As Gates and Quincy walked, there was silence. None of them said a word, with Gates preoccupied with the test he had for Yusuf and the team.

He knew about the viscountess and her secret, however, he knew what he would do in the future would be far worse than she. He could not afford to have any of them harbor doubts or reservations towards his actions or commands, even with the magic contract to ensure obedience.

The weight of his plans and the unspoken trials ahead hung in the air as they navigated the corridors of their world, bound by the complexities of power and secrecy.

Gates walked the halls, his eyes scanning the surroundings. Even though occupying Amon's body, this house held a different significance for him than for Quincy.

The weight of contemplation seemed to rest in Quincy's eyes as she gazed forward, lost in her own thoughts. Gates, absorbed in his own concerns, didn't mind the silence; he preferred it over unnecessary conversation.