CHAPTER 73: Light Of Hope

"We have been running for two days now and we're till in the city" Thiva said in mild frustration.

"I thought we could leave the city in two days, but these undead are everywhere." Garrett said calmly.

"Marisa, how are you doing?" Janet asked walking up to Marisa and sat down beside her.

"Bad" Marisa said tears streaming down her face.

"It's ok, l'm sorry about your family" Janet said trying to comfort her.

The group settled down on a roof of a three stories building, overlooking the zombies walking aimlessly around, with every ten undead one red zombie will follow, as if leading them.

The group got on the roof after checking up on Marisa home. Her family have already be turned and they attacked them as soon as they entered the house.

With some encouragement they drag Marisa with them, after running for a while they got on the roof with some difficulty.

"Our only plan now is to head to celestial base." Tyson said setting the last bullet in the magazine.

"How many bullet is left in that magazine?" Thiva said staring at Tyson.

"One" Tyson said with a smile. "at least it help us killed three red zombies" he added.

"What about the spirit stones?" Garrett asked.

Tyson brought out three red spirit stones and place it in Front of the group.

"We have three spirit stones while they are five of us" Tyson said moving his daze around.

Janet looked at Marisa who was sitting beside her like someone who soul have been taken from her and said to the boys.

"You three can have it, the more stronger you guys are the more safer we are."

"Are you sure about that? You know you are the reason we got one" Garrett said a little surprise.

Tyson just remained silent because he already knew her answer, he turn to Marisa "What about you Marisa?"

Marisa just stare at them then at the stones and said "If I want to avenge my family one stone is not enough so you guys can have these for now." She said wiping her tears with her hand.

"Ok then, one for each of us" Tyson said and Thiva quickly keep up a stone and eat it without hesitation.

The four just stared at him with a frown.

"What?" Thiva asked baffled.

"Nothing" they said in unison and Tyson and Garrett took one stone each and swallowed it.

One red spirit stone is not enough to unlock their skills but it's enough to make them man formation fighters.

"I feel stronger" Garrett said folding his fist.

"I just hope it's enough" Tyson said standing up.


"What is that?"

The group turned their head to the distance sky where the explosions sounded from.

"That explosion is at the east of the city!" Garrett said standing quickly.

"Yeah, there might be survivors at the east" Thiva said staring at the distance.

"There are up for something" Tyson said watching as countless zombies rushed to the east.

"What should we do?" Marisa said in a low voice.

The others remained silent for a while, before the group could react another explosion sounded at the north side of the city, not as big as the one from the east but was till noticeable.

"That is not a normal explosion, why it's black?" Marisa was a little confused. Not only her but all of them.

The next moment the dark explosion formed words that spark hope in the hearts of the group.


Seeing the words in the sky the group were nothing but shock.

"Celestial fighters? Leo is in the city!! We need to get there as fast as we can!" Janet said closing her mouth before she screamed out.

"But...?" The others till look worried.

"What are you guys waiting for? let go!" Janet said rushing to the roof exit door.

"Janet wait!! That explosion would also attract zombies, we need to think of a plan." Tyson who was now their leader said calmly.

Janet stopped and turn to him "But leo is right there, if we can get there no matter the number of undead Leo can protect us"

"The problem is if we can get there alive?" Tyson said shaking his head slowly.

"So what's the plan Tyson?" Thiva asked picking up a long metal pole with a pointy end.

"The zombies are heading north and east, Leo is located at the north so our target is north but the zombies are blocking our path to the north so we need to find another route." Tyson stopped, moving his daze around the run down city.

"What if we make our own route?" Marisa asked.

"What do you mean?" Janet asked with a perplexed look.

"Look over there" Marisa said pointing at countless run-down buildings close to each other. The others followed her finger seeing the buildings.

They all turned to her with questions mark on their heads.

"We can pass through those buildings, we would be hidden between them and those zombies won't be able to detect us if we move silently." She said her plan.

