Chapter 8: Unexpected Encounter at the Night Banquet_1

But they're getting a divorce now.

How could she broach the subject?

"I'm going to the restroom." Lin Nuannuan was getting a little tipsy.

"Want me to go with you?"

"No need."

Lin Nuannuan left.

Shen Feiwan furrowed her brows, the Charm Show she was invested in now sobering her up a bit...


VIP room, night banquet.

A few men sat together, drinking and reminiscing about the old days.

"Zhihan, I thought you wouldn't come back from abroad, with so many hot western girls, you must be living the life." The one speaking was Zeng Zhen.

A childhood friend of Fu Shiyan.

The Ji Zhihan he referred to was Fu Shiyan's cousin.

Another man named He Wencheng sat with them.

The four of them grew up together.

Tonight's gathering was to welcome back the recently returned Ji Zhihan.

"Do you think everyone is like you, only knowing how to play with women?" An exasperated He Wencheng asked, "Zhihan went for further studies, get it?"

"Yes, yes, as soon as Zhihan returns he is directing a movie, he'll be a famous director soon." Zeng Zhen chimed in, muttering, "Shiyan also started getting involved in the family business, leaving only the two of us lounging around."

"I'm just dabbling a bit." Fu Shiyan replied casually while drinking.

"I'll bring a few beauties in here for fun, we're all grown men, it's getting boring." Zeng Zhen suddenly suggested.

He walked out of the private room and immediately noticed a stunning figure at the bar.

She wasn't dressed provocatively, in fact in a bar she appeared refreshingly modest, but he was sure of her graceful, curvy figure at first sight.

Zeng Zhen didn't hesitate and walked over directly.


Shen Feiwan turned around.

In that instant, Zeng Zhen was star-struck.

He knew she would be beautiful, but didn't expect her to be so stunning.

He was already smug internally, imagining how she would dazzle his friends when he brings her in.

Just one thing.

Why does the beauty before him seem somewhat familiar?

"Hmm?" Shen Feiwan raised an eyebrow.

She recognized Zeng Zhen at a glance.

Once the Fu family held a banquet and the leading figures of Rong City all participated.

The Zeng family was also in attendance.

She had a good memory and Zeng Zhen was fairly well known in Rong City.

Because of his notorious deeds, she had a deep impression of him.

"Shall we drink together?" Zeng Zhen, not thinking too much into it, invited her eagerly.

Shen Feiwan furrowed her brows again.


Zeng Zhen didn't recognize her.


Fu Shiyan never brought her into his social circle.

"Aren't you bored sitting alone?" Seeing Shen Feiwan not responding, Zeng Zhen tried to strike up a conversation again.

"Not bored."

"Join me for a drink."


"What do you like to do?"

"I prefer being alone."

Zeng Zhen wasn't bothered by Shen Feiwan's blunt rejection.

He knew well enough.

The better looking the woman, the harder to get.

He said, "I've got a few friends in the private room, we were playing Truth or Dare and I lost. I picked dare, and they asked me to bring you in for a drink. If not, they said I'd have to streak outside. A desirable yet kind-hearted woman like you wouldn't be so cruel, right?"

Having spent many years in the night scene, Shen Feiwan knew Zeng Zhen was lying.

She had a sudden thought, "If I help you, what's in it for me?"

A smile formed on Zeng Zhen's face.

He smelled progress.

"What reward do you want?"

"Give me a gift." Shen Feiwan stated firmly.


"A small item, you can afford it."

"Deal." Zeng Zhen agreed without hesitation.

He has always been generous with women.

A top-notch one like this, having a bit more doesn't hurt.

Shen Feiwan followed Zeng Zhen to the private room.

The door opened, her footsteps abruptly stopped.

Because she saw Fu Shiyan.

She did not expect Fu Shiyan to be present.

He didn't seem to frequent nightclubs.

At this moment, Fu Shiyan obviously saw her too.

Propping up a drink with his well-defined fingers, he was just looking at her with deep gaze, his eyes revealing no emotions.

It simply gave people chills.

"Don't be afraid." Zeng Zhen noticed Shen Feiwan's hesitation, and naturally put his hand around her waist.

It was that typical technique used to flirt with girls.

Shen Feiwan laughed nervously.

She wasn't afraid though.

After all, they were divorcing anyway.

But she felt that Zeng Zhen would be traumatized.

"I brought the beauty." Zeng Zhen's voice hinted a touch of pride.

She was certainly one of a kind.

Men are vain too.

"Impressive!" He Wencheng got up and patted Zeng Zhen's chest. He was evidently astonished by Shen Feiwan's beauty, but quickly fell into thought, "Why does this girl look familiar?"

"How can she not be?" Ji Zhihan interjected, taking a sip of his drink, "She's my cousin's wife."

"What?" Zeng Zhen stared dumbfounded at Ji Zhihan.

He then turned to look at Fu Shiyan.

Fu Shiyan remained silent.

Thus, it was confirmed.

Zeng Zhen, frightened, swiftly released Shen Feiwan and stepped back.

"You, you, you are…" Zeng Zhen couldn't put together a complete sentence for a while.

"Shen Feiwan." Shen Feiwan introduced herself.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't ask." Shen Feiwan laughed.

Zeng Zhen felt a shiver down his spine.

Fu Shiyan will chop his hand off!

He quickly apologized, "Shiyan, let me explain, I really didn't recognize her. If I did, I definitely wouldn't...I just touched her waist, no, no, no, I didn't even touch...I didn't touch anything…"

His explanation only made things worse.

Ji Zhihan and He Wencheng on the side were nearly laughing their heads off.

Fu Shiyan remained silent.

His icy stare was always on Shen Feiwan.

"I'll go wash my hands right now." Zeng Zhen left as if running away.

Shen Feiwan also turned to leave.

"Don't you like to have fun?" Fu Shiyan put down his glass, "Join us."

Shen Feiwan looked at Fu Shiyan.

Was this guy serious?

"Come, come, come." He Wencheng eagerly waved her over.

He seemed to love stirring up trouble.

Shen Feiwan hesitated for a moment.


Who's scared of whom?!

So she graciously sat next to Fu Shiyan, keeping a safe distance from him.

"I should punish myself with a drink since we didn't recognize you. You and Shiyan have been married for three years but no wedding was held." He Wencheng picked up his drink, ready to down it in one gulp.

Shen Feiwan stopped him, picked up her own glass, poured a drink, "There's no need, if we're drinking, we should all drink together to be merry."

"Brother's wife is really bold." He Wencheng was pleasantly surprised.

They always thought Shen Feiwan was a stiff and boring woman.

In the three years she was married to Fu Shiyan, he had never brought her out for fun.

For a long time, they all thought Fu Shiyan married Shen Feiwan, for her to be home decoration, as long as she was obedient.

After Shen Feiwan finished a drink, she poured another one herself, "Zhihan, welcome back."

Ji Zhihan lifted his own glass, "Thank you."

After drinking with Ji Zhihan, Zeng Zhen awkwardly returned.

Shen Feiwan took the initiative to speak, "I've toasted all of your friends. Oh right, I skipped Fu Shiyan."

She poured herself another drink, "Chance encounters are better than arranged ones, to you."

"..." The other three men watched them, agape.

Although their marriage was unusual, this was beyond unusual.