Chapter 288, Barbarian Tribe_1

"Nuannuan, do you think today's hunting team will catch any prey?" Ge Ye asked, somewhat worried.

Ji Nuan smiled, "I don't know. The beast tide has just receded. It would probably take some time for the beasts to return, wouldn't it?"

Ge Ye nodded, "That's true. We might even encounter a few beasts that lagged behind the pack, haha."

Ji Nuan nudged Ge Ye, "What are you daydreaming about? Have you ever gone hungry?"

Ge Ye scratched his head, "No, no. I just... eheh! The more food, the better, right?"

Qi Mo and Little Pipi both laughed at Ge Ye's words.

While they were enjoying their jovial banter, Xiu Yan and his team encountered a group of tribal robbers on their way back to the tribe.

Those dozens of Orcs standing in their way were all emaciated, with beast skins hanging from their bodies in tatters, looking extremely pathetic.