CHAPTER 83: Good News and Bad News

"Because he is in hibernation." Potentate said.

"Hiber...What?!" Leo yelled out loud and added. "Then why didn't you wake him up? Or can't you?"

"I could, but the problem is, no one knew where he was."

"Oh wow." Leo said with a eye roll.

"So you destroyed your body, what happened next? How did you turned into a system?" Leo asked.

"These are all you need to know for now, if you want to know more you need to pass through the threshold of a mortal and ascend into the realms of gods." Potentate answered.

The next moment Leo disappeared and appeared back in his sea of consciousness. Leo first took in his surrounding before turning his attention to potentate.

"Thanks for all that" Leo said.

"It's nothing, take this." Potantate gave him a red gift box.

"What is this?" Leo took the box and asked.

"Gift from my lord."

"Another gift? This your lord is really generous, but what did he want in return?" Leo asked not opening the box.

"He want a balance and peaceful universe."

"Balance and peaceful universe? How am I going to help with that? Remember, I can't even leave planet earth to talk of the whole universe."

Potentate smiled calmly and said "What do you think am here for?"

"Huh?" Leo was surprised by her answer.

Potentate walked up to him and whispered "l'm here to make you the most strongest primordial, so you can take over my lord position."

"Whaa.....?" Leo was at a loss of words, he took a deep breathe and said. "Is there higher realms than the once you showed me?"

"Yeah, but you aren't ready to know them" potentate answered and walked away.

"Where are you going?" Leo asked confused.

"Keeping my distance from what is about to happen" potentate answered him, sitting down on a couch made of white mist.

"What do you mean by that?" Leo asked quickly.

The next moment his sea of consciousness trembled almost falling him to the ground, the next moment a massive headache struck him.


Leo let out a painful scream clutching his head with both hands. "What the fuck is going on?" He asked with gritted teeth.

"You brain is absorbing the things you just learned, that why I say you need to get stronger before you know more." Potentate answered calmly, lying on the couch.

After two minutes of intense pain, Leo collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily with sweat all over his body.

"I thought you will faint or something." Potentate said sitting up.

"Or something? What is wrong with you?!!" Leo yelled at her.

"Prepared for the second pain" potentate said with a smile.

"Second pain?" Leo was confused.

The 10 yang karma fire floating on a particular spot on his black core finally moved and flew towards him with deadly speed and entered his body.

Next moment.


He let out a loud cry, Leo was a guy who promised himself he will never shade a drop of tears but now he was crying like a child whose lollipop had been taken away.

"Fufufufufufu... look at you, crying like you lost something precious to you." Potentate giggled and said calmly.

'Endure it, it's just the beginning, everything in this world are gotten through pain so hang in there.' Potentate thought with a smile.

After ten minutes of pain, it finally subsided. Causing Leo to sighed in relief.

"Now prepare for the good news and bad news." Potentate said.

Leo just lied there not having the strength to answer her, the next moment notifications appeared in Front of him.

[ Congratulation for knowing half of the cause of doomsday.]

[ You have been rewarded with 50,000 Doom stones.]

[ Congratulation for absorbing the 10 yang karma fire, skill is now unlocked.]

[ Congratulation, you are now 90% immune to any fire attack.]

[ Your mastery over fire element have been increased to 80% ]

[ You have altered the system attribute panel.]

'These are all good rewards, what about the bad rewards?' As soon as Leo thought of these, countless notifications appeared making him dumbfounded.

[ You have reached the transcendent realms because of your subordinates who contributed 70%.]

[ The lord don't want a lazy successor, so from now onwards you won't be able to gain EXP from your subordinates kill, but you can still gain Doom stones.]

"What the butt?" Leo sat up instantly seeing these notifications and more was coming.

[ You are now stronger than any living soul on earth, so you will now be given tasks by the system to complete, failure to complete a task will reduce one star from your realm.]

"What...?" Leo eyes widened in shock.

[ Your task is to save as much people as you can, so if anyone who had already sighed in your base got killed, -1 Doom stones.]

[ NOTE: if half the survivors in your base died, you realm will be cut in half.]

By now Leo was already numbed, and there is still one more.

'Should I open it?' Leo thought.

After some intense battle he finally tap on it.

[ if any of the ten commandment got awaken without you knowing, -100,000 Doom stones.]

"Potentate what is all these?!" Leo asked turning to potentate.

"You need to pass through pain to get to your destination, you can't just sit around and continue leveling up, you need to fight if you want to level up." Potentate answered him.

"Now if you are done with your questions you can get out of here, I want to sleep." Potentate said with a yawn.

