Tussling with a Toro

Klee's hideout in Sumeru is home to many farms and huge acres of land. Animals such as cows, sheep, horses and donkey wander off and sometimes end up in Sumeru, Klee usually orders Mona and Lisa to go and shoo them. Mona however, had had quite enough. "It isn't fair" she complained one morning. "What isn't?" responded Lisa. "Letting us get all dirty trying to get animals out of our vicinity, and Dori and Sayu don't even help at all, they just laugh, the nerve Klee has!" "Well Mona, they're only children so of course Klee doesn't send them, they might get hurt!" informed Lisa. "Besides," Lisa laughed. "Would you want to be delivered crates and heavy loads of hay everyday, after all, a splendid Hydro like you should keep up her looks" "You're right, Lisa, why should I put up with those animals, the next time I see one, I'll just simply ignore it" said Mona thoughtfully. "Of course, Mona, well I have to start work, see you later" said Lisa in a cute tone. Mona was delivering a heavy crate of milk uphill to a nearby farm, she climbed up successfully and came down when a bull was in her way. "Look at that silly animal, I'll just walked right past it" she thought, but the bull blocked her way again. "Come on, move it, I need to deliver this milk and you're in my way!" Lisa could hear the entire conversation from afar, she was laughing with the most enthusiasm. "Listen here, Toro, if you don't move, I'll make you move" threatened Mona. The bull started directly at Mona, he walked back and started charging at Mona, she dropped the crate and started running. "Ah!" she cried as she rolled down the hill, everyone could see Mona, they tried their best not to laugh. "Come on, Mona, stop fooling and finish your job!" ordered Klee. "There's a bull coming down from the hill, he's on a rampage!" said Mona breathlessly. The bull arrived at the hideout and noticed Klee's outfit. "Klee, don't move a muscle, alright" warned Dori. But that did no good, the bull chased Klee all the way to Liyue. "Lisa, you're the only one who can catch him, it's up to you now!" said the others, so Lisa ran after the two. Klee hid behind a bush. "Oh dear, why didn't Mona shooed him off, now he's going-" The bull was right above Klee and she started eating the bush, Klee tried to control her breath so she wouldn't be noticed. Lisa arrived shortly after with a small cattle truck. "Hey Toro, come over here!" cried Lisa, she was waving a red flag. The temperamental bull charged straight at Lisa and then got himself inside of the truck. "Woo hoo, we did it!" Lisa cheered. "Are you alright, Klee?" "Yeah, I'm find, Lisa, thank you for helping me" "Anytime, dear child, now let's head back" said Lisa while carrying Klee. Mona changed into new clothes when Klee and Lisa arrived. "So Mona, you're still gonna complain about getting dirty, you know, excuse my language, but that was quite literally bullshit" joked Lisa, Mona said nothing and fussed into her tent.