"You called me"
"Ha yes, come closer." Hemsal said with a smile gesturing for the blood princess to come closer.
She nodded and walked up to him. Her face changed slightly seeing what is in Front of hemsal.
"A dead woman?" She asked not understanding why he called her to see this.
Hemsal plunged his hand inside the chest of the woman lying on the table, after searching for a while he pulled out the heart and gave it to her.
"What am I going to do with this?" Blood princess asked totally confused.
"Eat it"
"Eat it" hemsal repeated his words.
"Why would I eat a heart?" Blood princess asked again.
"You like asking questions, ok. I discovered that you can get stronger when you eat a heart, it's just like eating spirit stones but these have more effect, it just like eating a silver or black spirit stone, now eat it."
Blood princess stared at the heart on her palm for a while before slowly bringing it to her mouth and took a bite.
The next moment a wave of power flow inside her body like a flood filling every single pole in her.
"Ahh..." She let out a low moan, and turned to hemsal her eyes pure red.
"Hahaha, am correct." Hemsal laughter filled the room. He stopped and stared at her for a moment then said:
"Good, the more you eat people heart the more stronger you get, but you can only eat powerful women heart. The one I gave you belong to this body, and she is a soul formation enhancer." Hemsal paused and walked close to her.
"The stronger the woman the more powerful you get after eating her heart." He moved his fingers around the tip of blood princess hair which have started turning red slowly.
"Find more stronger heart to eat and become the second blood commandment!!"
"I need more" blood princess said like an hungry lioness.
She was not hungry for food but human heart.
"Go my child, go and feed in the city" hemsal said, blood princess turned around swiftly and rushed out of the room.
"I will turn you into the second commandment and you will lead me to the others, go and feed my child, the battle is yet to come." Hemsal said as his eyes shift from black to red, then lastly it normal colour blue.
Leo just entered his sea of consciousness, preparing to asked his questions not knowing what is happening.
Leo appeared inside his sea of consciousness and froze on track moment next. First the surrounding is not black anymore but gray. Like a mixture of black and white.
The black Sun was still it usual black and his three bound weapons were orbiting around it slowly.
What shock him was the heavenly beauty in Front of him, with hand on her hips and a annoyed look on her face.
Leo didn't care about that, his eyes were fixed on her figure, even if someone poured him cold water at this moment, he won't react when a heaven defining beauty was in Front of him.
The woman standing in Front of leo have Silky flowing golden hair, blue eyes, long slender legs and a voluptuous body curves. Her waist, Ass, face, even her large chest were like created separately by the goddess of beauty.
Leo turned his head sideways with difficulty before he get nosebleed. 'How can someone be this beautiful?'
Potentate rolled her eyes and asked a little annoyed "What are you doing here? You know I can answer all your questions without you being here, right?"
'Should I go outside? Because If I stay here I don't know if I will understand anything she say.'
"You won't, you are a pervert you know that"
Leo finally turned his head to looked at her. "Don't call me a pervert because if I am, I would have jumped on you from the beginning."
"And I would easily kill you" potentate rebuked back.
"I'm a transcendent enhancer, how can you kill me?" Leo said with a raised chest.
"Fufufufufu..." potentate laughed lightly hearing Leo boastful words.
Leo was ones again enchanted by her laugh staring at her in a daze.
Potentate saw these and wave her hand.
"Hey" Leo held his right cheek a little stunned.
"How did you...?"
"Don't think a transcendent is the strongest, even if you are a immortal realm the commandments will easily kill you to take of the person in Front of you, who is also the right hand of the creator."
"They can easily kill a immortal realm?" Leo was not feeling pain or love struck anymore, his face turned serious and he said.
"Tell me everything you know about the commandments."
Potentate was a little surprise hearing Leo question.
'Why did he stop, in all these millennia, have finally found someone again who recognised my beauty. Well I need to complete the task assign to me by my lord.'
"Yes...?" Leo asked a little confuse for the suspense.
"There are a total of 10 commandments, which are, the commandments of deception, the commandments of blood, the commandments of destruction, the commandments of plague, the commandments of greed, the commandments of jealousy, the commandments of hatred, the commandments of suffering, the commandments of illusion, And lastly the commandments of lust."
"Whoa, only their names will show you how strong they are."
"What i just told you are their titles, not names."
"So if I reached their stage I will get my title."
"You can only get your title from my lord."
"And where is these your lord?" Leo asked.
"You are not strong enough to know that."
"Ok, continue then"
"The commandments were once the elite of the creator, guarding the universe with the primordials, but they got corrupted by the evil and started destroying the things they should had protected."
"Then how did they end up on earth?"
"Wait" Leo stopped her.
"Can you make it so I can see everything that happened and also get a view of these commandments?"
Potentate was silent for a while then said. "Fine"
The next moment Leo and potentate appeared on a battlefield, with countless people fighting against monsters using abilities.
Leo recognised them as enhancers, but they were of different races, all fighting the monsters.
"These are the monsters that will be released from the tombs and dungeons, how are they...?"
"These was the battle of the primordials I told you last time, these Is the battle between their armies, if you look far behind those monsters you can see 10 figures shrouded in darkness. Those are the commandments."
"How did you guys win these battle?" Leo asked, watching as the people got cut down in large numbers.
"Who told you we win?"
"Huh?" Leo looked at her confused.
A loud explosion sounded drawing Leo attention, he looked at the beam of bright light which fell from the sky with deadly speed killing a huge amount of monsters.
As the smoke cleared a golden hair beauty descend from the sky slowly, Wearing a tight white outfit and four silver wings flapping behind her, with a glowing golden trident in hand.
"OMG, IS THAT YOU?!" Leo asked.
Potentate smiled calmly and said. "Was me."
"The commandments were a total of eleven, I was once their leader, the commandments of heaven and earth. I think they got jealous because of my position as the right hand to the creator or they have had this thought of betrayal from the beginning. As their leader I will have to stop them even though i have to risk my life doing it."
"You win right?" Leo asked staring at the commandments.
They were a total of eight men and two women, Making it ten.
"You can called it a half victory"
"Half victory?"
Leo asked stunned as the formal potentate shot forward with her trident and engaged in a deadly battle with the ten commandments, all their powers and attacks made sure to destroy a big part of the earth they fight on.
"What is this place?" Leo asked.
"My home" potentate gave a simple reply.
The battle range on as the commandments prepared to use their strongest skills on her.
"Did you survive that?" Leo asked. His answered was achieved as the blast from the ten commandments collided with potentate throwing her distance away.
"Whole, what realm are these guys, I don't think I can survive that blast even with my current realm." Leo said shocked.
"You can't survive it even if you are in the immortal realm."
Leo stared at potentate as she slowly stood up, the next moment she shot into the sky and started chanting words Leo can't make sense of causing her body to radiate with a golden light.
The commandments face changed dramatically as they all shot forward towards her.
"What are you doing?" Leo asked.
"Using my body as a sacrifice to Seal them away." Potentate answered in a low voice.
"I didn't know where to seal them so I followed the direction of the primordial and sealed them all on a blue planet."
"Blue planet, don't tell me it's earth?" Leo asked.
"You will know when you entered the immortal realm." Potentate said calmly.
"What about your creator, why didn't he helped you?" Leo asked a burning question.
Potentate was silent for a moment before answering.
"Because he is...."
Cliffhanger here😁
Stay with Leo to know more shocking revelation.🏃🏃
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