CHAPTER 67: The Dead Have Risen


"Please No!!"



The cries and shriek of the people rung out as The hospital entrance was plunged in chaos, the armed men was busy killing all those with red eyes and humans instinct kicked in, Causing the two side to clash creating a bloodbath.

"This is crazy!!" Katrina said shivering in fear.

"Kill all of these red eyes monsters!!!" A man with a rifle yelled at his fellow men.

"I can't stand this anymore!!" Troy said with gritted teeth and slowly walked toward the man with the rifle.

"What's he doing?" Janet asked Tyson in a low voice.

Before Tyson could answer, troy had struck the head with a rock, knocking the man down, he then picked up the rifle and yelled.

"Take Katrina with you!! I'll cover you!"


"Stop Janet, you guys go now, try to save Katrina." Troy said running away from the group firing the rifle in the process.

"Let go!!" Tyson said.

The group of three ran back to the apartment, seeing them back Marisa and Garrett frowned slightly.

"Where's troy?" Garrett asked not seeing troy.

The three didn't answer while Janet just walk to the couch and slumped down and cried silently.

"G-Guys am not feeling good" Katrina said while shivering.

"Oh no!! It have been one hour! Throw her out!!" Marisa shouted at the others, hiding behind the couch.

"Please Marisa, stop it!" Tyson said with a frown and Turned to Katrina.

"How do you feel?" He asked calmly.

"Like thousands of horses are running in my head and my body feel weird."


As soon as she finished she collapsed on the ground.

Garrett, Tyson, Janet: "Katrina!!"

Tyson rushed up to her and check her pulse, the next moment he face turned to horror and he said slowly.

"She's dead"

Janet, Garrett and Marisa: "WHAT!!!!"



After the earthquake, thousands of people got red eyes, including Leo dad and his grandparents. Nora and Carol have cried their eyes out, especially Nora for losing her grandmother.

In Sam family, her mom got red eyes, the family was heartbroken especially her dad who was as pale as someone who just seen a ghost.

On Mike side his mom got red eyes leaving him and his little sister behind. A woman who have singlehandedly raised her two children got red eyes.

It can be said the world is not fare.

The Same was happening around the base with countless people getting red eyes, whether it's luck or fate the siblings Jasmine and Jack didn't get red eyes. In about one hour everyone with red eyes died at the same time.

Everyone in celestial base brought out their dead friends and relatives, rating from infant to elderly to the big pit.

The atmosphere of celestial base was gloomy, filled with sadness and sorrow as hundreds of thousands of people stood around the big pit looking down at their dead relatives and friends. Leo said calmly.

"Humanity have suffered a heavy blow today, same with our base from a total of 700,000, we lost 300,000." Leo said in a gloomy expression and continue:

"We have lost one or more people today but we till need to protect humanity. So fighters!! Come with me to celestial island, we need to burn all the bodies of those with red eyes."

"Yes!!!" They all shouted with tears streaming down.

"Let go"

Leo said setting the bodies on fire and added. "Spend their last moment with them." He said to the people and walked away followed by his six subordinates.

Countless off-road vehicles roar out from celestial base heading toward the town in celestial island. Even with Jack convincing the locals some didn't allow them to burn the bodies which will result using force.

Leo looked at the timer on system screen and send a massage with the telepathy link he bought for 80,000 Doom stones, 20,000 each for 4 subordinates, remaining Jack and Mila and the two are with him at the moment.

'Everyone head back to the base, you have 10 minutes.' Leo sent a telepathy massage to Mike, Nora, Sam and Ricky.

'Affirmative.' The four replied back.


[ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]

[ The dead have risen ]

'The dead have risen.' Leo send a telepathy massage as hundreds of off-road vehicles drove inside celestial base.

As soon as they off-road vehicles stopped all celestial fighters rushed up to their position on the wall pointing their guns at the town, waiting for them.


A ear piercing shriek rung out from the town making all the people in celestial base to flinch, trembling in fear.

