David the Greedy Cultivator

"Looks like I'll try entering the Qi refining realm first, and if I'll have trouble, I'll go to the tome for guidance." David sat on the mountain and tried feeling out the Qi around him. Luckily for David, the 4th book already gave him the instructions on how to do so, but unluckily for David, it was harder to actually perform in reality. David tried to close his eyes to concentrate, but it didn't seem to do any good, so he soon opened them again. David decided to start by focusing on the elements around him. Yet the annoying winds high up in the mountains were constantly crashing into him. The winds were loud and distracting, they were uncomfortably cold and made it hard to breathe too. He tried ignoring the wind, yet he just couldn't. It was like a pesky mosquito fling near his ears at night. "What if i turn the distraction into my focus?" He needed to sense the elements, so if he could not ignore the wind, he would focus on it instead. Thus, he would start by trying to sense the element of wind first, or more accurately, the element of air. The wind was constantly nagging at him, as if it wanted his constant attention. Now that David was also focusing on it, he couldn't be distracted by it as he tried to take in and absorb every aspect of the wind rather than trying to resist it. Under his circumstances, the air was by far the easiest element to sense. Now that he started to take in the wind, he started to open his mind and begin to imagine. He imagined a world that consisted of a motorcycle's engine floating alone in an empty void. He then conceptualised the winds cashing down onto the engine just as they crashed onto him. The void started to fill up with air as the winds crashed into the engine. Next, he freed up his mind to focus elsewhere. He focused on the earth beneath him. The earth that the very mountain he sat atop consisted of. Even under the winds constant onslaught the mountain did not bud even in the slightest. It stood tall and firm as it effortlessly resisted it all. It was quite literally as unmoving as a mountain. Thus, David imagined himself as an extension of the mountain as he tried to resist the winds a second time. He started to imagine a miniature mountain holding up the engine as the wind battered them both. With the mountain below and the wind around him, David had perfect references to create his imaginary mountain and wind. As David sat with his legs crossed atop the mountain, a cloud slowly passed nearby as David sensed its vapor. He focused on the water in the cloud around him as he next imagined similar clouds to this one in his imagination. The water floated elegantly in the sky, ignoring the rest of the world below, until it seemed as if it was too good for the world below. This continued until the water cooled down enough to drop out of the sky. The clouds started to bombard anything below with a barrage of rain so unrelenting that it rivalled the wind. David felt that a motorcycle engine was too small for this shifting realm, so he decided to upscale it until it became a car's engine.

Next, David sensed into the mountain again, he felt the hidden deposits of metal scattered within the mountain. He felt that despite the immense weight of the mountain above, the metal managed to successfully resist the crushing weight. In David's conceptualization, he imagined the engine itself being made out of such unbreakable metal that it could resist even the most immense amounts of pressure. Next, David reached his arms out to his sides as he touched the trees around him. They grew tall and steady, unlike the mountain that resisted the wind by being unyielding; the trees bended but did not break. David looked at his surroundings. There were so many trees scattered across the mountain. He soon imagined such trees populating the mini-mountain and around the engine. The engine was starting to look more and more like a small kid surrounded by a castle of wood and earth, with rain and wind hurriedly passing by. David decided to make the engine even bigger as he replaced the car's engine with something much bigger. He repaced it with the huge engine of a cargo ship. Finally, the engine looked at home with all the elements that surrounded it. The engine may have been surrounded by the elements, yet David felt there was something missing. "That's it!" It hit him! He knew what the engine was missing! The spark needed to ignite the engine, and for that, he would need fire! For this one, David closed his eyes and raised his face so that his nose would be pointed to the sun itself. "FIRE!" David remembered that the 4th book tried to make its readers only focus on the water and fire elements to make them most fit to use the Tome, but David was planning on returning it anyways. Thus, he cared not for the teachings and recommendations of the TsavTsav sect. Instead, he felt the warmth of the great fire in the sky. David imagined a fire spreading on the mountain, consuming anything that came by it, whether it was air or plant life. Yet when it came to the engine, the fire itself was consumed, and its power of consumption was passed on to the metallic engine. Now it absorbed the wind as it used its power to pull in bits of earth, wood, and water into itself. As the absortbion power grew, huge chunks of earth were pulled out of the mountain. The new ponds were vacuumed into the air as they merged with the rain and clouds as the engine consumed them as well. Not even the wood element was spared, as entire trees were violently ripped out of the ground and were sent flying through the air until they got flung into the engine. Soon the image of the engine interposed itself with his body, as David felt as if his whole body became one with the engine and the engine became one with his body. He could finally feel the Qi around him slowly being absorbed by his body as he refined the Qi inside his body, and the Qi in return refined his body too. "So that's why it's called the Qi refining realm!" 

