Jean's Jobs

Jean checked the mail and went back inside of her house in Mondstadt. "Oh, you can't be serious, how are the bills already due, I just paid them!" she complained. "I don't even have a job, how am I supposed to support me and Barbara?!" she said. Barbara soon woke up shortly after. "Hey sis, what's up?" she asked. "These people are getting on my nerves, that's what's up, always needing money but don't be caring about how much you got!" "Well Jean, I mean, we're not that broke, right?" said Barbara in a positive tone. "We've been eating Ramen Noodles for the past 3 days, sister" Jean said in a low tone. "Well, why not apply for a job, there are plenty of places around here that are hiring and I'm sure some of them pay well" "You know, Barbara, maybe you're right, I need to stop complaining and get my ass to work, not like that though, nobody except a few guys and me are seeing this bare ass" said Jean. "I'm sorry, what-" "Anyways Barbara, I'll be writing my resume so don't be that distracting, alright?" "Of course I won't be, Jean" "Good, now lemme figure out what to wear for my interview" So Jean got on her computer and began writing her resume. After a few hours, Jean was wearing a fine deep blue shiny suit, it was one of the finest of all Mondstadt, she was even impressed with herself. "Alright, so I got the suit, filled out my resume, now it's time to-" But Jean heard a knock on the door. "Who's that?" Jean opened the door, and there standing was Sucrose. "Hi Jean!" they said cheerfully. "Oh, what the hell do you want?" "Barbara said that I could come over for a bit, is that alright?" "Hold on Sucrose, Barbara!" Barbara woke up startled. "Huh, what's going on?!" she said, she was half awake. "Get up, I need to tell you and Sucrose something, so today, I will be extremely busy, I will be applying for different jobs since Barbara and I aren't financially that stable, so I'll be gone for a couple of hours, now with that being said, if I return and this house looks like a complete mess, somebody's gonna get punished, do I make myself clear?" "Yes, Jean, we understand" said Barbara. "That goes for you too, Sucrose, now I'mma go now, so see y'all later" Then she dusted off her shoulders as she walked out the door. "Has she always been that strict?" asked Sucrose. "Jean isn't intentionally mean, that's just how she talks, she does really care about the people in her life, but for now, I'm not tryna get in trouble, so do you wanna watch TV?" "Sure!" said Sucrose. Jean didn't want to admit it but she was a little nervous as she was approaching the house of the interviewer. "Hello there, Ms. Jean, you're quite early, that's funny, most usually wait a while before entering" said the interviewer. "Yeah, I guess so" Jean chuckled. "Alright, so your name is Jean Gunnhildr, you're 22 years old, you have a degree and a good GPA and you haven't had any work experience prior to this interview, so I like what I'm seeing, I believe you are a talented young woman but you not having any work experience kinda brings it down for me" "Well actually, sir, I am associated with the Knights of Favonius actually" said Jean while still being a little nervous. "Oh, ok that's good, so uh now it's time for me to ask you some questions, so why do you think we should hire you?" "You want the real answer or generic answer" remarked Jean. "For the sake of this interview, just give me the generic answers please, I know you're just trying to stay financially stable" said the interviewer while leveling with her. "Well, I think I'll be a good use to the establishment and I promise to be a reliable worker" answered Jean. "Alright, sounds good so far, so will you be working in the daytime or night?" "I actually prefer to work in the afternoon, I have a little sister and I gotta make sure that she's alright, so anywhere after 2 PM to before 10 PM would do just fine" "Everything's sounding good so far, now Jean, final question, what are you strengths and weaknesses?" "My strength is that I can take criticism very well, and my weakness is that sometimes, I can't handle the criticism very well" said Jean quite despairingly. "I see, well Ms. Jean, we'll notify you in a couple of days to see whether you'll get the job or not" "Thank you, sir, this has been a great first interview!" she said proudly while shaking his hand. "Ay, did you see the Demon Slayer season finale" asked Sucrose. "Not yet, why?" "Dude, that thing went insane, like I almost didn't blink for the whole time!" "Oh, for real, well turn it on, I wanna see-" Just then, Jean opened the door, feeling quiet ecstatic. "Hi Jean, did the interview go well?" Sucrose asked kindly. "It most certainly did, I just know that I'll be hired in a day or two" "Jean, I don't want you to be hired on the spot now" warned Barbara. "Aw hell, girl, they ain't gonna do like that, but anyways, I'll be in my room dreaming about, I don't even know to be honest, alright goodnight" "Well now that that's settled, wanna see more of Zenitsu free falling?" smiled Sucrose. "You already know the answer to that" So the two spent the rest of the night rewatching the entire season. Next morning, Jean was still feeling proud, she cooked breakfast for Barbara and Sucrose. "It's not often that we see you cooking breakfast, Jean, why's that?" Sucrose asked. "Well, my dear friend and sister, it is with great pleasure that I must inform you-" Jean paused quite expressively. "I've got the job!" she shouted. "Oh, I'm so proud of you, sis, whatchu working as?" "I'm going to be working at Xiangling's restaurant!" "Oh, that's all the way in Liyue, well it is almost 2 past noon, you better head out" said Barbara, but Jean had already left. "Well alright" sighed Barbara. Xingqiu was