Chapter 129, Battle Erupts_1

Goudan's words caused the faces of the orcs in the Watson Tribe to turn extremely angry and ugly.

"Damn Hyena Tribe, it's bad enough that you plunder smaller tribes on any given day, now you dare to have designs on us, the Watson Tribe. We'll make sure you won't have the strength to crawl back home!" The orcs were absolutely livid, ready to tear the damn hyenas into pieces.

"Grandma Shaman, let us go and kill them!"

Goudan, facing the Watson Tribe orcs who were clamoring to kill him, was extraordinarily calm. He sat leisurely on the open ground, as though he was waiting for something.

"Clan Leader! Clan Leader! There are no females in the Watson Tribe, but there sure is a lot of food, whole stocks worth five food storage caves of meat, none of which has spoiled!" A sneaky-looking orc came running from a distance, his excited yelling causing the Hyena Tribe's morale to both plummet and surge.