Chapter 317: Prosperous Incense_1

Lady Zhang quickly tried to defuse the tension: "Let's go inside and take a look first. It's said that the stalagmites inside are very beautiful."

The lady then said to her son, "Sanlang, stop arguing with the townsfolk. Look after your sister and let's go inside."

The young man snorted at the villager and led the group inside.

Yingbao lagged behind and said to the still angry villager: "Uncle, you don't need to worry. These flowers would fall off soon even if they weren't picked. If you don't want the flowers to be picked, you can place a wooden fence around them to prevent people from getting close."

As a merchant, how could she not tolerate people's grievances? As long as she had a thick skin and a strong tolerance, none of these mattered.

The village business just started, Yingbao didn't want a good venture to be ruined just because of a small dispute.