Chapter 19: Man of Temperament [Seeking Monthly Tickets!]_1

Luo Xiaoyong wasn't inherently a bad-tempered person.

Spending a considerable amount of time in the Lunar Sect, he became accustomed to being aloof and asocial, not particularly eager to face strangers, which led to his unapproachable demeanor.

As for his effeminate looks, he was used to people misunderstanding, and as long as their approaches weren't excessively irritating, he would always take the time to correct them.

Naturally, he wasn't bothered by Feng Chaoyang's mistake.

However, a radiance flashed in the void, visible only to Chu Liang, linking Luo Xiaoyong and Feng Chaoyang.

The Resentment Chain!

The one behind it, of course, was Chu Liang.

He figured if this guy was so aggressive, he would undoubtedly cause trouble when in the Secret Realm, so it was better to explore his capabilities in advance.