ok show me my profile.'

[Ok Host]

[Name: Leo John]

[Realm: Master realm 1 star. 5,000/8,000 EXP]

[Attributes: 85]

[Status: healthy]

[Species: Super enhancer]

[Missions 4:which are "Alert the world about doomsday, protect your family, be the strongest enhancer alive, look for gaya."]

[Wealth: 2 billions]

[Skills 8: Master marksmanship S-Class, Shadow Radar C-Class, Pentagon fighting technique S-Class, master swordsmanship S-Class, Stealth B-Class, invisible barrier C-Class, 10 yang karma fire SS-Class LOCK. Mastery of fire elements SS-Class]

[Ability: Dark and Fire Enhancer]

[Doom Stones: 27,000]

[Base of operation: NONE. Reputation: 0. Population:0. Doom stones par week: 0]

'8 skills, I am getting somewhere, but potentate why is the 10 yang karma fire skill lock?'

[It can only be unlocked when you are above the grandmaster realm. Its energy is too powerful for you to use in your current state.]

'Am in the master realm, and it's till not enough to use this skill.' Leo said a little dumbfounded. 'Ok we will talk about this later. Let get out of here.' Leo thought and looked at Mila. 'Oh time to answer questions.'