Chapter 95 Counter Kill_1

He had snuck into the ox cart going south from the mansion in the morning, only to be captured by two Japanese pirates. It was already afternoon and he hadn't had a drop of water or a morsel of food.


His stomach embarrassingly grumbled.

Wei Yilin was frustrated, agitated, and annoyed.

Wei Ruo pretended not to hear and continued to eat her meal.

Wei Yilin had never experienced such hardship in all his life, and the more he thought about it, the more miserable he felt.

"Wei Qingruo!" Wei Yilin called out.

"What do you want?"

"You… You…" Wei Yilin looked at Wei Ruo, wanting to say something but was unable to articulate his thoughts.

"You want to eat, but you're too bashful to ask, is that it, huh?" Wei Ruo finished on behalf of Wei Yilin.

"Absolutely not!" Wei Yilin promptly denied.

"It doesn't matter if you've thought about it or not, I would never give my carefully prepared food to someone who secretly wishes for my death."