Chapter 20: Mortal Fairyland? 【Looking for monthly tickets!】_1

Rumbling —

The sky is devoid of sun, moon, and stars, filled only with layer upon layer of rolling red clouds, from which a constant rain of fire falls. Even a single drop upon the skin won't easily extinguish.

The land below doesn't have even terrain; it instead features winding rivers of molten fire. Between a few of these rivers, there are some pieces of scorching black rocks as stepping stones.

The air around is full to overflowing with the burning sensations of fire, any raw meat placed here would probably cook in a moment.

It's a veritable hell of flames.

Chu Liang hovers quietly at a low altitude, looking at the sea of flames and miles of flowing fire before his eyes.

He recalls the words his master said.

A mortal fairyland?

Like going home?

Indeed, other than in fighting, you should never trust Empress Feng.

In a way, you can't blame her for the misleading description. This place might indeed be considered a "home" for her.