Chapter 162, Agree to Bring Out the Beast_1

"Hmm!" Ji Nuan rubbed against the warm beast skin blanket, moaning.

She didn't want to get up at all. Was there any place more comfortable than a warm bed in this world? No!

Ji Nuan stretched out her tender little paw and began to paw randomly under the blanket.

"Huh?" This sensation! Had Brother Xiu Yan put a porcelain piece in the bed?

Ji Nuan felt it carefully. But that wasn't right. Why did it feel uneven and even seemed to be breathing?

It can! Breathe!

It's! Alive!

Suddenly frightened,

Ji Nuan instantly sat up, throwing back the blanket. A muscular chest greeted her eyes. She blinked and then looked further up. That cool and handsome face, it had to be Xiu Yan!

She had always been a chubby little cub before. Suddenly having a male lying next to her made Ji Nuan very uncomfortable. She quickly put her beast skin on and jumped off the bed.