Chapter 57

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Spitting out some blood that had accumulated in his mouth, Itadori stood up alert, his eyes focused on Geto, who gazed at him with fascination.

"So you are the one impersonating Suguro Geto." Wiping the blood from his lips, he said bluntly, but this didn't seem to elicit much of a reaction from Kenjaku.

"Oh, you seem well-informed."

Itadori sneered at this, a small smile forming. "Of course, after all, you're the one responsible for all this mess."

Geto smiled at that and took a step forward from the battered Mahito, removing his hands from inside his cloak.

This alerted Itadori, who immediately prepared by spreading his cursed energy throughout his body.

He had a superficial understanding of Geto's technique but knew it was very powerful. Considering it was in Kenjaku's possession, who was as old as Sukuna, it wasn't unimaginable to think that the curse user could defeat him with a single strike.

Moreover, expanding his own domain was also unfeasible, as he lacked the refinement necessary to compete against someone like Kenjaku.

In truth, Itadori had no advantage in any aspect. Kenjaku was too experienced, so his only chance was a sudden and precise attack.

A powerful and decisive dismantle.

He had plenty of cursed energy in his reserves, but it was certain that after such an attack, he would be exhausted.

Fortunately, he had several of Sukuna's fingers he had taken from Jogo to recover at least a bit during the battle.

He just needed the exact moment.

"In the mid-Edo period, people linked earthquakes with catfish and said it was a mystery." Approaching with calm steps, Kenjaku began to recount. "They believed that a massive catfish moving underground was the cause of earthquakes."

Upon hearing this, Itadori widened his eyes as he felt the ground disappear beneath his feet, his body plummeting towards the deep throat of a fish.


But hitting his back on the ground, Itadori immediately stood up, his eyes urgently turning to his feet.

'An incomplete domain?' he wondered, turning forward to see Geto watching him with a small smile. 'Damn, this is going to be too problematic.'

"Did you think you fell on the ground? Funny, from here it looks like you just fell on your back."

Itadori gritted his teeth upon hearing him, his eyes narrowing as his cursed energy perception spread to the ground beneath his feet.

"The power of cursed spirit manipulation lies in the number of attacks it can make. I have countless first-grade or higher spirits..."

Sensing his instincts alerting him, Itadori quickly jumped to the side as a swarm of centipede curses charged at him, his fist loaded with cursed energy hitting them and exploding them into pieces.


But when he felt a ripple of cursed energy on the ground, he turned to Pseudo-Geto and jumped in his direction, escaping the huge mouth of the fish curse.

"Oh, you have great cursed energy perception." Geto praised with a smile, skillfully diverting the trajectory of a punch aimed at his face.

But when he felt the power behind the attack, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"What a surprise." And blocking an attack that pushed him slightly back, he praised, "The vessel of Sukuna is strong... But I'm sorry."


Charging towards the man, Itadori widened his eyes as the catfish's head suddenly emerged from the ground, hitting him in the abdomen and sending him flying back.

'Damn!' Stopping his momentum with his feet, he moved his gaze to his belly, noticing how a bruise was beginning to form there. 'That was powerful.'

Spitting out some blood, he pressed his abdomen with a frown, noticing how the attack seemed to have hit his organs.

"Strong, isn't it? It's a special-grade curse, after all." Geto crossed his arms with a small smile.


But as he seemed distracted, he quickly moved when a hand threatened to touch him, turning to see Mahito with a smile.

"I already knew, after all, I was born from humans!"

But before he could attack again, Geto began to absorb Mahito, his attempt to resist proving futile as his body was quickly suppressed into a small shining sphere.

This made Itadori growl in irritation. The reason he had tried to devour Mahito earlier was precisely to avoid this. That was why he believed he should have expanded his domain, even with the threat of Kenjaku breaking his barrier.

If he had been able to devour Mahito, what was coming could have been avoided.

"Do you know about maximum techniques?" With Mahito's orb in hand, Kenjaku turned to Itadori.

'Damn, he talks too much.' Itadori grumbled as he saw that he was about to start lecturing again.

"Besides domains, they are the most supreme cursed techniques."

'Well, this isn't all bad.' Gathering cursed energy, Itadori took advantage of the speech that seemed more like a monologue to prepare his attack.

"The maximum manipulation technique: Maximum Uzumaki... Combines all the cursed spirits I've absorbed into one and hits my opponent with condensed cursed energy."

Itadori blinked at that. An maximum technique wasn't a strange concept to him since he had read about it in one of the books Gojo gave him.

But it didn't seem so important in his eyes because he simply didn't know how it worked.

But if it was supposed to be just an attack that used the full potential of the technique and a high amount of cursed energy to launch a devastating strike, it didn't seem like a big deal.

To Itadori, it seemed more like an unnecessary waste of cursed energy.

But did it have to be something that simple?


Itadori could think more about the concept later.

"The Uzumaki is powerful, but using it means I lose the advantage of the numerous curse techniques I've absorbed. Initially, I didn't find it very interesting. I only thought of it as a way to recycle low-level spirits."

Seeing the man bring the orb close to his mouth, Itadori widened his eyes, his hand discreetly raising in anticipation.

"But I was wrong, its true value is only revealed when the spirit is grade one or higher, and..."

And with Geto opening his mouth to swallow the orb, Itadori moved.

"The technique is extracted."




As the slash flew, tearing the ground, a curtain of dust rose.

And the moment it settled, Itadori could only observe the man with incredulity.

"I found it strange when I noticed you accumulating cursed energy." In a surprised tone, Geto spoke, a large catfish split in half in front of him. "To think you would take Sukuna's technique for yourself so soon."

Itadori immediately advanced, but he wasn't fast enough as Geto swallowed the orb in his hands all at once.

"What a big surprise..."


Defending a punch loaded with cursed energy, the curse user quickly retreated, skillfully dodging numerous cursed energy-charged arrows fired from afar.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice what you were planning?"

Geto widened his eyes as he noticed Itadori bursting towards him.

"Black Flash!"

But dodging the attack that emitted electricity, Kenjaku countered with a precise elbow strike, shaking Itadori's brain in his skull and allowing the man to send him flying with a wave of curses.


And turning with a curse in hand, he blocked a shot.

"A precision rifle? Nice! I agree that was clever."


Dissolving the curse in his hand, his eyes widened when a presence appeared behind him, turning to see a blue-haired girl about to draw a sword.

"New shadow style..."

But noticing the girl's weak cursed energy, he paid little attention, preparing to block the attack with his own palm.


Seeming confident, his eyes widened as another figure appeared beside him, his gaze moving to see a smiling Itadori covered in blood.


"Quick draw!"

"Black Flash!"

Blocking Itadori's fist, Kenjaku flew back with a bruise forming on his arm, a cut opening on his chest caused by Miwa.

And Itadori, preparing to advance, stopped when a massive amount of cursed energy rippled from the curse user.


