CHAPTER 74: What...?

"That's Leo!!" Janet yelled out.

Thiva: "is he flying?"

Marisa: "is these even possible?"

Garrett and Tyson: "..."

'How are they doing these?' Tyson thought staring at Ricky who was busy roasting a red zombie with his flames.


Janet screamed out.

"What the hell Janet, that will attract zombies, don't forget they are close by" Tyson said snapping out of his shock.

"So...? if we get Leo attention we'll be safe."

The others looked at her trying to weight the pros and cons of her words.

"Ahh" Janet cried in frustration and looked at Leo, the next moment.




The group looked at each others watching Janet scream her lungs out.

"fuck this!!"

"LEO!!!" Thiva screamed with her.




The five started screaming loudly even someone from three block away could hear their screams let alone zombies.




Silent fell in the office

The group of five slowly turned their heads to the closed office door, hearing the loud roar of red zombies.

"Guys...?" Marisa called slowly.

"Is that what I think...?" Garrett asked slowly not completing his words

Tyson stare at them for a while then walked toward the door, opening it slowly.



Tyson eyes widen in horror as Countless zombies including ten red zombies, all charging toward the door at full speed.

"THEY ARE COMING!!!!" Tyson yelled shutting the door with a BAM.

"What should we do?!!" Marisa was freaking out.

"We are dead! we are dead! we are SO... dead!!" Thiva yelled walking back and forth around the room.


Janet didn't stop but screamed even louder causing the group to look at her in horror.

"Are you mad Janet?!!!"

"Are you going to get us KILLED!!!"

Both thiva and Marisa cried out loud.

"We don't have time to cry or scream! We need to defend ourselves!!" Tyson said wielding his axe.

"Yes! Tyson is right, if we want to die we'll die fighting!!" Garrett said with his machete at hand.



With one collision the hard wooden door flew open as five red zombies lunged forward.

"This is it!!" Tyson shouted bracing himself.

"We can do these, we are all enhancers." Garrett said while thiva stood in Front of the girls while Janet continue screaming LEO name.


Before the five zombies could pounce on the two humans in Front of them a powerful dark beam blow them into nothingness.

"Leo..." Janet called slowly

Leo landed inside the office through the scattered glass window calmly looking around.

"I don't know I was valued to this extent." Leo said calmly walking up to Janet putting on a black windbreaker coat he bought from the system.

"Leo please help us, I'm really sorry for not believing in you." Janet said quickly, guilt written all over her face.

Leo shook his head calmly "You aren't the only one so stop acting like a child here."

"Huh, are you not angry?"

"Why would I be?" Leo asked with a confused face, then turned his daze toward the zombies who were rushing toward the office and those who are already in.

The group ran and hid behind Leo staring at the zombies with horror, now that Leo was here they don't have to fight.

Even Tyson was not calm anymore. The zombies present both inside and outside the office are at least 50 or more with countless red zombies.

"Do you need help?"

A voice sounded drawing the group attention, they all turned their heads toward the window seeing a silver hair beauty in a military vest and black pants staring back at them.

'is she fucking flying or what?' Marisa thought staring at Nora who was floating outside the window.

"Be my guest" Leo said calmly.

These zombies will just make the fight bored him, only a black, silver or gold zombies can make him lift a finger.

Nora grin hearing her brother words and lunged forward inside the office landing between the two groups, her long sword in hand.

The zombies didn't slow down but increase their speed when a juicy human suddenly landed before them.

"You guys are really impatient, well then..." she said drawing out her sword the next moment her hair radiant a silver light, and a bright yellow light enveloped her sword.

"Twinkle twinkle little star" she started singing.

'Did she really need to use her skill.' Leo thought a little annoyed and said to the group behind him.

"Stay close"

The five quickly rushed up to him and stood closely without leaving even a step distance.

"Too close" Leo said feeling four soft melons resting on his arm.

"Sorry" the two girls said with slight redden face.

"It's ok" Leo Smiled calmly and activate his invisible barrier around the group and at that moment Nora finished her song.

"Lives are so little"

With that she swung around and send out a powerful crescent shape energy toward the charging zombies.