The others looked at her then at the buildings after a while Garrett opened his mouth.

"What if there are zombies in the alleys of those buildings? I hope you guys have not forgotten our encounter in alleys?" He said shaking his head as if to forget the encounter.

Tyson looked at his bandage arm and said "Let go with Marisa plan, if we meet any zombie inside the alleys we either move discreetly or kill it." He said picking up his axe.

Thiva: "Yeah we go again."

"Let go" Janet said waiting for the others to pack their supplies.

With that the group left their safe haven.

After running for a while they safely got through the buildings and arrived at A-City port much to their surprise.

Thiva: "That was surprisingly easy"

Garrett: "Yeah, where are all the zombies?"

Marisa: "it looked like they vanished, even the street are empty"

"Guys, guys, guys..." Janet called slowly.

"What is it?" The four turned around to look at Janet.

"All the zombies are right there" she said pointing at a distance from the group.

Thiva: "Oh my God!"

Garrett: "Are you kidding me!"

Marisa: "how can we get to Leo now?!"

In front of the group was a horde of zombies, fortunately for the group the zombies were backing them, they were all charging toward one direction.

The group quickly hid behind a dumpster.

"Why are they so much zombies here?!" Thiva asked a little scared.

"We need to get to Leo! don't you guys hear the gunshots?" Janet said looking over the dumpster.

"How do you expect to do that?" Thiva said calmly.

"What about that building, we could climb and see what is happening at the front, if we see Leo we could call out to him" Tyson said pointing to a big company building across from them.

The group nodded and quickly move behind the zombies crossing the road and run into the building in overdrive, rushing to the up floor.

Gotten inside a messy office which look like it belong to the CEO of the company, the group quickly walked up to the glass window to see what's happening.

Garrett: "Guys am I seeing things?"

Marisa: "No am seeing it too"

Thiva: "I didn't believe it before now I do"

Janet: "..."

Everyone Was dumbfounded seeing the scene in Front of them.


'I can believe that my blast will attract this much zombies.' Leo thought floating above his fighters with Nora beside him.

Thanks to his new purchased skill, *Wind of time* a skill he exchange with the S-Class skill card which could make him fly like Nora.

"Should we assist?" Nora asked beside him.

"No let them have fun" Leo said watching all the death squad members and his five subordinates battle with the zombies.

His subordinates drew the attention of the red zombies while the death squad face off the normal ones. Leo and Nora just stood above them watching the show, if they discovered any death squad member who got surrounded they will intervene, that was only their task, just as Leo like it.

Jack: "this is amazing!!!"

Mila: "I can't believe I will enjoy killing this much!"

Mike: "keep on coming!!"

Sam: "that's it bitches!!"

Ricky: "language Sam!"

The five were in cloud nine, butchering their way into the red zombies as if cutting butter.

"These red zombies just make it more interesting!" Ricky said burning a red zombie to ash.

Red zombies are not really a threat to a Core formation fighter.

Leo stood still hearing the system notification.

[ Congratulation for leveling to the 2 stars, you have been rewarded with 20,000 Doom stones.]

[ Congratulation subordinate Ricky killed a red zombie you have been rewarded with 500 EXP and 1,000 Doom stones.]

[ Congratulation subordinate mila killed a red zombie you have been rewarded with 500 EXP and 1,000 Doom stones.]

[ Congratulation subordinate jack killed a red zombie you have been rewarded with 500 EXP and 1,000 Doom stones.]

'Hey potentate, please turn off these notifications.'

[ if you turn off the notification you won't level up, but the EXP will be there until you want to level up.]

Leo nodded, he was about to say something when he heard someone screaming his name.

'Potentate, can you search the one calling out to me?' Leo asked looking around.

[ 5,000 Doom stones.]

'What is my amount of doom stones?'

[ Doom stones: 405,000 ]

'Do it.'

[ tracking voice ]

[ voice located ]

[ Name: Janet Samuel.]



Much love.