Chapter 53

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Mahito observed Itadori in silence, noticing the change in the sorcerer's spiritual power.

He could tell that the boy had become much stronger, to the point where he wasn't confident in his victory.

To be honest, he was counting on Itadori's growth not being so significant. Even if there was a slight difference between them, Mahito would still have confidence in winning.

But face-to-face with his enemy, he could see that the difference between them was like an abyss.

Moreover, there was something else bothering him.

The strengthening of Itadori was quite shocking, but even with that, Mahito was not intimidated. If he found the true form of his soul during the battle, he would be able to turn the tide.

What really bothered him was how Itadori's soul had changed.

Previously, his soul seemed normal, perhaps even weaker than normal, but now he could see a distinct difference.

His soul was more robust, clearly stronger, which should consequently strengthen his physical body.

This should be impossible.

Changing the shape of the soul was not unthinkable, even for those without a soul-related technique, but strengthening them?

When it came to souls, Mahito could say he was like a scientist. Therefore, he knew there was only one method of "strengthening" a soul.

A fusion of countless souls.

And even then, it only worked with weak souls, besides causing irreversible damage.

What should this mean?


Seeing Itadori confidently take a stance, Mahito raised his own hands in a battle pose, a slight disdainful smile on his lips.

He felt that it was useless to think about it at the moment, as he had an objective ahead of him.

Kill Yuji Itadori.


Widening his eyes when Itadori disappeared, Mahito quickly raised his arms intending to protect his face.

"Ugh!" But instead of an attack to his head, he choked as a strong impact hit his stomach, blood rising in his throat as he was pushed back.

'He has gotten much faster, and his physical strength is on a completely different level!'

Leaping back when a kick threatened to crush his head, Mahito extended his arm like a whip full of thorns and attacked Itadori.

But Itadori merely deflected the attempt to hit him with his own fist, Mahito growling upon seeing how his thorns didn't even scratch his skin.

And before he could think further about it, he quickly threw himself back as Itadori struck the ground where he was standing.

'Seeing that look.' Seeing the boy pursue him with an impassive look, Mahito couldn't help but think. 'I have to admit...'


Being hit by a precise kick to his chest, Mahito vomited blood as he flew back.

'That he looks scary!'

Stopping his momentum, Mahito wiped the blood from his lips before quickly spitting out some reshaped humans, merging them all at once.

"Soul Multiplicity: Repel Souls!"

And seeing Itadori advance in his direction, Mahito pronounced, the fused souls expanding into a huge mouth of flesh that exploded toward the boy.


But expecting the attack to reach the young sorcerer, Mahito widened his eyes as the reshaped soul split in half, a blood-stained Itadori emerging in front of him in an instant.

"Black Flash!"

And being hit by a full-force punch, Mahito flew like a bullet, his body colliding with the station structures and crashing through numerous walls.


Feeling some debris fall on his body, Mahito slowly moved, removing some of the rubble from on top of himself.

'So it's as I thought.' Slowly recovering his bruised face, he pushed the rubble away from his body all at once. 'He can use Sukuna's technique.'

He had already suspected this in their first fight, but he had preferred not to believe in such a hypothesis.

But now, having his suspicions confirmed, he could only growl in frustration. If he had little confidence in victory before, at this point, he was already accepting the fact that he would be unable to win.

At least, until he found the true form of his soul.

Coming out from the middle of the rubble, he moved through the holes in the wall, emerging back at the station.

But the sight that awaited him only served to irritate him deeply.

"What took you so long?" Sitting on a bench, Itadori was casually drinking a soda, his disinterested eyes fixed on Mahito's irritated face. "I was almost falling asleep here."

"How funny, I didn't think you had this kind of sense of humor." Mahito smiled, cursed energy flowing to his arms and dancing around his lungs. "I was a bit disoriented before, so how about we start round two?"

"Mahito, did you forget what I told you before?"


Widening his eyes when he felt a strong cursed energy fluctuate beside him, Mahito turned to see a small volcano pointed in his direction.

"This is not a fight."


Having his body hit by a wave of magma, Mahito growled as he was pushed away, smoke emanating from his burned skin.

'Was that Jogo's technique?'

Shocked by the sudden attack, he barely reacted when Itadori appeared above him, his head being struck by a hammer fist that smashed his face into the hard concrete ground.

"This is a hunt."

Dazed by the attack, Mahito choked as a kick to his ribs sent him flying.

"And I am the hunter."

Following the trajectory of the curse, Itadori grabbed him by the nape and threw him away, sending a wave of consecutive slashes.

Mahito growled as he felt his body being cut, his feet digging into the ground as he took a stance. 'These slashes are very different from Sukuna's slash!'

Seeing how Itadori seemed unfazed as he walked towards him, Mahito gritted his teeth in irritation, his hands coming together as cursed energy gathered in his palms.

'I won't lose here, Itadori!'


And surprising Itadori, he was unable to escape when a massive mass of flesh expanded in front of him, pushing him through the ceiling and throwing him to the surface.

"Damn, hard to kill rat." Landing firmly on the ground, he sighed as he looked around. "Well, it's my fault for not finishing him off quickly."


But as the boy reprimanded himself, his eyes widened when he felt a fluctuation in cursed energy, turning to see Mahito right behind him with his fist glowing with cursed energy.


And preparing for the damage, he was surprised when the curse suddenly froze, blood exploding from his mouth as numerous spikes emerged from his body.

This brought a huge smile to Itadori's face, who turned while accumulating cursed energy in his fist.

'Thanks for that...' And punching Mahito's face, Itadori launched him across the street, his body colliding with one of the surrounding buildings. 'Nobara!'

"Let's finish this once and for all, Mahito!"