A loud explosion sounded causing a big cloud of smoke around the office.

The group of five stood still wIth open jaws and horrors written on their faces.

Thiva: "What the...?"

Tyson, Garrett and Janet: "..."

Marisa: 'i need to be as strong as her.'

the smoke slowly disperse revealing Nora who was standing still with a sheathed sword, in Front of her lies the ruins of the once beautiful office.

The wall of the building was blow off by that crescent energy destroying half of the building structure.

Leo just smile calmly and said "Let get out of here"


"Leo you are back..." Mila stopped halfway seeing the guest especially the two closest to Leo.

"Mila, this is Janet, my friend niece and these are her friends" Leo introduced.

'Friend niece?' Mila thought observing Janet figure and comparing it to hers.

'I win in appearance and strength and am also Leo subordinate, so I have more chance than her.' She thought.

"Hey Mila, are you hearing me?" Leo called out while Nora shook her head and walked away to check on the rest.

"Huh, yes Leo" Mila answered absent-mindedly

"Are you ok? it looked like you were lost there" Leo asked a little worried.

"No, am ok" Mila said.


"Mike! How Many spirit stones did we obtain from this battle?" Nora asked walking toward Mike, Ricky and Jack who were sitting down on a rock.

"We got 200 red spirit stones." Mike said with a smile, his broadsword rested on it favorite spot, his shoulder.

"That's surprising, Leo would be happy to hear that." Nora said with a smile.

"Hey Nora, who's that?" Jack asked and the three guys bend their heads sideway staring at the beautiful girl walking toward them with messy hair.

"Oh she? Well... We rescue her from a building." Nora gave a simple reply.

"Miss..." Marisa called out in a low voice.

"Nora" Nora answered looking at the still scared girl. 'I think all these corpse of zombies are till affecting her.'

"What is it?" Nora asked calmly sitting down beside Mike.

"Well... I want to ask if you could train me" Marisa said meekly.

"Huh, you want me to train you?" Nora asked in mild surprise.

"Umm" Marisa nodded vigorously.

"Why do you want me to train you?"

"I want to avenge my parents by killing as much zombies as I can so please can you take me as your disciple." Marisa said.

"Me too!"

"Can we join?"

Nora: "Huh.."

Jack: "What...?"

Ricky: "..."

Mike: "this is fun"

The four stared at Janet, Tyson, thiva and Garrett, who suddenly stood behind Marisa.

"I can't train all of you, I can only train those with my affinities, Beyond that no way" Nora said standing up.

The five friends looked at each other confused.

"Wow are you guys recruiting subordinates?" Sam asked walking toward them.

Mike nodded while Nora continue:

"The only person among you with my ability is you" she said pointing at Marisa which made her beam with joy.

"What about us?" The other four asked seeing themselves with a grim future.

"Don't worry you guys can come with us" the three guys said picking each guy from the group.

Sam observed Janet calmly with her spiritual energy and said in surprised "Leo! we have a light enhancer here!"

"Light enhancer?" Leo and his subordinates were stunned.

"What is a light enhancer?" Janet asked totally confuse.

Sam cross her hand around Janet shoulders "Light enhancers are one of the rarest of all enhancers, not as rare as Leo's but they definitely carry second rarest so my dear you are very luck."

"How powerful are light enhancer skills?" Marisa asked Nora.

"Light enhancers skills are always connected to the heavens, with high destructive and defensive skills, they also focused on healing." Leo explained walking toward them.

"They are one of the strongest enhancers, well apart from the dark enhancer" Leo added.

Janet looked at herself totally speechless and confused.

"Don't worry I will guide you." Leo said with a smile seeing her worried look.

"Thanks" Janet said with a low voice.

'Guide her? That is, they will always be together! What If...'

"No! No! What are you thinking Mila" Mila shook her head trying to bury those thought deep inside her mind.

"So what's the info Sam" Leo asked.

"Well, 200 people had already be saved at the port"

"200? That's too little, no they are more people in the city, we need to search every block, we must save as much lives as we can" Leo said.


Much love, stay safe