Chapter 318: Strange Person _1

Little Douzi agreed and hurriedly ran down the mountain.

The villagers poked their heads out to glance at Yingbao, cheerfully greeting, "Young Master, starting work so early."

Yingbao nodded at them and returned to the Taoist temple.

The village was gradually growing prosperous now, and the vitality of the villagers had increased.

Even Cui Lan and little Douzi had put on weight.

People from the military station ten miles away had visited a few times, but they didn't come to cause trouble, they would always discuss matters with Master in his room.

Originally Yingbao wanted to listen to what they were discussing, but she was stopped by her eldest senior brother, who wouldn't allow her to approach Master's room.

As a result, Yingbao developed some suspicions and would avoid them whenever she saw these people coming to visit.