CHAPTER 75: Insecure

"200? That's too little, no they are more people in the city, we need to search every block, we must save as much lives as we can" Leo said.

Everyone present nodded hearing Leo.

They have a mission "save as much people as we can. And they plan to accomplish it"

Leo nodded and walked toward the city, leaving them behind.

"Hey you!" Sam called a death squad member over.

"Can you please escort our friends to the port" Sam said staring at Janet and her friends.

"Am going with your guys, my Dad might till be alive." Tyson said out loud.

"Me too" thiva added.

"My family Is till out there" Garrett chimed in.

"I will go to the port" Marisa said after some thought.

Janet stared at her friends contemplating, after a while she open her mouth.

"Sorry guys, am going with Marisa. she'll need someone at the moment." She said and cross her hand around Marisa shoulders which reward her with a small smile from Marisa.

"Ok then, take care of them" Sam said following Leo.

The death squad member nodded and escort the girls to the port.


"Ok you three will need weapons" jack said tossing a rifle to each of them which they caught with shaken hands.

Thiva: "Thanks you"

Tyson: "Yeah."

Garrett: "....."

"Ok you guys should stay close" Nora said and everyone nodded and followed Leo.



The group walked slowly, with 100 death squad members moving in Front all armed with guns.

"Um, miss Nora" Thiva called in a low voice.

"What is it?" Nora asked without turning her head.

She was walking silently while the rest subordinates were busy chatting as if they were taking a vacation, Leo was just ten steps in Front of her also walking silently.

"Well... I want to say am sorry for last time" thiva said with his head down.

Tyson and Garrett turned their heads to thiva with opened jaws and widen eyes.

Tyson: 'What happened between these two that this fool is even apologizing?'

Garrett: 'This pervert, you tried to make her your girlfriend, even insulting a guy with her which got you beaten up.'

Garrett said shaking his head, even thou he wasn't at the scene he surly heard of it.

At that time the whole university was in an uproar because one of the richest man kid got beaten up.

His father was about to interfere but when he heard Leo have a relationship with the Mu family, one of the business giant he gave up the idea.

Nora moved her eyes toward thiva who was walking beside her with his head down.


"The past is the past, and second if Leo want you dead all those soldiers in Front will gladly kill you." Nora said calmly remembering her encounter with this pervert.

"Phew... thank you" thiva said and his beating heart slowly calmed down.

Well for a moment.

"What happen between you two?!" Sam said crossing her arms around the shoulders of Nora and thiva drawing them closer.

Nora frowned, and she asked in an annoyed tone "What are you doing Sam?!"

"Do I feel love in the air?" Sam was not giving up so easily.

Hearing Sam words thiva and the two guys begin to sweat and thiva quickly interrupt because his life was in the line.

"N-No you misunderstood, miss Nora and I had a clash in the past we aren't in any relationship, p-please don't misunderstood, I was just apologizing." He said trembling remembering Nora terrifying strength.

"Huh, that bad... I thought you two are -"

"We are nothing miss Sam" thiva quickly cut her off.

'did she want me dead?'

"Dude are you scared of her? Why are you sweating so much?" Sam asked confused staring at thiva whose clothes were soak with sweat.

"Yes" thiva answered without a ounce of shame.

He was already scared of her from their first encounter and now seeing her destructive powers, who won't be?

"This is boring, Nora you should find a boyfriend even your brother too" Sam said crossing her hands in Front of her chest.

Nora just roll her eyes and walked away from the group.

Tyson: 'don't have a boyfriend? And this beautiful.'

Garrett: 'can I make her love me.'

Thiva: 'i need to stay away from her.'

All the three guys have different thought at the moment staring at the departing Nora.

Seeing the expression on the two guys face Sam warned sternly.

"Don't even think about it perverts, if she doesn't kill you her brother will."

"Who is her brother?" Both Tyson and Garrett asked in unison.

Leo have never introduce Nora to them so they don't really know her, only her name and that she's the first celestial king.