picking up the plates from the morning service when Jean stepped inside. "Uh, Xiangling, is this the newbie" he asked. "Hello there, Jean, welcome to your first day of the job, Xingqiu will show you how things work around here, meanwhile I have to prepare the food for the evening rush" Xiangling announced. "Yep, follow me, Jean!" said Xingqiu happily. "So I'm basically Xiangling's right hand man, I help take orders, serve food, clean up, wash the dishes, you know all they good stuff, and you, Jean, are gonna help too" "Alright, so am I gonna be cooking the food-" "Ain't nobody cooking this food but me!" interrupted Xiangling. "Well damn alright, anyways, what should I do first?" "Uh, well I am currently carrying these plates, so I would like for you to clean them before the customers arrive, please" Xingqiu said. "Well sure, I hope this task doesn't become laborious" said Jean. Soon, Jean was washing the dishes with no issue. "This isn't that hard, just keep doing it for awhile, then hopefully, they'll pay me well" she said to herself. And at last, she thought she was done cleaning until Xingqiu came by with some more plates. "Sorry Jean, I forgot about the tables in the back, here you go" he said kindly. "Alright, this is not that hard, just keeping washing, rinse and repeat, literally" Jean muttered. She got done with that batch until Xingqiu came again. "Jean, I-" "Can I do another job, please!?" she begged. "Yeah, I understand your frustration, washing dishes can be tiring, why don't you sweep the floor" "Yeah, I can do that, just gotta sweep, sweep, sweep!" "I feel like you were reference something, but judging by you, I think it was just a coincidence, anyways, gotta go!" said Xingqiu as he rushed away. "Alright, I'm done sweeping, so now, what time is it" As soon as Jean checked her watch, dozens of customers flooded the restaurant. "Oh no" said Jean despairingly. "Alright alright, everyone calm down, I can only take one order at once" Xiangling bellowed. Xingqiu told Xiangling all the first few orders, Jean wanted to serve them. "Ok Jean, but do not get them mixed up, alright, that'll cause a decline in service" warned Xingqiu. "Don't worry, kid, I got this" she boasted. Jean got the first few dishes delivered correctly, but she got the next one mixed up with someone else's. "Excuse me!", called a customer. "This isn't my order, go fix it!" "I'd greatly appreciate if you use a respectful tone while speaking to a worker please" said Jean quietly. "It's your fault anyway!" "Listen here, dipshit, this is my first day of the job, if you don't learn to respect me, I'll crack your head open on this table!" Jean bursted out. "Hey hey, Jean, what's going on here?" asked Xingqiu. "This fucker is over here yelling at me all because I got the bitch's order wrong!" "Ok, Jean, please refrain from using strong language at a public place, and sir, please don't be shouting at the employees, we work hard enough already as is, so please don't give us a hard time" Xingqiu said as he resolved the conflict. Jean took a break in the back room to cool off, Xingqiu came and knocked on the door. "You can come in" said Jean. "What's going on, Jean, is there anything you wanna talk about?" "I don't know, it's just I'm doing all this just because I don't have enough money to pay the bills and support me and Barbara, life's just really hard right now, I'm dealing with a lot of stress, and I just can't control my emotions" she vented. "I understand, this job is not suited for you, but I'll tell Xiangling to send you a check in the mail to help you out, it was nice working with you, Jean and I wish you good luck on your next job" "Thanks, Xingqiu, you don't need to do all that for me" "Well, that's just what I like to do, now farewell, and tell Barbara I said hi!" "Haha, you know I will, bye bye, Xingqiu" It was around 6 when Jean returned home. "Hey Jean, you don't look so good?" "Barbara, I just need some time for myself, ok?" "Jean, we're sisters, if there's anything you wanna talk about, we can sit here and discuss it maturely" "Thanks Barbara, but I just need to rest a little and think" "Ok, well how was working at the restaurant like?" "It was hell, straight hell, you're doing the same stupid, simple tasks over and over again, and you have to deal with bullshit customers who are too lazy to cook themselves!" Then Jean punched the wall, Barbara flinched. "I just don't know what to do, Barbara, if I don't find a job soon, we'll get evicted, and then we'll be homeless and live on the street!" "Jean, don't be so down on yourself, we won't get kicked out, and I'll be damned if we let that happen, so all you need is to find a job that suits you best" "That's the thing, Barbara, I feel like there isn't a job specifically for me, I don't even know why I'm trying, I'm just tired, sister, I'm just-" Jean began crying. "No Jean, don't ever say that you'll stop trying, when there's a will, there's a way, and we will find that way" Barbara encouraged. "But how?" Jean sniffed. "Well, Sucrose gets like 200 dollars every month for their experiments, so I told her that we've been struggling with money, so she saved up enough money for us to pay for the bills and extra stuff!" Jean was speechless for a moment. "Sucrose did all that for us, Barbara, thank you so much, your my best sibling ever!" Jean said while hugging her. "Well, I'm your only one!" Barbara laughed. So with the money, Jean successfully paid the bills and with the extra money, her and Barbara went on a vacation to Inazuma. Sucrose came by the house a few days later. "Hey, Jean, I was just wondering if you said thank you for the-" "Wel, she just took my money and didn't say thank you, well, it's Jean, what else did I expect?" they smiled.