Chapter 130, Comfort_1

"Awooo~ oh~ oh~ awoo~" The swipe of a claw stir up a mist of blood and echo the horrific scream of Goudan.

Blood pours from the hind leg of Ge Tai, a chunk of orc-sized flesh dangling from the continually screaming Goudan's mouth.

Withstanding the biting pain, Ge Tai lifts a paw and swats away a round ball stuck on his claw under the enemy's ferocious gaze.

It is one of Goudan's eyeballs.

Having lost an eye, Goudan seems to be fiercer, attacking Ge Tai like there's no tomorrow.

"Oh~~ oh~ oh~~~" As Goudan lets out a chain of cries, 5 massive hyenas surround Ge Tai instantly.

"Attack together, whoever kills him will not starve this winter!"

The hyenas "oh~ oh~" howl as they charge in.

Ge Tai swats a hyena in front of him away. A gust of wind comes from his side. Unable to dodge in time, he hurriedly rolls over and slashes, but weakened from pain and blood loss, his attack lacks power.

His swipe leaves only hazy claw marks on the hyena's back.