"Fighters today is the day of truth, today you will all see the abomination we'll be facing. I know we burn half of the town but that won't stop their numbers because they can turn anyone below the core formation realm, so Today you all must protect the base, protect your families and friends!!" Leo said loudly standing on the wall staring at the town, distance shriek could be heard continuously with scream of people. But one thing is common they were all running toward celestial base.

'Time to farm doom stones.' Leo thought with a small smile.


{ Back at Janet.}

"Oh no!! she will turn after a hour!!, burn her body!!" Marisa was almost screaming.

"No Marisa what if Leo mistake something, let wait and see." Janet said.

""""ARE YOU STUPID?!!!""""

Marisa shouted out loud, totally frustrated.

"Ok calm down." We'll lock her in another room. Tyson said and him and Garrett moved Katrina body to the bedroom and LOCKED the door.

"Now we wait" Janet said sitting down. Marisa looked at the three people in Front of her as if they are all fools.

"You guys are fools, completely brainless. All the event Leo said have come to pass, now you are telling me to wait for the most dangerous part!! ARE YOU GUYS KIDDING ME?!!!"

"Marisa! Low your voice." Garrett said calmly holding his machete tightly.

"Let just wait." Tyson added.

Marisa was speechless, not knowing what to do she sat down on the ground, keeping distance from the door.

These one hour was like a millennium to the group, they all sat on different corners in the apartment, different thought running through their heads. Garrett looked up and said.

"One minutes left" Garrett was task to keep count, so he was busy counting the seconds.

The others stood up quickly staring at the door.

Janet: "is she?"

Tyson: "I don't know."

Marisa: "....."

"Let me check." Garrett said quietly picking up his machete walking toward the lock door. Gotten there he place his right ear on the door trying to hear anything from inside.

"I think -"


"Whoa!!! What was that?!" Garrett said taking five steps back holding his machete tightly.

"Did you tied her?" Garrett asked.

"Nope" Tyson answered calmly.

"I told you guys!!" Marisa said loudly.


Any time the door was hit the four people inside will flinch.



"What the hell, that's the room we lock your uncle dead body" Tyson said gripping his axe ready to strike.

"No, No, No. They are TWO!! We need to get out of here!!" Marisa said trying to run to the door.

"Let GO!!!" For once they agreed with her and open the apartment door rushing outside.


The two doors broke down at the same time releasing the two undead.


The two let out a loud shriek and charged at the group of four. Janet eyes was filled with horror as she stared at her friend who was now a zombie running toward her.

with Pale skin, blood shot eyes. Black goo flowing down her lip, her face skin peeling off slowly, instead of blood, black goo flow out from the peeled skin making her look more hideous.

"K-Katrina..." Janet called slowly her body shivering in fear.

"Snap out of it Janet!! That's not our Katrina!" Tyson said pushing Janet outside the apartment closing the door with a BAM in the process.


The two undead smashed into the close door, clawing and smashing their hands on the wooden door.

"Hold it Garrett!!" Tyson shouted using his body to hold the door.

"Am trying!!!!" Garrett shouted back.


"Have locked it from outside" Janet said, relieving the two.




Another sound draw the group attention. They turned their head sharply, at the end of the hallway two doors were getting jammed by something or someone.


The last door on the hallway finally couldn't bear it and break open, the three zombies didn't expect it and fall flat with the door, the three slowly stood up and Turned their head facing the group of four.

The three zombies consist of a male and a female with a little boy who look 8 years old. The two parents have a big chuck of flesh tore from their necks and with their skin peeling slowly only made it look more hideous.

They might had been turned by the child.

"No, No, No. RUN!!!!" Marisa yelled and ran out. Followed by the other three.


The three zombies let out a loud shriek and sprinted at the running humans. The door of the apartment also broke down and the two zombies joined the Chase.


Let the show begin. How's my zombie description?



°Fuck off! worse description ever!!

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Stay save.