CHAPTER 99: The calamities

Leo nodded, and put on his new outfit. His outfit was a little different from the others. His outfit was all black, but have golden and black lines on the side of both the top and pants. While... others coat have the head of a black Dragon biting down on a golden sword. His... has the head of a golden Dragon, biting down on a red sword. The logo was placed on The back of the coat.

A fearsome looking logo, Leo smiled and asked. "Are you the one who designed it?"

"Nope, Mila design yours, while Nora help with the logo" Sam answered, seeing Leo in his outfit.

"You look more handsome in this" she added.

Leo shook his head and looked at the two girls. "What about yours?"

"With Nora" Sam reply, while Nora removed two outfits from her storage ring. The two have the number of their rank in celestial base on the right chest. "I think we should get dress on this rooftop." Sam said with a smile, staring at Leo.

"Ok then, I will be waiting" Leo quickly said, and jumped down the building.

The two girls looked at themselves and burst into laughter.


Leo landed on the ground, causing it to crack instantly. He looked right, then left. And walked left.

"Leo, I thought you won't wake up" Mila said with a smile, as she walked up to Leo, her coat blowing in the wind.

"Yeah Leo, you got us worried" Ricky added.

"We should pay him back" Jack suggested.

"I think you are right" Mike said.

Leo just shook his head, and looked at his fighters. "How many fighters do we have?" He asked.

The four looked at each other, before Mike answered. "300,000, we stop recruiting two days ago."

Leo nodded, "300,000, that will be enough for what I plan on doing, when I see their performance on today training."

"And what is that?" Jack asked.

"Eradicate all the zombies on the island"

The four and the commanders looked at each other, and nodded with smiles on their faces.

"Where is Nora and Sam?" Mila asked, not seeing her two friends. The girls had gotten closer these days, so she was missing her two friends.

"They are..."


Everyone's attention was pull to the sky, as the newly formed eagle hovered above them. It dives and landed 5 meters from the group.

Celestial fighters have already gotten use with their fourth king dramatic entrance, so they were not surprised.

Leo looked at everyone, and said, his voice enhances with spiritual energy. "I know everyone is wondering why we are here, it's simple, I want to see you guys progress and see if you all are strong enough to face the zombies." Leo stopped and elaborate:

"I know we have been fighting zombies for two weeks now, I don't want these zombies to get too powerful. So I want them eradicated from the island, we need to expand our base to the whole island, and also destroy that cave our commanders discovered. So this training is to see how good you guys progress are"

Everyone nodded hearing Leo's words. "Now fighters! Let see what you are capable of" Leo said, slowly ascending to the air.

"Let the training begin" Leo said and added. 'Potentate, make sure there is a golden zombie among them.'

[Ok Leo]

Mila walked up to Sam and Nora, and asked in a low voice. "Why is Leo's eyes golden?"

"We don't really know, he said he leveled up" Sam said.

"Yeah and..." before Nora could anything, there was a rumbled in the whole city, and countless red and black zombies broke out from different buildings windows, and all charged at celestial fighters.

"This is it fighters! Prove to our lord, that we are worthy of these uniforms!!!" Iron fist roared as he raised his sword.


Luna roared and shot forward, If someone told you that she was traumatized when she first entered the simulation, you won't believe, as the Luna in front of them was nothing like the formal one. All celestial commanders were also putting on the same outfit as the kings, but theirs are brown instead of black.

"Charged!!!!" Levi yelled and charged with Luna.


Celestial fighters roared in unison, as they all charge with their weapons. Non are with guns. All were currently armed with different weapons.

"Those weapons won't work against the silver and golden zombies, they need at least a A-Class weapon" Leo observed his fighters from above and said.

[You Are right? Are you going to buy the weapons in the system store or, loot them in tombs?] Potentate asked.

"I don't have enough doom stones for that, so we will go with the second option" Leo said.



Celestial fighters, commanders and kings released countless terrors on the zombies, destroying them like flies. Different skills and abilities were released by each of celestial fighters towards the horde of zombies. Cutting them down like weeds.

"Hmm... this is fascinating" Leo muttered.



Another explosion sounded, and green smoke rose into the sky, and spread towards celestial fighters.

"Shield skills!!!" Iron fist roared, as countless celestial fighters rushed to the frontline and activated their shield skill, blocking them from the poisonous green gas.

"This is surprising, have they faced a silver zombie before?" Leo asked and shot forward, towards the location of the green gas.

Standing calmly are two silver zombies, with snow-white eyes, and white furs instead of skin. Long claws and deadly sharp teeth.

"Let see what..." Leo's words were cut short as Luna and Rick shot towards the two silver zombies without an ounce of fear, and with a slash of their swords. The heads of the two zombies rolled on the ground.

Leo blinked thrice, not believing what he is seeing.

"Are these not the zombies I face in my previous life? How are they this weak!! Those two are only at the master realm, five stars at most!"

[As I said, these zombies' strength had been reduced, do you want me to add more evolved zombies?]

"More evolved zombies? I know only about the hound you mentioned, are there more."

[Fufufufufu...] potentate giggled.

"Tell me"

[Of course Leo, these zombies are just the touch. There are more zombies than these weak guys. If these are the only evolved zombies, you as a transcendent fighter will be enough to cleanse the earth of them. So there are more stronger zombies than even the golden one, which could rival a transcendent or even immortal realm fighter.]

"Are you kidding me?!!"

[Nope, these zombies goes by another names, and we called them the calamities. They are the frontline fighters of the ten commandments.]

"Shocking, can you make them appear in the simulation?, I also what to know how strong I am"

[Yes, the simulation has been powered by the red diamond, so it can.]

The next moment the sky turned blood-red.


"Why is The sky red?" Leo asked. As he and his fighters stared at the sky a little dumbfounded.

[The first stage calamity has appeared.] Potentate gave a simple answer.

Leo nodded and turned to his fighters. "Celestial!! This is your time to show me what you are capable off, kill this calamity and I will deem you worthy. Reward, increase in coupon!"


Celestial fighters roared loudly.




The sound of footsteps sounded, causing the ground to rumble. Celestial fighters fixed their gazes distance away, as the shadow of a colossal abomination walked towards them. Even Leo's attention was drawn.