"Wait, what about the lucky draw?" Leo asked.

"Check it yourself, it's not like you haven't played a lucky draw before."

Leo shook his hand and asked for his profile screen.

[ Profile screen ]

[ Name: Leo - king - John ]

[ Title: NONE ]

[ Realm: Transcendent realm 1 stars. 7,500/500,000 EXP ]

[ Strength: 80,000 ]

[ Agility: 70,000 ]

[Endurance: 78,400 ]

[ Status: enthusiasm ]

[ health: 800 ]

[ Species: Ascended enhancer ]

[ Missions 4:which are "Know the truth about doomsday, protect your family, be the strongest enhancer alive, look for gaya" ]

[ Spirit stones: 9 black spirit stones. ]

[ Skills 10. Active Skills: Master marksmanship S-Class, Pentagon fighting technique S-Class, master swordsmanship S-Class, Stealth B-Class, Ten yang karma fire SS-Class. Mastery of fire elements SS-Class. Dark beam C-Class LV 2, wind of time S-Class, Aura suppression S-Class.

Passive Skills: Shadow Rader C-Class, invisible barrier C-Class LV 2, Shadow health B-Class LV 2 ]

[Ability: Dark and Fire Enhancer]

[Doom Stones: 2,072,500]

[Base of operation: Celestial base. Reputation: 61. Population: 923,160. Doom stones par week: 61,000]

[ Bound Weapons: Emperor sword, Pentagon silver dual Daggers, universal desert eagle.]

[ Inventory: One affinity stone.]

Leo Smiled seeing his new attributes. 'Can't wait.'

Potentate opened one of her eyes and stared at him strangely.

"What is it?" Leo asked noticing her look.

"Aren't you worried or mad that you can't get EXP from your subordinates kill?" Potentate asked.

"I am a little disappointed, but I can live with that, I also know when I complete a task you will reward me."

"Shameless" potentate said under her breathe and closed her eyes again with a small smile.

Leo observed the sleeping beauty for a while before disappearing from his consciousness.


Leo opened his eyes slowly and the first thing he heard was potentate voice.

[ You forgot your gift box dumbass.]

"Oh?" Leo opened his palm and the red gift box appeared, he slowly opened it and what he saw next made him speechless.

"This is good potentate, now let check the lucky draw." Leo said storing his gift in the system inventory.

[ Lucky Draw active.]

A spinning wheel appeared in Front of Leo, glowing with a silver light.

"Ok, so we have 500 EXP, 1,000 Doom stones, 10,000 Doom stones, 100,000 Doom stones, one random card~ either skill or weapons, ok, that's good and lastly a mystery item, six items in the draw." Leo said checking all the prizes.

"What the fuck!! 10,000 Doom stones for one draw pass?! Potentate why is that?"

[ take it as you see it, now let me sleep.] Potentate annoyed voice sounded.

"I wonder if you were like these when you are still a human or angel, wait what is your race?" Leo asked.

[ I was once a shade, partially human and partially angel.] Potentate voice sounded a little lower and she kept silent.

Leo nodded slowly and checked his amount of doom stones.

[ Doom stones: 2,072,500 ]

"Instead to use you on the draw let buy some skill. Potentate how much to upgrade my invisible barrier and dark beam to level 3?"

[ Both of them 300,000 Doom stones.]

"Do it"

Leo said, the next moment he felt a sharp pain in his head, after a minute the pain disappeared.

"Potentate buy the eyes of darkness, silent and Dark range skills."

[ Ok Leo ]

SILENT description: [freeze time for 2 seconds, when upgraded to the highest, freeze time up to 10 seconds, Active skill, A-CLASS, upgradable to the SS-CLASS. 100,000 Doom stones.]

Dark range description: [Increase the host strength by 20% in a 15 meters area from the user, when upgraded to the highest, increase the user strength in 50 meters. A-CLASS, UPGRADABLE To the SS-Class, Active skill, 60,000 Doom stones]

Eyes of Darkness description: [Allow the user to be able to see clearly in the Dark, when upgraded to the highest level, the user will be able to see through objects, illusions, and traps. A-CLASS, Active skill, upgradable to the SS CLASS, 200,000 Doom stones.]

[ NOTE: this skills are gotten from the legendary store not the elite store.]

[ activating skills ]

Leo felt a slight pain and after a minute it subsided. "Show me my total amount of doom stones."

[ Doom stones: 1,712,500.]

"Time to head out." Leo said standing up from the floor.


Much love.

I don't want our protagonist to be lazy😁😁

He shouldn't depend on others, am I right?



ºDon't care.

Stay safe👏😁