"You fools don't really want to get to his bad side, he value his sister more than the gods themselves and same to her. The most easier way to anger him is having improper thought about his sister or even hurting or harming her in the slightest." Sam said with a eye roll.

The guys looked at each other and asked the same question again.

"Who is her brother?!"

Sam chuckled and walked away from the group not saying anything more.

The guys all have questions mark on their heads, the next moment they turned to thiva and asked again.

"Who is her brother?"

"What you guys need to worry about is how to save yourselves from her first, because you can never hide from her brother." Thiva didn't answer their question but said a warning which confused the two more.

Tyson: 'This girl is too beautiful, even thou she's dangerous I can't just help to have her.'

Garrett: 'Well... her brother is not around here after we get back I will try to woo her.'

The two guys were already getting prepared to court Nora, while the one in question didn't even know what the two were planning.


Nora walked up to Leo and rest her head on his shoulder.

Leo asked with a smile. "What is wrong?"

"Nothing, I just miss my brother"

"Really?" Leo turned his head to his little sister a little surprise.

"Don't look at me like that!" Nora paused and added in a low voice "just scared"

"Scared?" Leo was getting more confuse.

"What if I can't protect you and the base anymore?"

Hearing his sister words, Leo was touched. He rubbed her silver hair slowly trying to comfort her and said calmly:

"You don't have to worry about all these, what am I here for? I'm doing all these so you and mom could live a good life so you don't need to be sacred of anyone...

Well... apart from me, I will make sure to punish you if you do something bad" Leo said with a smile which earned him a eye roll from Nora.

"Yeah am scared of you" Nora said with a smile.

"Don't worry about anything while l'm here Ok?"

Nora nodded calmly and looked into her brother eyes with new light and determination.

All these didn't escape the eyes of everyone behind the two, including the two guys who were already visualizing their marriage with Nora.

"is Leo her lover?" Garrett asked, already giving up.

"Miss Sam said she had no boyfriend so that means -" Tyson stopped halfway.

"No way..." Garrett eyes widen in horror and asked.

"Is Leo also courting her?"

"WHAT!!" Both thiva and Tyson yelled in unison.

"Am I wrong?" Garrett asked seeing his friends reaction.

Thiva: "And you guys said am the dumb one"

Tyson: "..."

"What?!!" Garrett asked totally confuse.

"Leo is her brother you dumbass!" Thiva said trying to hold himself back from slapping the head of this fool.

"Oh... That is even more worst" Garrett said in mild understanding.

"What do you mean?" Tyson asked.

"If you hurt her Leo will have your head." Thiva gave a simple answer.

Before Tyson could speak a death squad member walked up to Leo and reported.

"My lord, some people had turned a police station into a base"

"Really..?" Leo, Nora and Mila looked at the man surprised.

"Where is the base?" Leo asked.

"Ahead of us" the man said respectfully.

"Ok, let visit them." Leo nodded.

"There is one trouble my lord" the man said calmly.

"What's this trouble?" Nora asked with a smile frown.

"They are countless zombies, 30 red zombies and a big black one in their midst" the man said a little scared.

Leo face turned serious.

'Black zombies? It's till too early, how can a black zombie appear this early?'

In Leo previous life, black zombies made their appearance 1 month after doomsday, but now it's not even a week yet.

'Potentate do you know the cause?'

[ The evolution time have been increased, if you want to know the cause you need to get stronger. ] potentate voice sounded.

'Evolution time increased? Something isn't right here.'

"Fine, show me" Leo said calmly.

"This way my lord." The man said leading the way.

"Police station? My dad might be there" Tyson said with hope.

"Calm down Tyson, that man said there's a black zombie in Front of the station" Garrett said.

"We don't know what that is but we need to be careful, don't just rushed to the front." Thiva also echo.

Tyson nodded calmly but till walked toward Leo leaving the two behind.

"What is he doing?" Thiva asked.

"I don't know" Garrett answered staring at Tyson back.

"Mr Leo" Tyson called drawing Leo's attention.