Chapter 11 Good Marital Relationship_1

Jiang Yuzhu helplessly pressed her lips together.

"Then Grandma, if you don't mind, you can stay here for the night."

Madam Pei immediately smiled, "I don't mind."

Pei Jingchuan snorted. He knew too well his grandmother's nature, she was always picky about eating, dressing, and living.

"I will go make the bed." Jiang Yuzhu stood up, prepared to tidy up Pei Jingchuan's room, not wanting the grandmother to find out that they slept in separate beds.

Madam Pei grabbed Jiang Yuzhu's wrist, "Leave these chores to Jingchuan. You usually work so hard, you should rest well at home."

Pei Jingchuan stood up without any expression and walked toward the room.

He started to wonder if Jiang Yuzhu was the real bloodline of the Pei family.

When the man entered the room, Jiang Yuzhu quickly composed a text to him while Madam Pei was not watching.

"We are sleeping in one room tonight, clean your stuff a bit, don't let Grandma find out."

Since Grandma Pei was so nice to her, she did not want her to find out that her marriage to Pei Jingchuan was only a contractual one.

Pei Jingchuan's phone buzzed as soon as he entered his room, he glanced at the message and the corners of his mouth unconsciously turned up.

He quickly replied an "Mm", put his phone away and started tidying up the room.

It was way past midnight when everyone finally prepared to rest. Jiang Yuzhu, in her pajamas, sat on the bed browsing through her social media. Remembering the previous experience, she particularly wore a bra underneath her pajamas.

The man quickly cleaned up and came back in, "I will sleep on the floor."

Worried that Jiang Yuzhu might feel uncomfortable, Pei Jingchuan proposed this himself.

"There's no need to." Jiang Yuzhu pursed her lips. She put down her phone, after spending time together, she realized Pei Jingchuan was not the kind of person who would act inappropriately.

She trusted Pei Jingchuan's character.

Plus, Pei Jingchuan had been spoiled by his parents since he was a child, the thought of him sleeping on the floor made her feel uncomfortable.

"We are husband and wife after all, it's okay to share a bed."

Hearing this, Pei Jingchuan's gaze darkened a bit. He teasingly bit his upper palate, and finally got into his bed.

As soon as he laid down, a faint scent associated with women lingered on his nose.

"I plan to take the day off tomorrow and accompany Grandma to the mall."

Jiang Yuzhu also laid on the bed, her voice soft and alluring.

Their elderly grandma went out of her way to see them, she must have been lonely. They, as the younger generation, should find time to keep her company.

Pei Jingchuan didn't expect Jiang Yuzhu to be so considerate; he lightly responded with a "Mm".

That night, Pei Jingchuan didn't sleep well, constantly smelling a faintly sweet scent till dawn, when he finally dozed off.

When waking up and seeing the man still deep in sleep, Jiang Yuzhu was momentarily lost in thought.

His handsome face and long lashes, smoother skin than women's, were all captivating.

It took her a moment before she snapped out of it, patting her chest.

How can I be infatuated like this?

Worried about waking Pei Jingchuan, she tiptoed out of bed, first ordered food from her phone and then went to the dressing room.

After all, she was going shopping with grandma, so Jiang Yuzhu decided to dress appropriately. She chose a tailored blouse with denim jeans.

She then applied light makeup.

After everything was sorted out, the food delivery arrived. Jiang Yuzhu thanked the delivery man and took the food.

Just then, Madam Pei woke up.

"Xiaozhu, is Jingchuan still sleeping?" Madam Pei asked when she saw Jiang Yuzhu feeding the cat in the living room.

Jiang Yuzhu nodded, "He's still sleeping."

"He's sleeping this late?"

Madam Pei was about to head towards the master bedroom and Jiang Yuzhu quickly stopped her.

"Grandma, Jingchuan got up at five in the morning before, so it's rare for him to sleep this late."

Last night, when Jiang Yuzhu woke up to use the restroom, she noticed Pei Jingchuan was still awake, probably because he was not used to share a bed with her.

Hearing this, Madam Pei's face lit up.

Her granddaughter-in-law knew how to take care of her grandson; that meant their relationship was good.

"Alright, alright, for the sake of my granddaughter-in-law, let this stinky boy sleep in for a bit!"

Jiang Yuzhu blushed a bit hearing Madam Pei's comment. She smiled faintly, leading Madam Pei to breakfast.

In the master bedroom, Pei Jingchuan heard the entire conversation his grandmother and wife had.

He was changing his clothes as he smirked coldly to himself.

It seems the status of his new bride is higher than his own.

However, Pei Jingchuan strangely discovered that he felt a sense of satisfaction that his grandma accepted Jiang Yuzhu.

The moment he detected this strange thought, he squashed it immediately.

Once he was dressed, Jiang Yuzhu spoke, "I ordered takeout, come and have some."

Jiang Yuzhu didn't cook, not because she couldn't but because her cooking was so-so, not as good as the takeout. Grandma was around, and she did not want to embarrass herself in front of her.


Pei Jingchuan frowned slightly as he saw his food-obsessed grandma happily eating her takeout breakfast, he forced a smile.

However, Pei Jingchuan didn't say anything. After washing his face in the bathroom, he came to the dining table to eat breakfast.

After the meal, Jiang Yuzhu cleaned up the garbage then prepared to leave with Grandma.

Seeing Pei Jingchuan still lounging on the sofa with no intention to move, Madam Pei frowned unhappily, "What are you doing lying on the sofa? Don't you know that Xiaozhu specifically took a day off to accompany this old woman today? Even as a grandson, you're not half as filial as my granddaughter-in-law!"

Upon hearing this, Pei Jingchuan smirked, he gritted his teeth and eventually stood up.

"Alright, I'll go with you."

Jiang Yuzhu could feel the anger radiating off Pei Jingchuan.

Having a driving license, Pei Jingchuan naturally drove. Madam Pei sat in the backseat chatting with Jiang Yuzhu, they were both laughing and chatting about something.

Upon reaching the mall, Pei Jingchuan parked the car in the garage and everyone took the elevator to the third floor.

The third floor of the Lingda Square was a clothing section. Jiang Yuzhu wanted to buy some clothes for Grandma; even if she didn't need them, it was still a gesture of goodwill.

Now that she and Pei Jingchuan are married, she treats Grandma as her own.

The two of them browsed the clothing store for quite a long time; as soon as Pei Jingchuan entered the store, he found a place to rest and occasionally checked his phone to reply to a few messages from Qin Chenkai.

Jiang Yuzhu bought two sets of clothes for Madam Pei. However, just after the selection was made, Madam Pei asked her to pick out some clothes for herself.

"Grandma, during work, I mostly wear uniforms. I have plenty of clothes at home, no need to buy more," Jiang Yuzhu protested, not wanting to make her elderly grandmother spend more money.

Upon hearing this, Madam Pei's expression turned sour. Pouting, she feigned anger, "Well then, I don't want the clothes you bought for me either!"

Jiang Yuzhu could only sigh in resignation, "Grandma, don't be like this."