Chapter 96: Did He Experience an Illusion_1

While Wei Yilin was digesting all this, Wei Ruo poured the drug from the bottle onto a handkerchief, briskly moved forward, and covered Wei Yilin's mouth and nose with it.

Wei Yilin's hands and feet were still tied up, leaving him no way to resist.

He stared wide-eyed at Wei Ruo, disbelief rising within him as he lost consciousness.

After he passed out, Wei Ruo untied him; keeping him bound for too long might have hampered blood circulation, potentially damaging his limbs.

Then Wei Ruo turned her head and cautiously checked the pulses of the two Japanese Pirates, confirming that they were indeed dead. She then cleaned up the scene, taking away the leftover dried sweet potatoes and bags on the ground.

Finally, she staggered and escaped from the scene.

She avoided the crowd searching for Wei Yilin; she couldn't let anyone see her in such a disarrayed state.

"Miss! Miss!"