CHAPTER 37: Fire Primordial soul: 10 yang karma fire.

These fifteen hours were like centuries to Mila, after walking around the cave trying to get a signal to make a call, unfortunately not even one bar appeared which made her frustrated.

She just spent her time counting the special alloys and stones on the big golden gate.

15 hours later

"It's time, he should be awake by now" Mila said checking the time on her phone, looking at Leo sleeping soundly.

"Do I have something on my face?" Leo asked weakly opening his eyes, seeing Mila looking at him with a frown.

Mila looked away quickly, her face turned red and said with coldly. "What do you mean, I was just worried why you haven't woken up."

"Oh" Leo said sitting up straight looking at her, then his body. 'Potentate you are really something, thanks.' Leo said to potentate with a smile.

[Loan 31,000 Doom stones]


'31,000!! How is that possible.'

[First to reduce the creature strength 10,000, you paid 5,000 remaining 5,000]

[Second to double your attributes 10,000]

[Third to strengthen your sword 1,000]

[Fourth, You bought the high health potion 5,000]

[Fifth to heal your internal injuries 10,000]

[Total 31,000]

'I see I won't be able to cheat you, so what about my body?'

[Your body is in stable condition. Liver healed, lungs healed, and rib cage healed.]

[Congratulation For killing one of the spirit guardian, you have been rewarded with 15,000 EXP and 50,000 Doom stones]

'Wow, this is the highest rewards have got. Use them all.'

[You have successfully paid the loan of 31,000 Doom stones, your balance is now 19,000 Doom stones]

[Leveling up....]

[Congratulation for breaking through to the Master realm 1 stars, you have been rewarded with 10,000 Doom stones.]

Leo stood up instantly hearing these and said, 'potentate show me my system.'

[Ok Leo]

[Name: Leo John]

[Realm: Master realm 1 star. 5,000/8,000 EXP]

[Attributes: 80]

[Status: healthy]

[Species: Super enhancer]

[Mission: 4, which are "Alert the world about doomsday, protect your family, be the strongest enhancer alive, look for gaya."]

[Wealth: 2 billions]

[Skill: Master marksmanship S-Class, Shadow Radar C-Class, Pentagon fighting technique S-Class, master swordsmanship S-Class, Stealth B-Class, invisible barrier C-Class]

[Ability: Dark Enhancer]

[Doom Stones: 29,000]

"Master realm, I am getting close to my peak. In this life, I will suppress my previous half heavenly realm. With this battle we nearly survived. And the opponent is just at the heavenly realm, well even if the opponent is stronger that us, at least we should be able to hold on. If that we fought that monster in his peak state, we won't even have any resistance. But even with his reduced strength. He broke through my invisible barrier, Mila water armor and damage my organs. That's the danger of facing anyone you have a disadvantage with."

"This battle just increase my determination to get stronger." Leo turned to Mila and said. "Don't worry, Am fine now. With that said he walked toward the creature ash, leaving Mila in a stunned daze.

'Did I worried about him for a whole 15 hours?, he looked ok to me.' She remembered the scene of Leo battered body and looking at him now, she was filled with confusion.

Leo walked up to the ash, kneel down on one knee, looking around after a while he found what he was looking for and picked up the red Crystal, dropped by the creature. After picking up the red Crystal he walked up to the golden gate. Mila followed him closely.

Leo placed the red Crystal in the keyhole and the gate made a mechanical sound and open slowly. These shows... without killing the guardian you won't be able to enter.

The two entered, what come to view was a magnificent large hall, the area was as big as two football stadiums. Mila jaw drop seeing the hall, Leo face remained expressionless, he had seen different type of halls in his previous life. What only cut his attention is the big temple in the center of the hall.

As the two continue forward all the fire touch lit up, under the daze of Leo and Mila, the flames move from the touch in all corners forming a humanoid figure in Front of them. Leo and Mila brought out there sword ready to face the newcomer.

Sensing the energy radiation coming from the newcomer Leo froze in place. The next moment the figure turned to an old man with red beard and red pupils, looking at Leo and Mila calmly.

"Who the...." Mila was about to cause, but Leo closed her mouth and said quickly.

"Am sorry great one, she is always like this don't take it seriously." Leo said respectfully and even gave a bow. Mila was speechless, looking at Leo with a frown.

Leo looked at her using his eyes to tell her, but she just stood there giving him a glare.

"I see she is a little stubborn, let me educate her a little." The mysterious old man said and unleashed his Aura towards Leo and Mila.



The sound of knee hitting floor rung out. Leo and Mila broke out in Cold sweat. 'This Aura..., his even stronger than the gate guardian and the golden zombie. This old man might be in the Transcendent realm or immortal realm. Or worst above.' Leo said with gritted teeth. His face turned to horror hearing potential anxious voice. Even when facing the creature she was calm but now, she was so anxious.

[Powerful being detected, powerful being distracted. RUN. Success rate to defeat or escape the enemy is: 0.000000......0000%.]

[Host have encountered the fire primordial soul]

[Host should escape if you have the chance, or make friends with him.]

'Is this how strong a primordial soul is, I can't even resist from his Aura alone. And the success rate. I didn't even get a 1. Am I going to die here no, I till have a lot to do, I can't die here.'

Mila was already sweating bucket, now she knew why Leo was respectful and also stopped her, because this old man can kill them both anytime he wants. The pressure he released rendered her powerless, and she had these strange feeling that these was not his full aura, unless she would not till be kneeling, she would have lost consciousness a long time ago.

Leo looked up with difficulty and said. "I think am the chosen one."

The old man frowned upon hearing Leo and looked at him as if scanning his entire life. Leo felt naked in Front of this old man probing daze, like all his secret will be exposed.

"I see you have the dormant power in you" the old man said after a while.

'Dormant power? Potentate is he talking about you?'

[Leo, he is a fragment of the fire primordial soul, he can feel me inside you, but can't recognize me. That why he said Dormant power. If you can have his blessing. You will be 90% immune to any fire skill. But first, prove to him, you are the chosen one. By taking the 10 yang karma fire. If you can't prove it, you both will die here.]

Leo nodded and looked at the old man firmly.

"You are communicating with this dormant power, impressive I will say." The fire primordial soul said rubbing his beard.

"Yes you know I have the dormant power in me, that proved am the chosen one right?" Leo asked with difficulty from the pressure of the aura. Mila was just frozen, trembling in fear. In all her life she had not felt this type of bone chilling fear. She didn't even hear what Leo and the man was saying even though she was only 2 steps from Leo.

"Young man, I can't detect the power in you, because this is only a fragment of my soul. So for me to believe you. You have to take my fire skill. If you are truly the chosen one, my fire skill will choose you, if you aren't...." The old man stopped looked at Leo and said. "You will die, My fire will burn you to ash in an instant, so are you ready?"

'Did he just said this is his soul fragment?then how strong is this old man in his complete form?'

Leo thought and nodded quickly, and the old man redraw his Aura. Making Leo and Mila collapse on the ground soak with sweat.

"Leo are you sure about these?" Mila asked weakly. She heard the last part about Leo being the chosen one of something.

"Don't worry, just stay here. And don't anger that old man if you want to live because if you die here I won't be able to face your grandfather." Leo said adding a warning inside his words.

Mila nodded and looking at Leo. Leo followed the old man and stopped at the entrance of the red temple.

"My skill is inside, if you can absorb it. I will believe you. Leo nodded and walked inside the temple.

'I hope what you say is the truth young man. You might be our last hope.' The old man thought looking at Leo as he entered the temple disappearing from sight.