CHAPTER 100: Three eyes hound

Leo and his fighters stared with opened jaws as the behemoth walked towards them.


The abomination let out a loud roar, and fixed its gaze on Leo and his fighters.

Mike: "What the fuck!!"

Mila: "Can we face that?!!!"

Sam: "Let get it!!"

Nora: "Calm down Sam, we must move with caution, this monster is frightening powerful."

"She is right, this monster has the power of a divine realm fighter!" Leo nodded calmly, observing the monster.

The abomination standing in Front of them, was as big as a house. With massive four legs and three eyes. It was simply a hound, but a terrifying powerful one.

'Hey potentate, is this the hound you mentioned?'

[Yes, this is the first stage calamity.]

"The first?!! And this powerful!!" Leo was shocked.


The monster let out a loud roar and shot forward, towards celestial fighters.

"This thing is too huge!! We need to cut down its legs!" Ricky yelled. As the behemoth charged towards them. Any step it took, the ground trembled.

"Charge!!!!" Celestial commanders yelled, and the four shot forward.

"Underestimating your enemy, bad move" Leo muttered.

The charging hound with three eyes, increased its speed and clashed with the four celestial commanders.

Luna: "fire crescent!!"

Iron fist: "earth destruction!!"

Levi: "winds blades!!!"

Rick: "destructive waves!!"

They all released powerful skills at The monster.

"I think Zhang is in the base, I wonder how he will face this" Leo said with a smile.


A loud explosion sounded, causing the behemoth to halt in its track, taking the explosion head on. A deep smoke fell on the scene and celestial fighters held their breath, as the smoked slowly disperse. Revealing the behemoth, standing calmly. Its eyes fixed on the humans.

"WOW, four master realm fighters can't even leave a scratch on it" Leo smiled calmly, hovering above his fighters.

The monster fixed its three eyes on the four humans and moved with incredible speed.

Luna: "NO!!!!"

Levi: "Fuck!!!"

The behemoth swallowed the two instantly. "Those two are lucky they are in a simulation, or else..." Leo muttered.

"We can't stay here and watch this!!" Nora yelled and shot into the air. Sam climbed on her eagle and shot towards the behemoth.

With A slash of Nora's swords, two crescent energies shot forward and collided with the giant hound. Only leaving a small scratch on its surface.

"What?" Nora was speechless.

"Leave it to me!!" Sam yelled as she and her eagle shot towards the behemoth, her sword glowing.

"You are so hot headed Sam, also underestimating your enemy" Leo gave a small smile.


The hound roared loudly, and the eye on its head, glowed with an eerie red light, and a powerful beam shot out from the eye and collided accurately on Sam and her eagle. Erasing her from existence.

"Sam!!" Both Mila and Nora yelled out. "How dare you!!" Mila roared as five water warriors rose from the ground, all armed with bows. And with a command, they released countless water arrows at the hound.


The three eyes hound, looked down at its attackers, and with a swing of its large paw, all Mila water warriors were instantly destroyed.

"What just?!" Mila and the fighters was speechless.

"It looked like Mila haven't mastered her skill to its highest potential" Leo observed the monster calmly.

The five men aren't giving up that easily, "kill this calamity!!" Mike yelled as he turned his body into metal and shot forward.

"Yeah!!" Rick and iron fist roared, and followed him.


The three released their powerful skills on the monster, but all they could achieve was giving it a single scratch mark.

"Impossible! How is its fur so durable!!" Ricky yelled, as he continued releasing countless fireballs at the hound.


The hound let out a frustrated roared, and fixed its three eyes on the humans, its eyes glowed with a red light, and released three powerful beams at all celestial fighters.

The hound moved its still beaming eyes around celestial fighters killing half of Leo's subordinates and fighters in the process.

"Is this how powerful the first stage calamity is?" Leo was shocked, as the hound's three red beams killed countless celestial fighters, and all his commanders, even Mike, Mila, and Jack wasn't spared. Leaving only Nora and Ricky.

"Leo we can't win this!!!" Ricky yelled, as he leaped backward.

"In five months time. We will be facing this abomination in the real world."

Hearing Leo's word, all the remaining fighters face change dramatically.

"Fight this in the real world?"

"Can we win? Or even kill it?!!"

"The world will be destroyed, if this monster appeared."

"We need to get stronger."


Leo was silent, listening to his fighters, they aren't scared or anything, it looked like it only fueled their determination to get stronger. "Good, you all need to get stronger, because this is only the first stage!!"

"First stage? Are you saying there are stronger ones?" Ricky asked a little dumbfounded.


Leo nodded and turned to the portal. The fighters were coming back. With his kings and commanders. "Ok everyone, let me show you how to take care of this lost pet" Leo said, floating towards the behemoth.

"Did Leo just call this thing pet?" Ricky was dumbfounded.

"Let see how he take down this monster" Sam said walking towards him. "Because that beam is dangerous" she added.

The others just nodded, and fixed their gazes on the monster and Leo.

The hound took a step back, when it fixed its eyes on Leo. The next moment. "Who are you human? How could you have such dense energy?" The hound spoke, shocking all celestial fighters.

"You don't need to be surprise, when these monsters entered the calamity stage, they could speak like a human." Leo explained to his fighters.

"How do you know so much about us human?" The hound asked.

"I know more than that, but I just have to kill you, or... do you know anything about the commandments?"

"Who are these commandments you mention?" The hound asked back.

Leo frowned, but potentate gave him the answer. [You are in the simulation, so this monster won't know anything about the commandments.]

Leo nodded and pointed a finger at the hound, the next moment a purple flame appeared on the tip of his finger.


The hound roared in horror, staring at Leo's finger.

"I don't need you anymore" Leo muttered, Moment next purple flame burst out from his finger and collided with the hound, causing it to yelled in horror and pain.


The three eyes hound let out a loud roar and collapsed on the ground. Celestial fighters stared with opened jaws and all speechless. It didn't take a second and the giant hound turned to ash.

"What....?" Everyone was stunned, staring at Leo as if he had grown two heads.

"This is weak" Leo muttered, when earn him a frown from his fighters.


"Did our lord just said weak?!!"

"That monster killed half of us for God's sake, without breaking a sweat!!"

"How can it be weak?"

Celestial fighters were almost driven crazy by Leo's word, they stared at Leo, filled with shock.

"Now, let see what a stage two calamity looked like" Leo said. And all celestial fighters took a step back.

"Leo, you will face it alone, we will watch from the sideline" Mila said, and everyone nodded.

"Fine by me" Leo nodded and added. 'Now potentate.'

