Chapter 7 The Shocking Gift_1

The next day.

Shen Feiwan woke up naturally.

She had to admit that she had some insomnia last night.

Divorcing Fu Shiyan was indeed a long and difficult task.

She opened her bedroom door.

Besides Aunt Wu cleaning, the dog, Fu Shiyan, was nowhere to be found.

She was used to it. Over their three years of marriage, the time they spent together under the same roof was few and far between.

She sat in the dining room eating breakfast.

Ever since she scolded Aunt Wu that day, Aunt Wu has noticeably been treating her with more respect and seriousness.

So some people are just like that, lowly, just like her employer.

The phone suddenly rang, it was a call from Lin Nuannuan.


"Damn, I almost suffocated." Lin Nuannuan blurted out, "My dad locked me up for a whole day, I wasn't allowed to go out or use my phone."

"I'm sorry." Shen Feiwan still felt a bit guilty.

She knew Nuannuan's personality too well: confining her was worse than killing her.

"It has nothing to do with you, it's my dog-legged father trying to please Fu Shiyan."

'...' Aren't you afraid your dad will actually break your leg for saying such things about him?

"Where are you?"

"At the Fu family's villa."

"Are you being held captive by Fu Shiyan?" Lin Nuannuan excitedly asked, "Should I call the police for you?"

"No. It's just that I have nowhere else to go, so I'm staying here for now." Shen Feiwan explained.

"I'll come to see you then."


In less than half an hour, Lin Nuannuan showed up, full of energy.

The moment she arrived, she started slamming Fu Shiyan with a barrage of insults.

She badmouthed him for a whole hour.

With a dry mouth from all the talking, Lin Nuannuan asked, "Is there any water?"

Shen Feiwan pointed towards the bar.

As Lin Nuannuan walked over there, she suddenly screamed out loud.

Shen Feiwan was almost scared stiff.

Aunt Wu, who was busying herself in the kitchen, dropped several plates in shock.

Everyone was startled.

"Did you see a ghost?"

"Shen Feiwan, did you throw this bag away?" Lin Nuannuan picked up a purse from the trash can, asking in disbelief.

"Didn't like it."

"Didn't like it? Do you know this is a super limited edition bag from an auction? It's sold out and is like a valuable antique! The main thing is!" Lin Nuannuan opened the bag, "Your name is engraved in it, it's something money can't buy."

Shen Feiwan frowned.

She was, indeed, surprised.

Isn't it just an ordinary luxury product worth a few tens of thousands?!

"Do you know its market value?" Lin Nuannuan asked.

The term she used was 'market value'.

"How much?"

"1.2 million."

Shen Feiwan's heart fluttered.

"US Dollars!" Lin Nuannuan added.


Shen Feiwan exclaimed.

She hurriedly walked over and grabbed the bag.

Her heart was trembling.

She had thrown such an expensive bag in the trash.

Amitabha, she was innocent for not knowing.

She was afraid of karma for being so wasteful.

"Can I sell it second hand?" Shen Feiwan asked.

"..." Lin Nuannuan looked at Shen Feiwan speechlessly.

"This could be just enough to pay for the deposit on my new flat, couldn't it?" Shen Feiwan asked as if it was a matter of fact.

"You could get a nice price selling it at a premium, but…" Lin Nuannuan said seriously, "Once it's engraved with your name, it becomes a priceless treasure."

Shen Feiwan was extremely frustrated, "Which luxury brand is so brainless to engrave people's names?!"

"Sister, it's not being brainless, it's a symbol of status and identity. Besides, what rich person would sell such an expensive bag? Wouldn't that be slapping their own face?"

Shen Feiwan was at a loss for words.

"Did Fu Shiyan give this to you?" Lin Nuannuan asked.

"He just did it to piss me off." Shen Feiwan figured it out.

Knowing that she was now financially frozen by him, he deliberately gave her an exorbitantly priced bag, leaving her helpless and unable to sell it.

"I think Fu Shiyan this time..."

Lin Nuannuan's words were cut off.

Shen Feiwan's phone suddenly rang.

She looked at the caller ID, her eyebrows knitted together, "Hello."

"Come back to the Shen family."

"Is there any problem?" Shen Feiwan raised her eyebrows.

Indeed, she couldn't afford to give Shen Juzhou a cold shoulder.

"Your brother's back, let's have dinner together with the family. Bring Fu Shiyan with you."

"He's not available."

"Shen Feiwan, you've been married to Fu Shiyan for three years and you still can't win his heart…"

"I'm not available either."

"You!" Shen Juzhou was so angry that he couldn't utter a word.

Shen Feiwan just hung up the phone and turned it on silent.

Then she looked up at Lin Nuannuan and said, "Let's go, to my broadcasting studio?"

In Lin Nuannuan's mind, a group of muscular hunks instantly sprang to life.

Tears of frustration slipped down her face...


Fulan Jewelry.

The Chairman's office.

Ming Qi was reporting work while sneezing.

Fu Shiyan frowned, "Stay away from me."

"..." Ming Qi felt wronged.

If it weren't for the fact that his boss had abandoned him heartlessly to the rain, he wouldn't be sick today!

"Have you contacted Lately?" Fu Shiyan asked.

"I emailed her, but she hasn't replied yet."

Lately was the winner of an international jewellery design competition.

But she has kept a very low profile, winning half a year ago, and barely appearing in public eye.

Other designers have been slightly active in the jewelry business.

Is she just playing despite holding the most prestigious first place?!

"Do everything you can and use all your resources to sign her up for our company," Fu Shiyan instructed.

"Yes." Ming Qi was respectful.

"By the way, Boss Fu, this is the invite to the backstage of the Charm Show," Ming Qi hastily handed it over.

"When is it?"

"The night after tomorrow at seven."

"Remind me then."


As Ming Qi left,

he suddenly thought of something, "Mr Fu, should we continue to freeze Mrs Fu's card?"

Fu Shiyan's eyes slightly shifted.

His silence was clearly a signal to continue the freeze.

Ming Qi sighed a little.

He wondered, would this really lead him to the crematorium running after his wife...


In the evening.

Shen Feiwan and Lin Nuannuan went to a night party for drinks.

Lin Nuannuan enjoyed having fun.

Shen Feiwan was fine with it too.

For the busy atmosphere, they decided to sit at the bar in the main hall, enjoying the bustling night and drunken revelry.

"By the way Wanwan, do you know that the Charm Show is coming to Rong City the day after tomorrow?" Lin Nuannuan asked while sipping her drink.

Shen Feiwan replied, uninterested.

"Aren't you interested?" Lin Nuannuan said, "It's rumored that a diamond necklace called "Beloved", which was quite popular earlier, is going to be sold there..."

"Do you have the tickets?" Shen Feiwan's expression suddenly changed.

Lin Nuannuan was taken aback.

Didn't she just show no interest?!

She shook her head with regret, "No. The Charm Show did originally give tickets to my dad, but because I misbehaved a few days ago, my dad gave them away. He even threatened to cut off my money if I ever misbehave again. Clearly, he's after my money."

Shen Feiwan was somewhat silent.

"Don't stress about it, it's not your fault. My dad's simply a notorious sycophant."

"I want to go to the Charm Show," Shen Feiwan said in a dim tone.

"Me too, I have my eye on several new pieces from their collection..." Lin Nuannuan was a bit downcast, but suddenly she remembered, "Fu Shiyan surely has tickets, ask him for some."


"Why wait for others when you can ask your own husband?" Lin Nuannuan stated as if it was the most natural thing in the world.