Chapter 287, Deceitful Xiu Yan_1

After a few busy days, the rush to move into the Watson Tribe finally began to dwindle bit by bit.

"Father, Xiu Yan and his crew mentioned yesterday that the Beast Wave has finally passed. Should we go hunting now?" Ge Tai excitedly questioned.

Tu Yaoyao, standing behind Ge Tai, also eagerly looked at Ge Xing.

Ge Xing patted the table and laughed, "You young ones, if you want to go out, just say so. Why have Ge Tai probe my intentions? All of you, come in!"

As soon as Ge Xing finished, the entrance instantly flooded with orcs, all of them sheepishly grinning.

Ge Xing shot them a stern look, "You can go, but you need to split into three groups and take turns going hunting. The two groups staying in the tribe have other tasks. Don't think just because the houses are built there's nothing much to do."

Upon hearing they could go hunting, the orcs couldn't care less about taking turns. As long as they could go, they were content.