Chapter 161, Teaching the Little Bun_1

Grandma Shaman finally lifted her eyelids to look at her younger brother, but there was no affection of brother and sister in her eyes. "You know, this is impossible."

Benny shouted anxiously, "It is possible, sister, as long as you agree, it can be done. I know you hate father Amu for abandoning you, but there was really no choice then. Now it's just the two of us who have survived."

The Tumang Tribe has been surrounded by beasts. That fool Lu Te fed the bodies of our tribespeople to the beasts. All I could do was lead a part of the orcs who followed me out. They have not attacked the Watson Tribe. I can swear to the Lord Beast God."

"As long as you allow us to join, I can give up my identity as a shaman and become a healer. We will dedicate ourselves to the Watson Tribe."

Both Ji Nuan and Ge Xing were somewhat persuaded, but they remained silent. This issue involved Grandma Shaman, and they didn't want to upset this old lady who had dedicated her life for the tribe."