Chapter 51

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"He seems fine."

"He must have used one of his Shikigamis to protect himself."

Slowly opening his eyes, Megumi groaned as he sat up, every muscle in his body screaming for him to stay still.

"Oh, he's awake."

Blinking as he recognized a voice, he turned to see Itadori and Todo standing beside him.

But as he seemed ready to speak, he was startled by Todo's condition.

Much of Todo's body showed signs of burns, and his hair, which had once been tied in a strange ponytail, was now short and singed in places.

But despite his numerous injuries, he didn't seem discouraged. Somehow, he had managed to mitigate the damage.

"What happened?" Rubbing his forehead, Megumi sighed as he felt his reserves of cursed energy nearly depleted.

"We defeated that curse." Itadori crouched down, his eyes scanning his companion for any apparent injuries.

"That's good." Relieved, Megumi tried to stand, but exhaustion proved to be a stumbling block as he wavered.

Itadori quickly caught him, helping him to his feet. "You're exhausted. It would be best if you both returned to Shoko."

"That's right! We can't risk-"

"I'm talking about the two of you."

Todo, who wanted to speak, was quickly cut off by Itadori, who turned to him seriously.

"What?! I can't abandon you, brother!" He tried to defend himself, but Itadori just stared at him silently.

"You exhausted your reserves to protect yourself from that attack. The best thing is to recover before returning to the battle."

Todo fell silent, his brow furrowing as he couldn't find a response to that.

To defend himself from Jogo's attack, he had used all his cursed energy at once. Even though his Boogie-Woogie technique used an insignificant amount of energy, he still wouldn't be able to adequately strengthen his body.

It would be suicide to move forward like this.

"I understand..." With a sigh, the sorcerer nodded dejectedly. "And you?"

"I'll keep moving forward; we still need to recover Gojo-sensei, and I can hold off our enemies until reinforcements arrive."

Handing a weakened Megumi to Todo, Itadori stepped back, saying.

"Are you sure? How well are you?" Todo asked with clear concern. The mere idea of abandoning his brother left him deeply distressed.

"I'm fine, that blonde guy's technique allowed me to avoid fatal attacks."

Todo nodded, and Megumi turned to see Itadori.

"I know I've said it before, but be careful. We'll be back before you know it."

Itadori smiled, turning with a thumbs-up, and began to move away quickly.


Running through the sparsely populated city streets, Nobara struck a few disoriented curses as she aimed to reach the station.

Having been sidelined in this entire operation, she couldn't help but feel irritated.

Her friends were all on the front lines, and there was even a chance, as depressing as it was, that some of them might already be dead.

Yes, she didn't have much to show compared to her companions, but that didn't mean she couldn't help.

After her training, she could say she wasn't a burden.

Itadori had helped so much in her training just for her to abandon them? No, she wouldn't sleep well if she did.

"I'll catch up with them, or our promise won't mean anything."

Striking a curse squarely with her hammer, she quickly smashed its head, continuing her movement.


But as she reached the station, her eyes widened when a voice sounded beside her, her head turning just in time to notice a blade flying toward her.


Barely escaping the attack, she snarled as a cut opened on her cheek, her eyes landing on a man with long hair and a scarred face.

"Scarred face... So you're the curse giving our team trouble?"

"Oops, missed by a bit." With a laugh, Mahito retracted his arm to its normal form and scratched his neck. "Oh, am I that famous?"

Nobara sneered at the question. "Yes, famous for being a coward."

Upon hearing that, Mahito's eyes glinted dangerously, his smile fading as he lowered his hands.

"Girl, I like you!" Letting cursed energy flow into his fists, he spoke disdainfully. "It'll be worth killing you."

But Nobara wasn't intimidated by his words, a sigh escaping her lips as she pulled some nails from her pouch.

"Even though I don't have much to show." And letting cursed energy flow into the small projectiles, she prepared with a focused look. "I'll at least kill you."


Mahito's eyes widened as several nails were shot toward him, quickly moving to evade.

"You missed!" Tauntingly, Mahito exclaimed, immediately preparing to advance.

But seeing the girl moving her hands strangely, he frowned in confusion.



And with a snap, Mahito couldn't dodge as numerous nails hit his body simultaneously, shock and confusion evident on his face.

"As long as I keep my nails connected to me by cursed energy, I can control them to some extent."

Nobara, holding more nails, smiled confidently.

"In other words, as long as my nails are scattered, I can attack you from all directions."

Spitting some blood, Mahito merely smiled, showing he wasn't fazed by the damage. "How thoughtful of you to tell me that. It's a shame your attacks don't work on me."

Nobara wasn't affected by that information, cursed energy continuously flowing through her hammer. "We'll see."

And Mahito, seeing this, could only sigh in annoyance.

Anyway, he could tell the girl in front of him must be someone special to Itadori.

If she served any purpose, it would definitely be to mentally destabilize him when he and his original body met.

So he would kill her right there and carry her body.

Healing his body, Mahito prepared, his hand slowly transfiguring into a blade.

"Then let's continue!"


Walking silently through the station's underground, Nanami had half his body burned, an injury that should be fatal for anyone else.

His flesh had been burned to a point beyond recovery, and his left eye had burst due to the high temperature.

He shouldn't even be able to stand, so how the hell was he walking?

To tell the truth, even he didn't know.

"Malaysia... Yes, that would be a nice place."

Stopping in front of a mass of curses, he could only raise his head, his mind drifting to places he would like to live peacefully.

Build a house on an isolated beach, read the books he had bought so long ago, as if he were reclaiming lost time.

'No... I'm here to save Fushiguro... Fushiguro?'

Taking a step forward, he barely cared that the curses were all heading toward him.

'And Maki and that old Zenin clan guy? What happened to them?'

With the curses approaching closer and closer, he slowly sighed as he raised his dull blade with difficulty.

'Tired... I'm so tired... I've done enough...'

Letting the little cursed energy he had left in his body flow, he prepared.

'I can rest now, can't I?'


Striking one of the curses, he ducked to avoid a bite, quickly cutting his attacker in half.

And this continued for several seconds, his body being guided entirely by his instincts as he decimated a wave of curses that continued advancing toward him.

To the point where nothing was left standing but him...

At least, that's what he thought.

Because in front of him, he noticed a silhouette approaching.

And even being unable to react, he saw that scarred hand slowly moving toward his chest.

'So this guy was here the whole time.' And as if the world were in slow motion, he could think calmly. 'I think I did well, didn't I?'

His mind wandered, from the beginning of everything to where he was now.

How did he come to this?

It had certainly been his choice... But was it the right choice?

If he hadn't returned to this dark world, maybe he would be on vacation now...

But would he feel good about himself?

"Thank you for the tutoring, Nanami!"

And suddenly remembering that boy's voice, Nanami could say.

No, he wouldn't feel good.

"I didn't help you at all, Itadori."

"Having someone so experienced by my side was enough. Thank you!"

Itadori. Nanami could say that this boy had a promising future.

He wasn't afraid to leave things in his hands.

He trusted his student.


Nanami didn't react as the curse's arm split in two, his body being struck by a force that sent him flying through the station.

"Sorry for the delay, Nanami."

And Nanami, recognizing that voice, slowly turned to see Itadori beside him.

"Now you can leave everything to me."