The system asked in an exasperated voice: "Why did you focus on so many elements right off the bat?" "Well, I wanted all four of the western elements of Fire, Air, Earth, and Water, and I remembered reading online about the five eastern elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood, so I thought to myself, Why not have all of them?" "So you just decided to take in six elements at once?" "Yes." "You know why most cultivators start with one, or in rare cases, two elements at once?" "No, you never really told me much about cultivators anyways." "Well, maybe that is partially my fault, but generally, the more elements you have, the harder it is to cultivate from that point onwards." "How so?" "For starters, the requirements to get stronger become far more difficult to achieve. "Ok, but if I didn't take these elements now, I would lose the ability to gain them later." "You can add more elements in special situations like a major breakthrough or if you have some sort of other special circumstance. It's just generally avoided due to the increased difficulty in progressing further." "Well, you never told me, and there has to be some advantage to starting with six elements." "Generally, cultivators who have this many elements absorb the many energies in their surroundings to vastly improve their physical might." "That's good." "As counterintuitive as it may sound to you, those cultivators are also the worst at actually using each of the individual elements." "Is it because they split their focus too much on too many elements, so they can't focus on any single element as deeply as someone who has only one or two elements to specialise in?" "Yes, a common solution for these cultivators is to select one dominant element that they have great mastery of and have a far less extensive understanding of their other lesser elements." "Well, for that, I need to have an element I'm the best with."

"So about the curse?" "When the 30 days run out, you will be judged, and since you already succeeded, you will automatically survive and will be given another curse to complete in 30 days." "I feel like you want me dead with all those curses. When you fail, you just give me a harder one until you succeed in killing me." "No That's the heavenly lightning's job, not mine." "The what now?" "Never mind, oh i should also congratulate you." "Why?" "Since you have successfully become a cultivator, you have taken a new step away from your old mortal self, and due to that, you have unlocked the system missions tab." "What does it do?" "It gives you a mission, and sometimes a mission will also have a time limit." "Will I die if I fail?" "No, only the curse does that; the missions will reward you if you succeed, but if you fail, you'll simply not get a reward." "Nice, so basically, I'll be getting side quests!" "What?" "How do you, a system, not know what a side quest is?" "I ehhhh oh look over there a bird." "I'm not falling for that." "There really is a bird over there though." "Let me guess it's a vulture." "wellllllll yes." "Not interested." "You may be interested to know that your naturally evolving powers upgraded themselves too, due to your recent breakthrough." "Oh nice! I should check my powers."



The user will gain 1% of his partners strength, Intelligence, stamina, speed, and durability per thrust. The user will also gain 0.5% of their partners enlightenment and understanding of a random Technique of their (Warning this can be any technique including ones not useable by the user, self harming techniques. and techniques that are unrelated to cultivation or combat in any way). This is a naturally evolving power capable of self growth and evolution without without the user needing to actively promote it even though it is recommended.


All living beings will act differently whenever interacting with the user or anything related to the user. generally affected beings will often behave like book characters rather than normal human beings.


The user and recall the exact amount of times the user has pounded his partner should he choose too. the user will always remember the correct number and will also be able to remember exactly how much force was placed in each thrust a swell as what angle was used. Once the user discovers their partners fetish bu performing it on the partner the user will be able to always effortlessly recall how to perform said fetish to said target most effectively. This is a naturally evolving power capable of self growth and evolution without without the user needing to actively promote it even though it is recommended.

"The upgrade of the [SEX STREANGTHENING] power is a nice although i don't know what useful techniques Emily could give me. As for [POUND COUNTER] its... nice that it tried i guess... its not very impressive"